Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Theoretical understanding of the evolution of the theory and practice of media education in Eastern Siberia (second half of XX century)

UDC 37 BBK 74.03

Yamusheva (Grigoreva) I. V., Murashkina N. A., Никитина Е. А.

The article presents a historical analysis of the stages of formation and development of the foundations of media education in Eastern Siberia in the second half of XX century and described media education experience of teachers and researchers.

Key words: media education; media education – the regional aspect; history of media education.

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Arrangement of educational work at Irkutsk college of automobile transport and road construction (from the experience of work in 2014-2015)

UDC 378.1:51 BBK 74.58

Fedotova M. V.

The paper presents an insight into the educational work with the students of Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction in the context of FSES. The author tries to describe the effect of socio-cultural environment of the college to the development of general and professional competencies of the future foreman of vocational training. The aim of the research is to find out the social characteristics of the family. The results of social research are presented by the author.

Key words: education, educational work, socio-cultural environment, competencies, college, SPE, socialization, development.

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SPELLER-TSM electronic simulator for troubleshooting of A320 equipment

UDC 004.588 BBK 74.5

Chokoj V. Z.

The current situation in Russian airlines dictates the wide use of foreign aircraft, particularly, Airbus 320. This requires, among other things, adequate training of maintenance personnel with the use of modern teaching techniques and training devices. The article announces the Speller-TSM electronic module, a procedure trainer for troubleshooting of Airbus A320 equipment. The structure, functionality and some other issues of practical use of the module are revealed.

Key words: Airbus А320, training of aircraft staff, Speller-TSM electronic module, simulator, practical skills.

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Some experience in work on specialist education in SBPEI “IUDC rkutsk aviation technical school”

UDC 37.018.2 BBK 74.570

Mineeva L. M., Rinchino V. A., Bykova S. N., Zadorozhny V. K.

In the article the authors share experience in work on education of college graduate – specialist. The activities in this field are multidimensional. They are both considered educational policy and effective educative affairs. In “Irkutsk aviation technical school” (IATS) the concepts ‘training’ and ‘education’ have never been separated. At all times, the teachers have been doing the best to graduate not only perfect specialists but first the people able to reason, take a decision, feel and do good.

Key words: education, training, professional education, educational policy, students, professional activities, diagnostics.

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“Necessary” and “sufficient” conditions providing competence-based learning of Kyrgyzstan’s pupils

UDC 378.1:37.0 BBK 74

Kurmankulov Sh. Zh., Sataeva L. A.

The article deals with the question “What qualities must a specialist possess to meet modern requirements in Kyrgyzstan?” The authors state that the training of competent cadres requires “necessary” and “sufficient” conditions for the educational system. Components of the conditions and their complementarity are shown.

Key words: educational system; learning technology; quality of knowledge; creativity; competence; competency; medium of instruction.

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The motive force of independent cognitive process of pupils

UDC 370.12.53 BBK 74.261.7

Kurmankulov Sh. Zh.

The paper considers the reasons of unsuccessful self-study of the pupils at rural secondary schools in Kyrgyzstan. The need and necessity to organize independent learning of pupils at secondary schools is shown. Leverage to systematize the independent cognition of pupils and the motive force of independent learning and cognition are defined.

Key words: education technology; teaching methods; cognitive activity; competence; creative thinking; analysis; synthesis; memorizing; motive force; systematics.

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Application of the Mary Richmond’s concept to practice of professional education of social workers in the USA

UDC 36:[364.041] BBK 74.489:86

Pashchenko Ju. A.

The article studies the problem of application of the Mary Richmond’s concept to the system of professional social-pedagogical education in the USA and describes the main ways to solve social problems in America at the initial stage of social work as a profession.

Key words: Mary Richmond, social-pedagogical professional education, “Settlement”, welfare.

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Media education in the proffessional education of undergraduates in the major of “Organization of work with youth” and “Social-cultural activity”

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the problems and prospects of introduction of media education in the curricular of future masters. The author defines the main organizational forms of media educational component in the modern higher school, the directions of further preparation in the higher school.

Key words: media, media culture, media education, magistracy, curriculum.

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The role of the educational system in the socio-economic development of Khabarovsk krai

UDC 37.014.5:37.018.2:332.145(571.62)(045) BBK 74.200 : 65.497-4 : 65.012.2

Polichka N. P.

The reforms being held in our country demand that citizens should get new knowledge and skills: to manage their own property (a house or apartment in a block of flats); to invest their pension savings to provide a decent old age; to get state-owned and municipal services in the electronic form; to know the grounds of information security, financial literacy and self-employment; to build up your health, etc. This requires a new system of continuous education of the population and its adaptation to the new conditions of life.

Key words: socio-economic development, educational reform, Federal academic standards of general education, the regional component, the component of the educational institution.

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Foreign language in postgraduate studies: a new stage

UDC 378.048.2 BBK 74.4

Vepreva T. B., Pechinkina O. V.

The authors consider the contents of foreign language candidate exam in postgraduate program and suggest a new structure and training for it in Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Key words: foreign language; postgraduate studies; candidate exam in foreign language; language competence.

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