Категория: # 1, 2023

Analytical study of the ionosphere influence on energy relations in satellite communication systems by the methods of physical plasma kinetics

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_98

Dmitry Vladimirovich Khazanov

Boris Valentinovich Lezhankin

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Erokhin

Abstract. In civil aviation, an urgent and important task is to provide air traffic participants with uninterrupted radio communication. Satellite communication is a global mobile network covering the entire surface of the Earth, including polar regions, which provides a two-way data and voice communication exchange. An analysis of the principles of functioning of satellite communication systems (SCS) showed that the determination of energy characteristics is of great importance. Energy characteristics in satellite communication channels and the level of interference determine SCS operational capabilities and quality indicators. One of the critical factors that determine the effectiveness of the SCS functioning is the conditions for the propagation and absorption of radio waves, including ionospheric phenomena, which are not yet fully understood, and this determines the research relevance.

This article is devoted to theoretical studies of the ionospheric plasma by the methods of physical kinetics to increase the energy potential of the radio links of a satellite communication system.

Keywords: physical plasma kinetics, energy relations, satellite communication systems, Maxwell distribution function, ionospheric phenomena.

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Metadiscourse analysis of new year’s addresses of the Russian President

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_166

Olga A. Boginskaya

Abstract. Political discourse is not only an information environment, but also an interactive space which necessitates the study of metadiscourse as an effective rhetorical strategy. The purpose is to study metadiscourse categories in the genre of the President’s New Year’s address as one of the genres of political discourse. To achieve this goal, the metadiscourse categories used by the Russian president are identified and their communicative functions are determined; the frequency of markers within the metadiscourse categories is determined. New Year’s addresses posted on the official website of the President of Russia were used as research materials. The taxonomy of metadiscourse markers proposed by K. Hyland was adopted as the methodological basis. The study identified five types of metadiscourse markers (boosters, hedges, attitude markers, self-mentions and engagement markers) used by the President in order to construct an effective dialogue with an audience. In the discursive space of the New Year’s address, these metadiscourse markers serve the following communicative functions: showing confidence in the truth of a proposition, manifesting solidarity with an audience, mitigating categoricalness, showing emotions, engaging the addressee in a dialogue, accepting personal responsibility for the utterances produced. The predominance of boosters and attitude markers that increase the illocutionary force, demonstrating the addresser’s confidence in the truth of the propositions, and explicating the speaker’s affective stance, indicate Putin’s desire to construct an image of a self-confident leader and establish an emotional connection with the audience. The results obtained indicate the need to study metadiscourse categories as crucial elements of political communication. Intercultural, intracultural or diachronic studies of metadiscourse in the New Year’s addresses of the presidents seem promising.

Key words: President’s New Year’s address, political discourse, metadiscourse, hedging, boosting, self-reference, attitude marker.

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Precedence as a component of aggressive discourse in the chinese-language internet communication

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_221

Liu Qiqi

Abstract. Aggression as a linguocultural phenomenon that manifests itself at all levels of human activity, including the Internet environment, whose anonymity increases the aggression degree and stimulates network users’ creative abilities on the basis of precedent phenomena. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to identify the correlation between speech aggression and precedent phenomena in the Internet space on the material of the Chinese language. The ways of manifestation of precedence in this environment are insufficiently studied. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and describe aggressive communication in the Chinese-language Internet, with particular attention to precedence as a factor of aggression in the net community. This article examines the phenomenon of precedence over the aggressive Internet communication by the material of the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo. Research method of this article is discourse analysis. The author investigates 4 types of precedent phenomena and ways of manifestation of precedence in the mentioned discourse. The main conclusions of the article are that precedent phenomena are one of the most important components of the Chinese-language aggressive Internet communication, precedence as an important factor of aggressive discourse in the Chinese Internet environment is expressed in two ways: by full and transformed citations.

Keywords: precedence, precedent phenomena, aggressive discourse, Internet communication, citation, Chinese language.

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Linguistic creativity in discursive modeling of the future food vision in english media discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_181

Tatiana I. Semenova

Abstract. Linguistic creativity is viewed as a cognitive and discursive phenomenon. The paper discusses creative language use in discursive construal of future food vision in English media. Of central concern in the study is the issue of how the creative potential of the language system is realized in the process of alternative construal of the future food vision in the English media discourse. The study considers cognitive operations of conceptual integration, focus shift involved in alternative construal of fake meat products in English media discourse. The author highlights the issue that the concept FAKE MEAT is a way of conceptualizing food made from plants with the appearance of meat thus being like meat and being different from meat. The study brings into focus the violation of the language norm as potential resource for creativity. The paper reveals pragmatic potential of the conceptual blends like meatless meat and fake meat in shaping health and environmental benefits of a meat-free food style in media discourse. The results obtained may be helpful for further research into the linguistic realization of creativity in media discourse.

Kew words: alternative construal of the world, lingvocreativity, nomination, world-building model, conceptual integration, mental model, focus shift.

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Speech behaviour of a modern media-critic on the material of the german media discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_206

Ludmila N. Seliverstova

Nikita A. Fedorov

Abstract. During the period of active globalization of human communication, its pragmalinguistic aspect, namely, the person speaking as the center of communicative activity and the speech act as the object of pragmalinguistic study is of particular interest to researchers. This article presents the results of a study of the speech behavior of individual German-speaking authors-mediacritics according to the speech strategy of «the author’s formation of the recipient’s attitude to the speech event» based on publications on the spread of a new coronavirus infection published in journals and on the Internet portals “DER SPIEGEL” and “Neue Züricher Zeitung” in the period 2020-2022. On the basis of the results obtained, it was possible to identify some personal qualities of authors-mediacritics, most of which are distinguished by objectivity, a critical attitude to reality, decisiveness, an independent opinion and impartiality.

Key words: pragmalinguistics, speech behavior, speech strategy of hidden influence, speech portrait, media discourse, media criticism, german language.

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Selection and justification of methods and mathematical models of equipment wear and replacement

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_27

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The authors develop and show the practical applicability of mathematical models for assessing the wear of equipment. According to the property of fixed assets, which equipment belongs to, it has to be replaced as a result of wear and tear. In this connection, the relevance of the conducted research is caused by the search of models for assessing their state at a given moment of time. The complexity of developing such models is due to the fact that the characteristics of equipment performance are random values and random functions. When planning the work of the enterprise it is necessary to take into account the statistical characteristics of the survivability of the equipment. Only in this way it is possible to foresee in advance the amount of renewable equipment, the order of preventive maintenance and the terms in which equipment should be replaced to ensure uninterrupted implementation of the production program without excessive investment expenditures of the enterprise.

Key words:  mathematical models, wear and replacement of equipment, optimization.

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