Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Unified assessment of sanytary-hygienic indicators of educational institutions and students’ health


Igolnitsina L. M.Prevolskaya V. V.

The article considers the research made with usage of a unified approach to the assessment of sanitary-hygienic conditions of educational institutions and students’ health.  The essence of the approach consists in getting a unified dimension, so called «single standard unit», that enables integration of all the above indicators.

Key words: unified approach, sanitary and hygienic conditions of educational institutions, students’ health, single standard unit

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Media methodological and theoretical aspects analysis, identifying the main trends and prospects of aesthetically oriented media education in Russia

UDC 316.77:0018 BBK 74.580

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the methodological and theoretical foundations that determine the main trends and prospects of aesthetically oriented media education in Russia. The author considers the basic functions and properties of the mass communication system formed the basis of modern domestic socio-cultural environment integration processes, one of the basic components is the aesthetic concept of media education.

* This article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Transformation of the Aesthetic concept of Development of Russian Media Education (1960-2011)”, the project № 12-06-00139

Key words: Media, media education, media culture, the aesthetic concept of media education

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Fundamentals of Moral Education in the Teaching Process

UDC 371.4 BBK 74.04

Dulov A. I. (1918-2005)

An excerpt from the book by Dulov A. I. “Fundamentals of Moral Education in the Teaching Process”. Textbook. – Krasnoyarsk, 1975, acquaints the reader with the theoretical legacy of the great teacher, scientist, and educator in the field of teaching and moral education. The problem to which he devoted his entire scientific life, the problem of moral education of students, is of great relevance today. Tutorial reissuing is addressed to teachers and students of pedagogical universities, colleges, school teachers, parents. Printed in author’s edition.

Key words: education, moral education, education in the teaching process, teaching process, function of education

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If your name — Teacher!

UDC 373.01 BBK 74.204.21

Antipin A. N. (1922-1980)

Excerpt from A. N. Antipin’s book “IF YOUR NAME – TEACHER”. Irkutsk: East Siberian publishing. 1983, – 224 pages. Devoted to pedagogical heritage of the famous teacher of Eastern Siberia Afanasy Nikitich Antipin (1922 – 1980), who was the Director of the Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training in 1969 – 1980. Printed in author’s edition.

Key words: teacher, pedagogical talent, teaching lab, education, moral education, education in the learning process

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Rubric “History: Golden Pages”

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Ivanova L. A.

Abstract: Topic “History: Golden Pages” is addressed to teachers and students of pedagogical universities, colleges, school teachers, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of teaching and education, school development trends in the Irkutsk region. Reader, especially the young one that focuses on professional activities in training and education field, will be enriched not only by the valuable information, but also by the lessons of high culture, ethics and aesthetics, pedagogical traditions.

Key words: famous people, teacher, master, scientist, “golden fund”, Irkutsk region, research interests, traditions, memory, honor, history in the “Persons”

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Innovational activity as one of the conditions of development of an establish of children’s additional education: the chronology of events

UDC 374 BBK 74.00

Mikhaleva N. V.Bodunova N. V. 

This article is about the maintenance and stages of organization of innovational activity of children’s additional education establishment.

Key words: innovational activity, innovation, creativity, concept, program, project, upbringing, learning process, personal growth.

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Society informatization as a socio-hygienic factor of “fundamental civilizational shift” formation

UDC 613.95/96+614 BBK 57.3

Tkachuk Е. А.
This article explores modern aspects of education quality formation in conditions of informatization and health and lifestyle forming shown from the point of view of the Strauss–Howe generational theory. The reasons of fundamental civilizational shift are found out. They are the acceleration of life rhythm, the increase of informational volume, the need for more actual informational content, routine affairs a person simultaneously deals with, the growth of democracy and dialogism on different levels of a social system.

Key words: children, society information, lifestyle, state of health, «video clip way of thinking»

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About the essence of some interactive methods and training forms in system of the higher vocational training

UDC 378.1 BBK 74.24

Musinov P. A.

The article reveals the essence of interactive teaching method in the system of higher vocational education. The interactive teaching variants (individual methods and forms) used in the university practice are presented.

The essence of the project activity as a form of interaction is given in the most detailed interpretation.

Key words: competence approach; passive, active and interactive methods; interaction, interactive training, design activity, models of critical thinking, action tests, imitating methods of educational activity

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Forming of student’s foreign language competence in implicit teaching based on virtual lab assignments system (VLAS)

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 74.202 

Zheleznova T. I.

The article deals with the problems to form foreign language competence of transport university student. The purpose of the article is to describe the ways of implicit teaching based on virtual lab assignments system in a foreign language.

The author is the VLAS developer at the Foreign Languages Department of Engineering University; puts forward a hypothesis that if the foreign language curriculum reduces auditorium time, the virtual lab assignments based on multimedia optimizes forming of students’ foreign language competence and motivates them to master a foreign language.

Key words: foreign language teaching, III generation’s foreign languages teaching curricular, forming of student’s foreign language competence, competence, engineering university, student’s private work, implicit teaching, declarative knowledge, procedure knowledge, expert knowledge/expertise, motivation, virtual lab assignments system; virtual lab assignments in a foreign language.

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Effective business education technology implementation by means of the life-long adaptive education SDE «HECADEM» system

UDC 374.31 BBK 378.16:681.3

Yudalevich N. V., Sabadel Anneline (Irkutsk, Russia), Bär le Corre Marie-Claire (Nuremberg, Germany)

E-learning system HECADEM — distance education system, which is enriched, deepened and improved by the new information and new knowledge by both teachers and students. In this context HECADEM system can be considered as the technological feasibility potential platform of effective business education implementation.

Key words: Internet technologies, life-long learning, educational technologies

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