Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The works of the audiovisual media culture on TV material: approaches to media reality

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the problems of audiovisual works of media culture of mass communications, in particular – television broadcast images of reality allowing for any distance, which changes the idea of the sensory perception of the world.

Keywords: media culture, audiovisual media, television and the visual image.

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Procedure trainer as an element of the didactic arsenal of case-method

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Karavaev Ju. A., Hodackij S. A.

The article presents the analysis of the conditions necessary for students’ successful acquirement of learning levels “to know”, “to be able”, “to possess”. It shows the opportunities to activate the cognitive work of students on “Technical diagnostics” discipline due to the use of case-technologies. The authors demonstrate expedience of a procedure trainer enabling to diagnose functional systems of An-148 aircraft using the onboard maintenance system.

On the base of illustrative material of the article the work sequence for the procedure trainer is shown

Key words: activation of cognitive work, case-technologies, procedure trainer, computer learning technologies.

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Structural components of media competence of the secondary language personality

UDC 37.022 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Yu.

The article deals with the issues to form media competence of the secondary language personality from the point of view of integrated purpose of media education and teaching foreign language. It gives its structure and main components based on the analysis of language personality structure researches.

Keywords: media competence of the secondary language personality, media education, foreign language.

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Comparative analysis of media criticism webs in Russia

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V.

The article deals with Russian sites on the media critic. It shows that most of Internet resources are designed for a mass audience. There is a multitude of genres mediocrities publications. On the territory of the Russian Federation the media critic in the Internet space develops all types distinguished by A. P. Korochensky: popular, academic and corporate (professional).

Keywords: websites, internet, media criticism, Russia, audience, genres, media education.

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Speech behaviour of Russian media critics (based on their published research works and journalistic articles)*

UDC 81-139 BBK 81.411.2-5

Seliverstova L. N., Levitskaya A. A.

The article presents some research results of prominent Russian media critics’ speech behaviour (K. Razlogov, A. Korochensky, R. Bakanov) based on the method of a modified content analysis of their scientific texts and journalistic articles within the framework of implicit pragmatic linguistics. On the basis of quantitative data the fragments of speech portraits critics’ are compiled. Features of their verbal behavior stemming from individual experiences and speech -related standards of journalistic and scientific genres, as well as based on their personal characteristics, are specified.

Key words: media criticism, media education, speech behaviour, pragmalinguistics, speech strategy, speech portrait.

* This article is written within the framework of a study supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project № 14-18-00014 “Synthesis of media education and media criticism in the preparation of future teachers”, performed at Taganrog Management and Economics Institute.

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Exhibition activities within the training system of the future designer (by work experience of SBIVE IR ICAT&RC)

UDC 37.014 BBK 85.31

Chenskih A. D.

The article deals with the experience of training in State Budgetary Institution of Vocational Education of the Irkutsk Region “Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction” with a specialization in “Design” by means of exhibition activities.

Key words: exhibition activity, training, the future designer, the educational process, exhibition, self-expression.

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Career–guidance at the current stage of the development of secondary vocational education (by work experience of SBIVE IR ICAT&RC)

UDC 378(045) BBK 74.200

Marinchenko D. N.

The author shares his experience in career-guidance of «Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction». In the article the results of the study of motives of the applicants are presented. The author also suggests the modern concept of pre-professional orientation of young people which is based on the study of their needs and includes the effective forms of career guidance.

Key words: career guidance, pre-professional orientation, profession, professional education, choice of profession.

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Organization of pupils’ free work by means of new information and telecommunication technologies

UDC 378.02 BBK 74.202

Shmonina N. N.

The article deals with modern approaches to organize pupils’ free work at English lessons according to the purposes and requires of National (Federal) Education Standards by means of new information and telecommunication technologies, that can enlarge traditional methods to manage and control free work. It shows new information and telecommunication technologies as a form to organize pupils’ free work, they have huge didactic potential and focus not only on subject, but also metasubject and personal results. According to the concept of National (Federal) Education Standards, subject, metasubject and personal results of studying cannot be separated from each other, they are a triune issue of modern education, so it is necessary to organize pupils’ free work according to these new trends of modern education.

Keywords: free work, pupils, English lessons, information technologies, telecommunication technologies, National (Federal) Education Standards, subject results, metasubject results, personal results.

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Independent work of students in the information educational environment

UDC 004.738.5 BBK 32.973.202

Baranova V. I.

The article is devoted to the topic of modern information and learning environment. It is based on data of application forms, interchanges conducted among the students of Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction. The main purpose of the study was to collect and analyze data about the educational Internet resources (portals, websites, e-libraries) which students use to prepare their homework and find out the problems associated with the difficulties of choosing the right content in the modern information environment. The article is also provided information about the specificity of students ‘ independent work in the global educational space.

Keywords: independent work of students, information educational environment, educational Internet resources, Internet portals, educational websites, digital libraries, etc.

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