Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The role of modern family in the formation of personality

UDC 37.018.1 BBK 74.902

Ayrapetova V. V.

The article deals with the role of the modern family in the formation of personality. It highlights the main directions to solve the problem of optimization of family relations. It characterizes the role of a tradition in the process of family education.

Key words: family; family education; formation of personality; traditions.

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Speller electronic simulation and information resource for airbus maintenance training

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The current situation in Russian airlines dictates wide use of foreign aircraft, including single-aisle Airbus aircraft. This requires, among other things, adequate training of maintenance personnel under the conditions of limited access to real aircraft. So, new technologies and training devices as electronic procedure trainers become more accepted.

The article considers functional capabilities and interface solutions for Speller-AMM module designed to train specialists to deal with controls in the cockpit and other aircraft compartments. The article presents the materials on practical use of the module in the educational process at Moscow State Technical University, Irkutsk branch.

Key words: Airbus A320, procedure trainer, training of aircraft staff, Speller-AMM module.

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Literary museum as a form to develop students’ creative abilities

UDC 372.880(075.83) BBK 81.2Рус

Romanova L. Y.

The article deals with museums as a treasure trove of culture. It shows that people can use their huge scientific and creative potential to solve issues of education and upbringing of the younger generation. The museums can be invaluable to educate children and help them become creative.

Keywords: museum, education, cultural and educational environment, intellectual skills, creative abilities.

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Innovative activity: educational innovations in the context of competence approach

UDC 378.147.33 BBK 74.202.684

Artemiev I. T., Davydova E. M., Nelunova E. D.

The article deals with the innovative activity of teachers as innovation – improvement of teaching foreign languages based on network technologies. The process of modernization proceeds according to the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards, it solves the problems to integrate electronic training and form common cultural competences of students.

Keywords: common cultural competences, LMS MOODLE, pedagogical innovatics, innovative activity, competence approach.

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Comporative analysis of sites on media criticism in Belarus and Ukraine

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V.

This article covers the comparative analysis of sites on media criticism in Belarus and Ukraine. The research showed that the Internet resources on media criticism in these countries have similarities (target audience, themes, genres of media criticism) as well as differences (differentiation of purposes, the aspects of problem interpretations).

Keywords: websites on media criticism, Belarus, Ukraine, audience, genres, media education resource, comparative analysis.

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Modern strategies of development of domestic media practice: the creation of projects on media culture material

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with modern strategic directions of domestic media pedagogy. The author studies the problems of the use of projective activity in media education.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, active forms of teaching, projection.

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Methods to form media competence of the person at foreign language class

UDC 37.022 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju

The article deals with pedagogical methods used to form media competence of the person in the integrated process of media education and foreign language learning. It describes the optimization of these methods and the rationale for their selection. It provides practical experience in implementing of method complex to form media competence of the person at the lesson of a foreign language through the creation of media educational environment, aimed to form and develop media knowledge, media skills and media relations, as well as linguistic, socio-cultural and communicative competence of students.

Keywords: pedagogical method; media competence; media education; foreign language; media educational environment; Web quest; Web portfolio.

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Revisiting the role of the modular educational programs

UDC 378.147 BBK 74

Kudakova T. N., Zarubina K. V.

The paper discusses the relevance of the modular educational programs in the context of FSES. The authors provide evidence of the advantages such programs. The article also presents a modular educational program on Physics for the students of secondary vocational education as an example.

Keywords: competence, module, module specification, FSES, results, assessment, evaluative materials.

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Sports-oriented approach to physical education of students (from work experience in State budget professional educational institution of Irkutsk oblast “Irkutsk college of automobile transport and road construction”)

UDC 37.028:01 BBK 75.116.042

Naumova N. L.

The article considers and summarizes different points of view of Russian scientists on the role and functions of the discipline “Physical Education”. One way of the solution of the problem of students’ reluctance to attend “Physical Education” lessons is, according to the author, a sports-oriented approach to physical education of students in professional educational organizations.

Keywords: sports-oriented approach, physical education, students, health, improvement of the nation’s health, physical culture, academic discipline.

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Searching of the methods of the diagnostics innovative-prognostic of a person’s qualities of a future teacher in informative-educational system of college

UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74.5

Surzhik T. V.

This article deals with connection of innovative -prognostic quality of a person by means of specific informative-educational system of college. The process of informatization of the educational system is demonstrated from the pedagogical point of view and the main characteristics are given in the article. The different diagnostics of innovative-prognostic person’s qualities of a future teacher are explained. It is spoken about efficiency of pedagogical forecasting.

Key words: student, college, diagnostic, innovative-prognostic quality, informative-educational system, pedagogical forecasting.

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