Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Bilingual teaching as a way of adaptation and training of migrant pupils in Russian-speaking environment

UDC 808.2(077) BBK 8141.12-916.3

Soboleva R. I.Tungusova G. I. (Irkutsk, Russia)

The article considers the specific character of bilingual language education, promoting multicultural personality molding, and analyzes problems of adaptation of migrant pupils in their new language substance as well as in the cognitive speech culture of native Russian speakers. The article gives practical recommendations how to overcome these problems.

Key words: linguomodeling, types of bilingualism, cross-cultural competence, multicultural personality, tolerance; mentality, levels of language system

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Formative assessment technology as a means of quality assurance of school students’ individual learning success achievements

UDC 373.1 BBK 74.2

Mikhailova E. K.

The article gives the results of the research connected with the working out of the assessment technology that allows ensuring the quality of the school students’ individual learning success achievements. The urgency of the research is defined by the social-economic system reformation, as a result of which in the national educational system there started active processes of modification in the matter of education, forms and methods of monitoring and quality assessment. In school education the solution of these tasks is connected with the making the impartial assessment system of educational quality.

Key words: formative assessment, quality of achievements, complex approach to assessment

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Speaking Russian!

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Kosmakova Z. V.

The article raises vital philological problems for language and speech environment. The purpose of preserving the Russian language as a part of the natural spiritual culture is discussed in the project «Speaking Russian». It creates an environment for enhancing the speech and communicative performances of both pupils and teachers.

Key words: language as a part of spiritual culture of the nation, Russian speech beauty, communicative culture, speech culture

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University informational and educational environment as a factor of future teacher’s media competence formation

UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74

Grigoreva I. V.

The results of the research on the problem of university informational and educational environment as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence are presented. A deeper understanding of the existing in the current scientific knowledge area concept «future teacher’s media competence» is given. The author reveals the concept’s essence, works out its structure, rates, formation stages, makes specific the concept “university informational and educational environment” as a factor of formation of future teacher’s media competence, determines the content of a structure functional example of university informational and educational environment. Methodological support of the formation of future teacher’s media competence in university informational and educational environment has been experimentally tested.

Key words: university informational and educational environment, formation, media education, media competence of a future teacher, example

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Prospects for integration of classical forms of foreign language teaching in e-learning system Moodle: introduction to German phonetics

UDC 811.112.2+37+004.6 BBK 81.20+74.00+73.00

Puzeikina L. N., Rebikov V. B.

The article describes the prospects for the creation of e-learning phonetic introductory course using the capabilities of the virtual learning environment Moodle at the Department of German Philology at the St. Petersburg State University. The interest in the usage of electronic learning management systems is associated with the active introduction of new information technologies in the education system, including foreign languages teaching.  Moodle can be used to combine many methods in order to teach correct pronunciation of a foreign language, such as audio and / or video, transcription, additional materials. The article presents the initial phase of the project results.

Key words: e-learning, introduction in German phonetics, virtual learning environment, learning management system Moodle, methods of foreign languages teaching, tests

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The German teachers: Education – Tasks – Problems

UDC 37.08 BBK 80

Schieser H.

The German teachers among the best-paid in the world. Their education and training at the universities. Problem of political-ideological influences and professional competencies. Compared responsibilities of Kindergarten teachers Secondary Level, and University professors.

Key words: Best-paid teachers. Political-ideological education and training. Influence of teachers compared: Kindergarten-Elementary-Secondary, College levels


Deutsche Lehrer gehören zu den bestbezahlten der Welt. Ausbildung an der Universität, problematisch die „Politisierung“, und fachliche Kompetenz. Verantwortung der Lehrer(innen) im Kindergarten, verglichen mit der Sekundarstufe und Universität.

Schlüsselwörter: Best-bezahlte Lehrer der Welt, Politisierung der Bildung, Einfluss der Lehrer verglichen: Kindergarten – Elementar- und Sekundarschule – Universität

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Problematic aspects of SPE (secondary professional education) system changing to new standards

UDC 371 BBK 74.56

Klochkova N. Y.
The article is devoted to the analysis of formation perspectives of a new united community which arises on the background of the development of social, cultural and economic processes in the world. Therefore education in the XXIst century plays a great role in human life. New education’s paradigms are designed to meet the society’s needs for people with a high qualification level, deep knowledge, moral values and social activity. Nevertheless, during the changing to new standarts there arise a number of difficulties and contradictions which the participants of educational process meet with. Thus, education depends not only on those who make this process but also on what attention social and management structures pay to it.

Key words: public evolutionism, moral values, social activity, innovation, competent model of education, modernization, educational standards, metasubject, requirements, knowledge paradigm of education

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Communicative potential of the project activity

UDC 378 BBK 74

Volkova N. V.

The article presents some data of the research of the communicative potential of the project activity in the context of professional pedagogical activity. The project activity is used as the means of educational events organization and is regarded as a specific kind of pedagogical activity.

Key words: Communicative potential, interaction, educational event, group practice, project activity, pedagogical activity

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Teacher of Irkutsk province (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)

UDC 378.01 BBK 74.03

Sheblakova E. N.

The article discusses the standard of living, working conditions and material remuneration of teachers in Irkutsk province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries.

Key words: teacher, Irkutsk Province, the second half of XIX – early XX centuries, living standards, working conditions, material remuneration

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Motivation of personal and professional teacher’s self-development as a resource of implementation of general education FSCS

UDC 371.1 BBK 74.2

Kirdiankina S. V.

The implementation of Federal State Educational Standards into the system of general education is a key event of the 21st century. Obviously, the question of peopleware resource becomes especially actual. Until a teacher perceptibly changes, nothing essential will change in Russian education (in its educational results).

In the current article the question arises about the significance of teacher’s self-development in personal and professional aspects. An attempt was made to analyse problems of motivation of self-development of a teacher and methodological summarizing of accumulated experience in the light of meeting requirements FSES of general education.

Key words: FSES, self-development, motivation, management, reject, subjectiveness, scientific-methodological support, anthropogenesis, formgenesis, normgenesis, autopsychological competence, human ability

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