Категория: 5.9. Philology

Cradle songs for adults

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurjewa V. B.

The article is devoted to the parody of a cradle song. As seen in the example of the texts by German authors and authors – Germans from Russia of different periods the genre is changed: the shift in the perspective of communication, the disappear-ance of the key theme (the mother’s love for her child), the appearance of a new per-locutionary effect.
Key words: cradle song, parody, anaphora, epiphora, Macaronic song.


Narrative as the discourse performative formulae of the non-prototypical type

UDC 81-22 BBK 81.00

Lemeshko Yu. R.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the narrative, which reveals itself the text of the slogan type and performs as the part of the essentially important political and economical event. Narrative is analysed as the discourse formula of non-prototypical type from the point of view of sign functioning in semiotic communication.

Key words: narrative; slogan; the discourse performative formula; prototypical type; non-prototypical type; sign; attractiveness; destination.

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To the theory of glottogenesis: Johann Herder

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

J. Herder has based the evolutional approach to the problem of glottogenesis. According to this approach the language is regarded as the product of all the previous evolution – physic, biotic, psychological and cultural.

Keywords: Johann Herder, the origin of language, the universal evolution philosophy, religion, art, morals, policy, language.

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Graphic interference

UDC 808.2 BBK 81.2Рус-я73

Kornev V. A.

The article is devoted to a complex psycholinguistic phenomenon, graphic interference, on the base of mistakes made by foreigners in writing Russian texts. The article can be used in the process of teaching the Russian language to foreign students.

Keywords: linguistic interference, graphic interference, the alphabet, grapheme, graphology.

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Linguistic analysis of the literary text

UDC 82:81 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurjewa V. B.

This article provides a sample of linguistic analysis of the belleslettres style text. The relationship between the language and the content of the excerpt is presented.

Key words: belles-lettres style, settling difficulties, the speech portrait of a foreigner, the main idea, first-person narration, the antropocenters of a literary text.

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Dystopian novel: a typological aspect (through the example of the novel «Divergent»)

UDC 82-9 BBK 80

Leonov V. A., Meriakri L. G.

This article is dedicated to the problem of dystopian novels within the framework of modern culture. The backgrounds of the genre’s origin, caused by certain social and economic processes, are briefly defined. On the basis of an analysis of theoretical sources, the authors emphasize the characteristics that inhere in all the opuses of this genre that allow the novel “Divergent” to be interpreted as a “dystopian novel”.

Key words: genre, dystopian novel, utopia, genre standard, social development.

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The syntactic relationship between subject and predicate in school books

UDC 80 BBK 81

Savel’eva D. V., Lapshina E. A.

This article is about the syntactic relationship formed in a two-member sentence between a subject and a predicate, differences are identified between the syntactic relationship and the theory that is considered in school books.

Key words: syntactical relation, subject, predicate, grammar coordination

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Mothers’ communication in the register «adult – adult» on the material of parents’ forums

UDC 81’272 BBK 81.0

Andriyanova O. V.Kolmogorova A. V. 

The article deals with the peculiarities of «mothers’ communication» in the register «adult – adult» in the framework of the internet-forum for young mothers. The author presents the results of the posts analysis in the specialized thematic forums where mothers discuss their child`s health and development.  Morphological and lexical peculiarities and thematic fields of mother`s «dialect» are also examined.

Key words: internet-forum, mother`s «dialect», sociolect, verbal peculiarities, non-verbal means, thematic fields.

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The problem of glottogenesis in the universal evolution philosophy

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of views of the universal evolutionists such as Democritus, Lucretius, J. de Lamettrie, J. Herder, W. Humboldt, H. Spencer and G. Vollmer on the problem of glottogenesis.

Keywords: universal evolution, evolutionary linguistics, glottogenesis, Democritus, Lucretius, J. de Lamettrie, J. Herder, W. Humboldt, H. Spencer, G. Vollmer.

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The most important hypotheses on the origin of language

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

In this article it is discussed the critical analysis of the hypotheses on the origin of language including the old ones (the onomatopoetic hypothesis, the hypothesis of sound symbolism, the interjectional hypothesis, the labour hypothesis) and the new ones (N. Chomsky, T. Givón, N. Masataka, T. Deacon, R. Dunbar).

Keywords: the origin of language, the hypothesis of sound symbolism, the interjectional hypothesis, the labour hypothesis.

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