Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Formation of students’ interest to physical training and sports through knowledge about the history of physical training and sports development in the Altai Republic

UDC 371.11 BBK 74.25

Musinov P. A.Gavrilova T. G., Tabakaeva I. V.

In the given article the authors have tried to open concept of interest in the context of familiarizing the younger generation with the history of physical training and sports development in our region. The special emphasis in the article is laid on the striking examples of All-Union, All-Russia and international achievements in sport of outstanding sportsmen of the Altai Republic which are also an important factor in students’ interest formation and orientation to physical training and sports.

Key words: physical training and sports, interest formation, history of development of physical training and sports in the [Gorno-]Altai Republi, outstanding sportsmen of the Altai Republic.


Role of civil and patriotic education of students in multiethnic and multicultural environment of high school

UDC 371.11 BBK 74.24

Musinov P. A., Gavrilova T. G., Tabakayeva I. V.

The article deals with civil and patriotic education of the students in the conditions of multiethnic and multicultural environment of high school. It gives basic conceptual positions of this part of the educational work with the reference to the concrete high school.

Keywords: civil and patriotic education of students, the multiethnic and multicultural environment of high school, conceptual positions of civil-law education.


Giving the students (grades 7/8) access to the origins of the national culture through the ornamental art of the Buryat people of Baikal region (from the experience of municipally-run Khatar-Hadayskaya secondary school)

UDC 376.74 BBK 74

Oshoronova L. P.

The article examines the potential of Buryat ornamentation for ethnoregional upbringing and education of students of rural schools. The author describes the content of the program “Ornamental art of the Buryat people of Baikal region”, its purpose, content blocks and diagnostic support.

Keywords: national culture, ornamental art, ethnoregional upbringing, Buryat people, upbringing, education, rural schools, national-regional component, cultural and historical traditions, culture of the people.


Upbringing and education of junior schoolchildren on the basis of original culture of the Buryat people in the course of the subject “The world around us”

UDC 376.74 BBK 74

Hazheeva M. G.

The article describes the experience of integration of national-regional component in the course of “The world around us” (Grade 2) in the Municipally-run Khatar-Hadayskaya secondary school named after E. H. Yekhanurova. The author proves that the rural school still retains considerable opportunities to influence the formation of the whole rural society, and helps students master the cultural and historical traditions of the Buryat people.

Key words: upbringing, education, rural school, a junior high school student, the Buryat people, national-regional component, cultural and historical traditions, culture of the people.


Theoretical premises and the stages of fundamental basis of Eastern Siberia’s media education (the second half of XX century)

UDC 37 BBK 74.03

Murashkina N. A., Nikitina E. A.

The article presents a historical analysis of the stages of formation and development of the foundations of media education in Russia in the second half of XX century. Also it describes the media education experience of teachers and researchers.

Key words: media education; media education – the regional aspect; history of media education.

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Business game as a form of active learning in the educational process of the technical college

UDC 371.321 BBK 74.00

Savel’eva D. V.

The article is devoted to the current issue of business game in the transition to the new FSES of the secondary vocational education. The main characteristics of the educational process in secondary vocational education under the FSES are active teaching methods, invariant forms of the students’ collective learning activities. The approach of the educational process to the content and nature of the student’s future careers, planning quasi-professional activities determines the formation of future specialists of common cultural and professional competences.

Keywords: business game, active learning, educational process, teacher, student.

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Spiritual potential as the basis for professional and pedagogical development of supervising teachers

UDC 37.012.8 BBK 74.00

Belykh T. V.

This article deals with the concept of a “spiritual potential” and asserts the appropriateness of its use as a testimonial of supervising teachers who are the main coordinators of the efforts of families, schools and society in educating young people.

Keywords: potential, spiritual potential, supervising teacher, educational process.

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The concept “happiness” in the formation of media environment of towns in Russia

UDC 371.69:004.3 BBK 74.48

Zhilavskaya I. V.

The article first deals with such a complicated and polysemantic concept as “happiness” in the context of the Russian media space. It gives the answers to some problematic issues in the course of sociological research of a media environment made in town Ozyora of Moscow region. It gives the conclusions which are very important to understand deep transformations in consciousness of citizens of the local settlement, and Russia in general.

Key words: Media environment, “the third Russia”, happiness, media education, media activity of local community, cluster master’s thesis.

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Sociocultural factors influence on the contemporary literary education

BBK 74.261.8 UDC 371.01

Sosnovskaya I. V.

Causal relationship between sociocultural factors and the state of literary education at schools are established in this paper. The author does not simply state what exactly negatively affects modern students’ perception, reading and studying classical works, but also outlines some of the ways to overcome the current crisis of the literary education at school.

Key words: cultural studies paradigm, reader installation, verbal source of knowledge, perception of the child, multidimensional environment, perception stereotypes, consumer culture, value dominants, surrogates, “text ­– designer”, subculture, meta-knowledge, innovation, strategy, school literary analysis

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Diagnostic techniques to monitor media competence of the secondary language personality

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with diagnostic techniques and their efficiency, that are used to monitor media competence of the secondary language personality – priority purpose of media education. It touches a topic of media educational purpose.

Key words: media education, media competence of the secondary language personality, diagnostics, foreign language.

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