Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Sociocultural peculiarities of an adoptive family (from the experience of a Russian-German project)

UDC 37.018 BBK 74.90

Malanina Ju. N.

The article explores the institution of an adoptive family, its culturantropological, socio-economic and national peculiarities and considers the similarities and differences of forming the social institution in Russia and abroad.

Key words: sociocultural peculiarities; children without parental care; adoptive parents; family education; adoptive family; patronate families; foster families; children’s villages; halfway houses.

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The development of musical and aesthetic culture of students of pedagogical universities. Some aspects of the problem

UDC 378.14 BBK 74р

Fedotova M. V.

The necessity of the development of musical-aesthetic culture of students of such specialties as 050000 “Education and Pedagogy”, 440000 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” is justified in the present article. Theoretical interpretation of the process under study and the structural components are observed.

Keywords: development, culture, musical and aesthetic culture, music, aesthetics, aesthetic upbringing, musical art, musical and aesthetic consciousness.

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Training of future teachers for innovation activity: competence-based approach

UDC 37.013.2 BBK 74.5

Gavrilenko L. S.

The basic notion of competence is analysed in reference to the notion of competency in the present article. The pedagogical and psychological interpretation of these terms is given. The structure and the content of competence-based approach used in training of future teachers for innovative activity are revealed.

Key words: competence-based approach, competence, competency, innovative activity, innovation.

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Card of knowledge as a tool of educational quality increase

UDC 378 BBK 343

Mihailova E. K.

The main didactic relationships «teacher – materials under study – student» are closely connected with the most urgent problem of educational renovation that touches upon the educational quality increase. The regulated activity of the subjects of the educational process (teacher and students), adaptation of the materials under study, elaboration of the innovative training aids, analyses of the process and results of the educational activity are those components which are able to solve severe educational problems.

Key words: subject-object-subject relations, the educational activity, «Card of Knowledge», educational quality, monitoring, evaluation.

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Design of education in the humanities: some aspects of the problem

UDC 37.017.92 BBK 74.200.50

Volkova N. V.

In the article the author attempts to present the conceptual level of instructional (pedagogical) design. This level is focused on creation of the foundation of the object or on its predictive model representation (model of education in the humanities). The product obtained at this level is universal in nature and can serve as a methodological basis for the creation of the products of the following level.

The author considers instructional design as a source of innovative changes in the educational environment based on scientific research, goal-setting, forecasting, designing, and modeling of various objects.

Keywords: project activities, instructional design, modeling, education in the humanities, relating to the humanities, Learning motivation, innovations, innovative changes, educational environment

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To the matter of the nature of conflict competence of the head of an educational institution as a part of moral and legal culture

UDC 371.11 BBK 74.24

Musinov P. A.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of “conflict competence” of the head. The concept and the essence of the category under consideration are formulated based on the analysis of the works of leading Russian researchers. The author comes to the conclusion that conflict competence is an essential aspect of professional and self-education of the head of an educational institution. Constructive, learner-centered nature of managerial and pedagogical interaction is provided due to the conflict-competent training, as well as general, moral and legal cultures of the head of an educational institution are improved.

Keywords: conflict competence, moral and legal culture, the head, educational institution, constructive character, managerial and pedagogical interaction, conflict.

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Culture creative approach to the problem of media culture in the modern information space

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the culture of the creative nature of contemporary media culture. The author provides an outline of the media culture, its sphere of influence on contemporary socio-cultural space.

Keywords: media, media culture, media reality, cultural studies approach, philosophical analysis.

* Статья написана при финансовой поддержке гранта РГНФ «Стратегии современного британского медиаобразования и его влияние на российскую медиапедагогику», проект № 13-36-01001. Руководитель проекта – И. В. Челышева.

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Media competence is a key priority of linguistic education

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Yu.

The article studies media competence as a goal of media education and a training outcome through the prism of linguistic education. It describes its currentness, gives an analysis of its terms in the pedagogical science.

Key words: competence; media competence; media education; foreign language.

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New ideas to methodological experience of a teacher of music: the development of media literacy of young learners with the help of digital learning resources

UDC 378 BBK 74.26

Khitzova N. G.

The article presents the author’s educational program “Music computica” for young learners of music schools. New experience involves the development of media literacy among young learners with the help of digital educational resources. The importance to integrate media education in teaching music in terms of the exponential growth of new media is emphasized in the article.

Key words: music education, media, “Music computica”, educational resources, critical thinking, music literature, media education, media literacy.

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