Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Media education as pedagogical phenomenon

UDC 37.011 BBK 74.58:73

Zapevalina O. V.

The article presents the content of the notion «media education», the wide analysis and interpretation of the statements famous media teachers of the present and the past, their reasoning on the media education sense, making possible to show evolution of this phenomenon. In conclusion, the author lays emphasis on the necessity of developing media culture and critical thinking of a person that help young generation to live in a new information-oriented society.

Key words: media education, media, information technologies, mass communication media, media text, information-oriented society, media culture, critical thinking

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Educational quality assessment of intending foreman of vocational training in compliance with current requirements (from the experience of the State Budget Professional Educational Institution “Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction”)

UDC 378 BBK 74.5

Nikitina E. A., Kapichnikova I. J.

The shift to FSES of secondary vocational education aimed at developing the students’ competence has urged scientists, methodologists, and experts to concentrate on the quality assessment of education search for new assessment techniques in compliance with current requirements. The article presents the testing experience entitled “Assessment Maps of General and Professional Competence Development” at the State Budget Professional Educational Institution “Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction.”

Key words: quality assessment, competency-based approach, secondary vocational education, general competencies, professional competencies, foreman of vocational training.

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The syntactic relationship between subject and predicate in school books

UDC 80 BBK 81

Savel’eva D. V., Lapshina E. A.

This article is about the syntactic relationship formed in a two-member sentence between a subject and a predicate, differences are identified between the syntactic relationship and the theory that is considered in school books.

Key words: syntactical relation, subject, predicate, grammar coordination

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Psychological support of profile education

UDC 37.047 BBK 74.200.52

Vishlenkova N. G.

The article deals with the problems of profession determination of a school student personality. There is a description of psychodiagnostic researches within profile education, a conclusion concerning the need of making the unified field of school vocational guidance. Such informational field organization is possible through elective education, i.e. specific profession trials. This article also touches upon the subject on psychological support of profile education.

Key words: psychological support, profile education, profile determination, self professional planning, profession choice, profession consultation, professiogram, profession trials

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Teacher-student relations

UDC 37.08 BBK 80

Schieser H.

In the ancient times there was a tendency in teaching which meant freedom from compulsion. It was clear then and now that the relations of the teacher and the pupil are at the personal level. And the educational process always contains emotional measurement. Scientists note that mother is the best teacher for the child and the child is taught at first in the family circle. And today small schools ruled by teachers and not by ideology and politicians are the best choice for pupils.

Key words: school, teacher, education, compulsion, attitude, underarchiever, parents

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Media literacy as a significant quality of a pupil’s personality

UDC 37.013.46 BBK 74.2

Kodubeс N. V.

The article deals with the problem of media education and media literacy as a significant quality of a pupil’s personality in the process of Federal State Educational Standards implementation.

Kеу words: media education, media literacy, media education lessons, analysis of information, critical way of thinking, mass media, Federal State Educational Standards of the general education

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Creative potential of a student’s personality in college educational environment

UDC 378.4 BBK 74.56

Kryzhanovskaya E. S.

В статье рассматривается жизнетворчество как целенаправленное включение студентов колледжа в решение реальных проблем собственной жизни, основывающееся на осознании ими целей, ценностей и смысла своей жизни. Способность к жизнетворчеству рассматривается автором как важный компонент в подготовке нового поколения студентов среднего профессионального образования.

Ключевые слова: жизнетворчество; профессиональное становление; жизненный путь; социальная активность; социокультурная среда; гражданское сознание; субъектная позиция; социальное поведение.

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Organization of profile education in a modern village school

UDC 37.047 BBK 74.200.52

Vishlenkova E. N.Kudrjavceva G. F.

The article presents the experience of educational establishments located in the countryside directed toward creating conditions and opportunities to give good profile education for village children.

Ключевые слова: profile education, village school, agroclasses, profilization, professional orientation, educational program, personal results, metadisciplinary re-sults, subject results, Federal State Educational Standard.

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Individualized education: problems and perspectives

UDC 378 BBK 74.04

Vdovina S. B.

The article reveals main problems of individualized education: adaptive learning on the base of on-line testing, simulation games for development of creativity and ef-fective management skills. Ways to solve the problems are suggested.

Key words: individualized education, humanization, adaptive learning, testing, simulation game, foresight project.

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Actualization of the problems of educational integration and tangibility of changes

UDC 376.3 BBK 74.3

Tusheva E. S.

The article reveals a wide range of contradictions and unsolved questions of educational integration. It presents a review of the socio-educational situation in the context of innovation and state policy, characterizing the social importance of the integration processes. The scientific and practical achievements defining the Russian peculiarities of embedding special education in the common educational environment are analysed. The questions of professionalization and teachers’ reprofiling in the context of educational integration are considered.

Key words: educational integration; problems; innovation; state policy; children with disabilities; scientific achievements; implementation; teacher of general education; reprofiling.


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