Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Some aspects of creative thinking development in the process of foreign language teaching

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.19

Trubina Z. I.

Today, intellectually and creatively developed professionals who are ready to work in a constantly changing society are highly demanded.

Foreign language lessons provide a great opportunity for the education of creative students, due to the fact that they have a communicative and research focus, that provide students with the ability of self-searching and application of new knowledge, and also shape the experience of creative activity.

Choosing new methods of teaching a foreign language and introducing them in their practical work, teachers should take into account their features to achieve better results. Literature analysis revealed the following conditions: individual approach to students; favorable climate in the classroom, without criticism that will be the basis for independence of students’ judgment; careful selection of educational material (especially texts) that meets students’ interests; systematic use of active methods of teaching foreign languages.

Such teaching methods like creative exercises and laboratories, projects and gaming techniques, and also the use of modern information technologies can be considered as a priority in teaching foreign languages. These methods are aimed at active intellectual and creative activity, formation of skills of self-organization, as they are based on the problematic situations that students may encounter in their daily lives.

Positive emotions caused by such methods of study contribute to students’ cognitive, communicative and creative activity, which in turn effectively influence the process of learning foreign languages.

Keywords: foreign language; creative thinking; methods of teaching.

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“Pedagogical monitoring” as a subject of scientific study (historical digression)

UDC 378+13 BBK 74.200

Nikitina E. A.

The article under consideration shows the formation of the concept “pedagogical monitoring” in Russia. In our national historical and pedagogical literature there is a large spread of the standpoint according to which the term “pedagogical monitoring” was brought into pedagogy in the early 70th last century. Meanwhile, on the basis of the various sources in XIX – beginning of XX centuries we can see a great use in the literature and pedagogical practice such concepts as “study of pupils”, “study of a child”, “children’s behaviour supervision”, “study of children”, “diagnosis upbringing”, etc.

Key words: pedagogical monitoring, diagnosis upbringing, study of children, methods of study, supervision method, method of natural experiment, pedagogical forecasting.

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Monitoring in work system of the modern industrial training master

UDC 377.5 BK 74.214.22

Lovcov. O. N.

The article deals with the issues of monitoring. Federal state educational standards of secondary professional education, the Federal law “About Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ from December 29, 2012 cause changes in the professional education organizations. They enhance educational content, give new approaches to the organization of teaching and educational process, methods of interaction between an industrial training master and students. Various innovations are studied and approved, the monitoring role raises. The article describes a studying system of students’ good breeding within an academic year in «ИКАТ и ДС».

Key words: monitoring; industrial training master; secondary professional education; diagnostics; good breeding level; work system.

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E-learning strategies in German studies: didactic potential and prospects of German language introductory phonetic course development

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

L. N. Puzeikina, V. B. Rebikov

Bad pronunciation can damage even good knowledge of foreign language making the speech absolutely incomprehensible for the interlocutor. The reduction of academic teaching hours for phonetics in modern foreign language teaching programs (or even complete absence of this subject) can be compensated by innovative methods of teaching foreign languages, for example, e-learning platform Moodle. Experience of practical usage of such course is presented in this article.

Key words: German studies, teaching the German language, phonetics of the German language, e-learning, blended learning

Larisa N. Puzejkina

St. Petersburg, Russland

Valerij B. Rebikov*

St. Petersburg, Russland


Eine schlechte Aussprache kann auch gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse zunichte machen und die Rede für den Gesprächspartner ganz unverständlich machen. Im Zusammenhang mit der Streichung der Unterrichtsstunden zum Studium der Phonetik in den gegenwärtigen Studienprogrammen für Fremdsprachenstudium (oder sogar mit dem vollkommenen Fehlen dieses Unterrichtsfaches), können diese Verluste durch neue, innovative Methoden des Fremdsprachenunterrichts wieder gutgemacht werden, zum Beispiel durch LMS Moodle. Dieser Artikel ist das Ergebnis der Erfahrung, die bei der Anwendung eines solchen Kurses gewonnen wurde.

Schlüsselwörter: Germanistik, Deutschunterricht, Phonetik, Netzbegleitung, Distanzunterricht**

* Die Autoren danken herzlich unserem Kollegen, Herren Dr. Oliver Pfau für seine freundliche und unersetzbare Hilfe bei der Korrektur des vorliegenden Artikels und für die Teilnahme an den phonetischen Aufnahmen des Phonetischen Einführungskurses. Der beste Dank gilt auch Frau Esther Machhein für Ihre Leistung bei den Aufnahmen des Kurses.

** Das Thema war in Form eines Impulsreferates bei der XXXI. DAAD-Germanistikkonferenz „Neue Wege der Fachdidaktik“ in Pjatigorsk (15.-17.05.2014) vorgestellt.

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Independent work of students in the information educational environment

UDC 377.8 BBK 78.234.569

Ivanova K. L.

The article is devoted to the problem of the organization of students’ independent work and the implementation of its control in the conditions of the college educational environment. The components of the information environment, information services, which allow to realize controlled independent work of students in the information-educational college environment are described. The article is also provided information about the specificity of students ‘ independent work in the global educational space.

Keywords: independent work of students, information educational environment, FSES.

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Life-purpose values of the students as a psychological and educational problem

УДК 377 ББК 74

Lapina O. A., Savel’eva D. V.

The article provides an analytical overview of the possible approaches to the understanding of the term «life-purpose values of the future professionals». It describes the trends and prospects of development of relations to the profession by the future specialist within the meaning of life.

Keywords: meaning of life, values, value orientation, life-purpose values, self-educational activity

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Economic thinking developing of students of engineering and aviation higher education institutions

UDC 378.147 BBK 65.011

Shutova T. A.

В статье рассмотрены компоненты процесса формирования экономического мышления, удовлетворяющие современным требованиям. Обосновано, что рассмотренные в статье педагогические технологии как средство развития экономического мышления личности будущего авиационного инженера не позволяют добиться полного достижения одновременно всех учебных целей. Показано, что для формирования экономического мышления и развития экономически значимых качеств личности авиационного инженера требуются новые педагогические технологии, более тесно сочетающие педагогические аспекты с «жизненными смыслами».

Ключевые слова: экономическое мышление; экономические компетенции; экономически значимые качества личности; педагогические технологии.

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Analysis of the student’s work during the execution of creative media education

UDC 004.738.5 BBK 32.973.202

Chelyshev K. A.

This article presents an analysis of the creative media education tasks performed in the student audience to identify the level of media insight with reliance on interpretative / evaluative indicator of media competence of the individual. The author gives examples of student work carried out at different levels of development of media competence, given their estimation and characterization.

Keywords: media texts, media education, media competence, student audience.

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Competency basis of cadets’ communicative skills development methodic system

UDC 811(075.8) BBK 81.2Англ.

Veretennikova A. Y.

The article covers methodically reasonable structure of the English textbook for the trainees of MVD higher education institutions in terms of the present teaching process competency model.

Key words: teaching of foreign languages, communicative competency, teaching techniques, theory of communication.

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