Категория: 2014, #1

Problematic aspects of SPE (secondary professional education) system changing to new standards

UDC 371 BBK 74.56

Klochkova N. Y.
The article is devoted to the analysis of formation perspectives of a new united community which arises on the background of the development of social, cultural and economic processes in the world. Therefore education in the XXIst century plays a great role in human life. New education’s paradigms are designed to meet the society’s needs for people with a high qualification level, deep knowledge, moral values and social activity. Nevertheless, during the changing to new standarts there arise a number of difficulties and contradictions which the participants of educational process meet with. Thus, education depends not only on those who make this process but also on what attention social and management structures pay to it.

Key words: public evolutionism, moral values, social activity, innovation, competent model of education, modernization, educational standards, metasubject, requirements, knowledge paradigm of education

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Communicative potential of the project activity

UDC 378 BBK 74

Volkova N. V.

The article presents some data of the research of the communicative potential of the project activity in the context of professional pedagogical activity. The project activity is used as the means of educational events organization and is regarded as a specific kind of pedagogical activity.

Key words: Communicative potential, interaction, educational event, group practice, project activity, pedagogical activity

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Teacher of Irkutsk province (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)

UDC 378.01 BBK 74.03

Sheblakova E. N.

The article discusses the standard of living, working conditions and material remuneration of teachers in Irkutsk province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries.

Key words: teacher, Irkutsk Province, the second half of XIX – early XX centuries, living standards, working conditions, material remuneration

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Motivation of personal and professional teacher’s self-development as a resource of implementation of general education FSCS

UDC 371.1 BBK 74.2

Kirdiankina S. V.

The implementation of Federal State Educational Standards into the system of general education is a key event of the 21st century. Obviously, the question of peopleware resource becomes especially actual. Until a teacher perceptibly changes, nothing essential will change in Russian education (in its educational results).

In the current article the question arises about the significance of teacher’s self-development in personal and professional aspects. An attempt was made to analyse problems of motivation of self-development of a teacher and methodological summarizing of accumulated experience in the light of meeting requirements FSES of general education.

Key words: FSES, self-development, motivation, management, reject, subjectiveness, scientific-methodological support, anthropogenesis, formgenesis, normgenesis, autopsychological competence, human ability

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Functional phonetics: prosodic methods of text expressive reading

UDC 811.512.122’36

Akymbek S.

The actual problems of functional phonetics are considered in this article. The object of the research is particularly the problem of a common function of intonation components in speech. Such intonation components as speech melody, rhythm, pausation, stylistic colouring and expressiveness play a special role in all areas of speech stylistics. The intonation research from this point of view gives us the opportunity to draw scientific conclusions about cognitive and esthetic value of human speech.

It is noted in the article that scientific-theoretical problems of the object of the functional phonetics research are many-sided; their solving is a main aim of the modern Kazakh linguistics. The nature of speech, and especially the function of sound is very difficult. Therefore consideration of word phonetics as an intellectual, psychophysical, psycholinguistic and esthetic phenomenon became the main purpose of the current article.

Key words: intonation, prosodic methods, associative experiment, stylistic colouring, syntagma, rhythm

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Unified assessment of sanytary-hygienic indicators of educational institutions and students’ health


Igolnitsina L. M.Prevolskaya V. V.

The article considers the research made with usage of a unified approach to the assessment of sanitary-hygienic conditions of educational institutions and students’ health.  The essence of the approach consists in getting a unified dimension, so called «single standard unit», that enables integration of all the above indicators.

Key words: unified approach, sanitary and hygienic conditions of educational institutions, students’ health, single standard unit

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Media methodological and theoretical aspects analysis, identifying the main trends and prospects of aesthetically oriented media education in Russia

UDC 316.77:0018 BBK 74.580

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the methodological and theoretical foundations that determine the main trends and prospects of aesthetically oriented media education in Russia. The author considers the basic functions and properties of the mass communication system formed the basis of modern domestic socio-cultural environment integration processes, one of the basic components is the aesthetic concept of media education.

* This article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Transformation of the Aesthetic concept of Development of Russian Media Education (1960-2011)”, the project № 12-06-00139

Key words: Media, media education, media culture, the aesthetic concept of media education

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Study of psychoactive substance use as a risk factor of students’ health

UDC 371.72:613.84; (470+571) BBK 51.1 (2) 4 +74.200.55

Igolnitsina L. M.Novokshonova E. A.

The article presents the monitoring results of the prevalence of psychoactive substance use (PAS). The research was conducted among cadets of Irkutsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation and students of Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. The classification and frequency of psychoactive substance use among college cadets and university students have been studied. The main risk factors of substance initiation are identified. The investigation causing the need of preventive measures aimed at the aspects of stopping the use of substance and formation of a correct way of life (CWL) at college and university.

Key words: psychoactive substances, healthy lifestyle popularization, cadets, students, healthy lifestyle experience, risk factors

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Fundamentals of Moral Education in the Teaching Process

UDC 371.4 BBK 74.04

Dulov A. I. (1918-2005)

An excerpt from the book by Dulov A. I. “Fundamentals of Moral Education in the Teaching Process”. Textbook. – Krasnoyarsk, 1975, acquaints the reader with the theoretical legacy of the great teacher, scientist, and educator in the field of teaching and moral education. The problem to which he devoted his entire scientific life, the problem of moral education of students, is of great relevance today. Tutorial reissuing is addressed to teachers and students of pedagogical universities, colleges, school teachers, parents. Printed in author’s edition.

Key words: education, moral education, education in the teaching process, teaching process, function of education

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If your name — Teacher!

UDC 373.01 BBK 74.204.21

Antipin A. N. (1922-1980)

Excerpt from A. N. Antipin’s book “IF YOUR NAME – TEACHER”. Irkutsk: East Siberian publishing. 1983, – 224 pages. Devoted to pedagogical heritage of the famous teacher of Eastern Siberia Afanasy Nikitich Antipin (1922 – 1980), who was the Director of the Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training in 1969 – 1980. Printed in author’s edition.

Key words: teacher, pedagogical talent, teaching lab, education, moral education, education in the learning process

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