Категория: # 4, 2019

About usefulness of applying of distence learning in additional professional education

UDK 378.046.4 BBK 74.40

Vishniakova A. A.

The article are presented the results of using distance learning technologies in the field of additional professional education, highlights the features of distance learning, problem areas, it is concluded that it is advisable to use distance learning in additional professional education.

Keywords: education, distance learning, additional professional education, Moodle system.

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The use of the case method in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students

UDK 377.5 BBK 74.560

Babayan A. V.

The article deals with the problem of the case method using in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students. The experience of case method using in teaching the discipline “Management” to the vocational education students of Pyatigorsk State University is summarized. The essence of this method is revealed, the stages of work on the case method and the variants of results are described, and the educational potential of the case method application is exposed. The case method is argued to be focused on the development of thinking; develops students’ interest in learning, positive motivation, encouraging self-learning and professional activity, formation of self-education skills.

Keywords: case method, management, student, secondary vocational education, study, teaching.

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Linguistic and cultural knowledge of the educational organizations of the Russian ministry of internal affairs cadets

UDK 811(075.8) BBK 81.2 V 31

Veretennikova A. Ye.

The article covers the formation of general cultural competence in English classes. The data of a survey of both freshmen and senior cadets of the MVD higher education institutions participating in law enforcement during international sporting events are presented. The necessity of balancing linguistic and regional studies and professionally oriented content of educational materials is emphasized.

Keywords: the English language, general cultural competence, linguistic and cultural knowledge, social communication, cadets of the MVD higher education institutions.

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Reading and writing for critical thinking at the english lessons at a technical higher education establishment

UDK 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The aim of the paper is an attempt to demonstrate on a fragment of an English lesson with MSTU CA students how the “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology works.  The author justifies a need for critical thinking at the modern level of development of the IT environment. The article contains description of a three-step learning model presenting the technology base and predefining its realization. The advantages of cluster presentation of material are noted.

Key words: “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology, learning model, mind map.

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Application of fuzzy logic in the development of expert systems for the assessment of professional competence

UDK 004.415.25 BBK 39.5

Bolshedvorskaya L. G.

Koryagin N. D.

The paper continues the series of publications aimed at developing the concept of architecture and composition of algorithms for an expert system intended to increase the efficiency of flight safety inspectors’ training. The research relevance and problem statement were published in “Analysis of applying the expert systems for diagnosis of troublesome areas in the system of training pilots for civil aviation” which revealed the factors affecting the formation of air staff’s professional competence. It was also noted that the most of the factors could be corrected during training. The research results presented in “Development of the architecture of an expert system for diagnosis of troublesome areas in air personnel’s training” are a follow-up for the study. The development of architecture for an expert system was based on amount and quality of the information about the results of air accidents investigations as well as the results of IT technological advances. The article points out that developing and implementing an expert diagnosis system should include several stages, the stage of knowledge evaluation being the most important.  This determines the relevance of the presented paper aimed to develop an efficient tool set for evaluating air staff’s knowledge and professional competence.

Key words: competence, civil aviation, fuzzy logics, expert systems.


*Publication was prepared within the framework of project No. 19-08-00028, supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFI).

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Media-educational model based on the material of television of perestroika period in the USSR

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

In the period of perestroika, the scope of understanding of the QMS potential begins to expand. Media teachers began to use not only cinema in the classroom.  But if such media materials as the press, photography and radio had already been used in the educational process before, television became a distinctive feature of the perestroika period in the USSR. The paper covers the views of G. Ya. Vlaskina and O. F. Nechay and presents a generalized media educational model based on the material of television for schoolchildren. Media teachers relied on the rich content of Soviet television programs. The purpose of the media educational model is the following: cultural education, the formation of schoolchildren’s aesthetic ideals; conceptual basis – the synthesis of aesthetic and cultural media theory with some elements of ideological one.

Keywords: media education, television, TV program, metatext, O. F. Nechay, G. Ya. Vlaskina, media educational model, purpose, tasks, methodology.

* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of a grant from The Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in the domestic media education of the period of perestroika”, carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Prerequisites for reforming the educational system in the USSR perestroika period

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

The article deals with the regulatory framework (which acted as prerequisites), which initiated the reform of the educational system and media pedagogy (as a branch of pedagogical knowledge) in the USSR during the period of perestroika. The reform tasks assumed that the issues of education, training and career guidance of students will be solved comprehensively. However, the integrated approach was not reduced to the simultaneity of the solution of this triune problem, nor to the equivalence of its sides. The main link was educational work. Also, the task of countering the ideological processing of Soviet youth in the mass media of capitalist countries required a solution. An important role for solving these and other problems was assigned to new forms and methods of education, so film/media education received prerequisites for its intensive development and transformation in accordance with the demands of society in the USSR during the period of perestroika.

Keywords: reform, regulatory framework, USSR, education, upbringing, goals, tasks, media education.


* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of a grant from The Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in the domestic media education of the period of perestroika”, carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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Problems of digitization of cultural heritage in the regional libraries of Bulgaria: results of a questionnaire survey

UDK [025.13:004.352]:027.5(497.2) BBK 78.359.1

Pancheva T. H.

Petrov G. M.

The paper presents the results of the study of movable and intangible cultural heritage in the institutions of social memory in Bulgaria concerning the digitization of documents in regional libraries. The results are analysed in the following areas: types of digitized documents; rules and procedures; technologies; availability of digital collections; human resources associated with the digitization process; funding and projects.

Keywords: digitization of cultural heritage; institutions of social memory, regional libraries, Bulgaria.

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Poetics of accidentality and tragicalness in Dina Rubina’s short stories

UDK 821.161.1 BBK 83.3

Bezrukov A. N.

The poetic categories of accidentality and the tragicalness are some markers of Russian literature. Dina Rubina’s texts confirm the author’s desire to verify the main classics qualification – freedom of choice. Modern literature allows the reader to self-identify with aesthetic extremes, to identify options that are significant in an aesthetic sense, to find an inner desire to move towards an informal-objective ideal.

Keywords: modern Russian literature, Dina Rubina, short story, tragic, occasion, dialogue, comparative studies.

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Reduction of fuel consumption of outboard aircraft due to departure queue optimization

UDK 351.814.33 BBK 39.57

Knjazhskij A. Ju.

Pljasovskih A. P.

Bestugin A. R.

At busy airports aircraft departures are often delayed for a long time because of runway congestion. There is a known algorithm for optimizing the flow of outbound aircraft by the criterion of minimal runway-occupancy time which allows the average aircraft delay to be reduced and the runway capacity to be increased. In the paper the influence of the optimization algorithm on fuel consumption is analyzed and the economic benefit of its use is estimated. The modelling results showed optimization usefulness provided that the traffic is of high intensity.

Key words: air traffic control, capacity, runway, queue, Poisson flow, optimization.

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