Категория: Aeronautics

The gyro stabilization of the unmanned aircraft platform for aerial photography and video surveillance

UDC 531.383 BBK 32.816я431(2Рос)

Popov V. M.

The article presents a control algorithm for the servo drives of the gyro stabilized platform for unmanned aircraft vehicle (PUAV) for aerial photography and surveillance on the basis of the data from the 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope located on the body of the UAV. The implementation of the algorithm using the servo SG90 with a programmable Arduino UNO hardware platform is reviewed.

Keywords: unmanned aircraft vehicle, gyro stabilized platform, micromechanical accelerometer, micromechanical gyroscope.

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A rotor in the field of the daily rotation of the Earth

UDC 629.7.036.3 BBK 22.21

Danilenko N. V.

The author considers peculiarities of interference of a gyro rotor (of a GTE and others) in the field of the daily rotation of the Earth taking into account the azimuth orientation of its axis of rotation in horizontal plane.  The azimuthal characteristic of gyro rotor rundown is given. The author points out the necessity to correct the controlled rotor rundown time at GTE shutdown on the ground.

Key words: gyro rotor, rotor rundown, the theory of spinning tops, the field of the daily rotation of the Earth, the azimuthal characteristic of rotor, air mass transport.

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Vortex conversion with varying height of an air intake above the underlying terrain

UDC 525.7 BBK 9.15

Danilenko N. V.Kirenchev A. G.

The article considers the issue of vortex formation of local gravity flows generated by an anthropogenic outflow (GTE operation on the ground). The vortex classification is analyzed and experimental research ways are determined. The authors suggest conditions for experimental research of vortices influenced by Coriolis force, vortex pairs of air intake case / underlying terrain interference, and a circular vortex of gravity flow / ground interference. The composite design peculiarities of the test installation for researching the vortex range are described.

Key words: local gravity flow, air intake vortices, vortex classification, process of vortex formation, vortex conversion.

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Test diagnostics of the windings of electrical machines using the travelling-wave method

UDC 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shejnikov A. A., Belegov A. N.Rozhok A. V.

The authors developed a diagnostic relation which, when applied in measurement data processing algorithms of  test diagnostic systems of the windings of aeronautic electrical machines, avoids the need to store statistic information about the operational parameters of fault-free and faulty windings thus promoting validity and simplification of the diagnostics technique.

Key words: windings of aeronautic electrical machines, test diagnostics, travelling-wave method.

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The mathematical model of aerometric devices errors on the basis of different information integration according to flight recorders

UDC 629.7 BBK 39.56

Shomankov D. A. 

The mathematical model presented in the article is based on the integration of different flight information recorded by the means of objective control and can be used in the systems of optimized evaluation of high-speed flight parameters or technical control of aerometric measuring devices.

Keywords: integration, correlation function, generating filter, errors, optimized evaluation, control, technical condition

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Development of mathematical model of input action for the device support of the radiation source according to the movable radio finder

UDC 621.396.96 BBK 32.842

Hmarskij P. A.Sushhinskij A. A.

The authors present the methodology of development of input action mathematical model  for the device support of the radiation source according to the movable radio finder.

Key words:  movable radio finder; accompanied only by angular coordinates; model of input action; model of specifying impact; random discrete maneuver; the Kalman filter.

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Extraction of run-up signals in systems of information communication in VDL-2 mode

UDC 621.396.74 BBK 39.571.5

Mezhetov M. A., Turincev S. V.

Air-to-air and air-to-ground automated data exchange systems are increasingly common. Automated data exchange (ADE) in such systems is conducted in VHF band with the use of VDL-2 или VDL-4 modes. The design of ADE receivers implies a clock sync (CS) circuit in their composition which can be constructed differently. A run-up signal in such systems is extracted digitally.  One of the factors influencing the quality if received information in VDL-2 systems is selection of a technique of run-up signal regeneration.  

The article considers a technique of run-up signal regeneration with use of front reconstruction which is implemented in a hardware-software receiver developed by the authors. Research of CS regeneration principles will enable to conduct a comparative analysis of different techniques of extracting and forming a run-up signal and to apply the hardware-software receiver for further research.

Key words: VDL-2, clock sync systems, Gardner detector, scrambler, quadrature components, hardware-software receiver.

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Stages of formation and development of aeronautical radionavigation scientific school of MSTU CA, Irkutsk branch

UDC 621.391:621.396 BBK 39.57-5

Lezhankin B. V.

The article analyzes the stages of formation and development of aeronautical radio-navigation scientific school of MSTU CA, Irkutsk Branch. The main scientific approaches are described. The article reviews the main scientific staff publications.  It demonstrates the research intergenerational continuity, development of the methodology and scientific and experimental facilities.

Keywords: scientific school, radionavigation, interaircraft navigation, satellite navigation.

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Precision of the secondary processing algorithm of navigation signals of the global navigation satellite system based on rho-rho navigation-doppler extended Kalman filter

UDC 621.396.98 BBK 39.57-5

Kiryushkin V. V., Suprunov A. V.

The authors conduct a research of the error dynamics of the algorithm of the secondary processing of navigation signals of the global navigation satellite system based on extended Kalman filter. The article shows that at the stages of intense maneuvering the accuracy of a certain positioning of a highly dynamic consumer increases to 1.5 times. Presumably the reason for this is the mismatch of the dynamic model of the object, embedded in the optimal linear filter and real dynamics of users’ movements.

Key words: global navigation satellite system, highly fluid consumer, extended Kalman filter, measurement error of coordinates.

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Concerning a new possibility of increasing the positioning accuracy in single-frequency equipment of satellite radio navigation systems

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Gorbachev O. A., Zatolokin D. A., Ivanov V. B., Kholmogorov A. A.

The problem of increasing the positioning accuracy of global navigation satellite systems is one of the most important problems of navigation. One of the most inexpensive ways to solve the problem is the time-differential mode of GNSS proposed by the authors earlier. The article focuses on modernization of the time-differential mode for satellite radio navigation systems (SRNS) operating in a single-frequency mode.

Keywords: navigation problem; single-frequency receiver; antenna phase center; differential mode; control and correction station; pseudorange.

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