Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Interethnic tolerance as a factor of information security of the young generation: media educational aspect of the problem

UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva I. V.

The article presents a theoretical review of the problem of interethnic tolerance as a factor of information security of the young generation. The author emphasizes the use of including media educational methods and technologies in the educational process in order to ensure the information security of youth.

Key words: information security, interethnic tolerance, media education, youth.

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History of media education in Russia

UDK 372.8 BBK 74.5

Chelysheva I. V.

Berezkina A. D.

The paper is focused on the historical analysis of the key stages in the development of media education in Russia which arouses interest of scientists and the society as a whole, helps understand the significance of objects and subjects studied by media education, know the information space and also predict changes.

Key words: media education, science, developmental stages, educational cinema, radio broadcasting, media text, media pedagogy.

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Efficiency of mastering basic mathematics at the university of railway transport

UDL 378.6 BBK 74.58

Chernyaeva T. N.

The paper studies the issue of improving the efficiency of mastering basic mathematics with the help of the developed training system of specialists. The techniques and methods of teaching students mathematics at the technical university on the basis of competency-based education are described. Each semester subject tests in mathematics for specialists are given.

Key words: efficiency, competences, increased activity, students motivation, rating, levels of training, testing, test assignments.

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Media education vectors in the CIS countries: forecast for the future

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Fedorov A. V.

Levitskaya A. A.

The authors’ comparative study of media literacy education development in the CIS countries suggests that in the foreseeable future the development of media education in the CIS countries will continue to be dominated by socio-cultural and practice-oriented models (to a greater extent, this is typical for Russia) and models related to the reliance on the theory of critical thinking development and the protective theory of media literacy education (to a greater extent, this is typical for Ukraine and Moldova, for example) and their corresponding tasks. Ukraine is likely to develop a trend of ideologization of the media education process that has emerged (starting from 2014) and attempts to make media literacy education a propaganda and counter-propaganda tool.

Most likely, a small increase in the number of dissertations on the material of preschool and specialized secondary education institutions is possible in the CIS countries. Research by scientists on trends in synthesis between media education and journalism (including media criticism) will continue.

On the whole, our forecast regarding the intensity of research on media literacy education in the CIS countries is optimistic: our content analysis of dissertation research in the CIS countries allows us to predict a further increase in the number of studies (mainly at the expense of regional research teams), one way or another related to the problems of media education, media literacy, media competence.

Keywords: media education, CIS countries, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, media literacy, media competence.

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The role of media education in the training of political technologists: the experience of southern federal university

UDK 378.147 BBK 74.58

Titarenko I. N.

The article analyzes the role of media education in the training of political technologists, including such profiles as “Advertising and Public Relations in Politics” and “Political Management and PR-technologies”, implemented in Southern Federal University. The experience of the university in the development of media competence within these profiles is considered.

Keywords: media education, political management, political technologists, mass media, media competence

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Library and information activity as a direction of training of masters for the library industry

UDK 02-051:378.22 BBK 78

Kolesnikova M. N.

The paper describes some results and problems of training of masters in library and information activity on the basis of the Library and Information Department of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. The statistics of the contingent of students for 2011–2019, the percentage of admission and graduation, including the departments of the faculty; the percentage of students with specialized and non-core education; statistics of employment of students of the correspondence course; statistics of citizenship of students, etc. are mentioned. The comparative analysis of statistical data and the main conclusions are presented in the paper. The main problems of recruitment and training of full-time and part-time students, including foreign citizens are identified; the system problems of Master’s programme as the second level of higher education in the library and information industry are identified. The current situation with the development of educational programs in connection with the approval of Federal state educational standard of higher professional education 3++ and its introduction in September 2019 is presented.

Keywords: master’s degree, library and information activity, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, contingent statistics, training problems, educational programs.

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About usefulness of applying of distence learning in additional professional education

UDK 378.046.4 BBK 74.40

Vishniakova A. A.

The article are presented the results of using distance learning technologies in the field of additional professional education, highlights the features of distance learning, problem areas, it is concluded that it is advisable to use distance learning in additional professional education.

Keywords: education, distance learning, additional professional education, Moodle system.

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The use of the case method in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students

UDK 377.5 BBK 74.560

Babayan A. V.

The article deals with the problem of the case method using in the process of the discipline “Management” teaching to the secondary vocational education students. The experience of case method using in teaching the discipline “Management” to the vocational education students of Pyatigorsk State University is summarized. The essence of this method is revealed, the stages of work on the case method and the variants of results are described, and the educational potential of the case method application is exposed. The case method is argued to be focused on the development of thinking; develops students’ interest in learning, positive motivation, encouraging self-learning and professional activity, formation of self-education skills.

Keywords: case method, management, student, secondary vocational education, study, teaching.

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Linguistic and cultural knowledge of the educational organizations of the Russian ministry of internal affairs cadets

UDK 811(075.8) BBK 81.2 V 31

Veretennikova A. Ye.

The article covers the formation of general cultural competence in English classes. The data of a survey of both freshmen and senior cadets of the MVD higher education institutions participating in law enforcement during international sporting events are presented. The necessity of balancing linguistic and regional studies and professionally oriented content of educational materials is emphasized.

Keywords: the English language, general cultural competence, linguistic and cultural knowledge, social communication, cadets of the MVD higher education institutions.

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Reading and writing for critical thinking at the english lessons at a technical higher education establishment

UDK 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The aim of the paper is an attempt to demonstrate on a fragment of an English lesson with MSTU CA students how the “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology works.  The author justifies a need for critical thinking at the modern level of development of the IT environment. The article contains description of a three-step learning model presenting the technology base and predefining its realization. The advantages of cluster presentation of material are noted.

Key words: “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology, learning model, mind map.

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