Категория: Air transport security

Selection and justification of methods and mathematical models of equipment wear and replacement

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_27

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The authors develop and show the practical applicability of mathematical models for assessing the wear of equipment. According to the property of fixed assets, which equipment belongs to, it has to be replaced as a result of wear and tear. In this connection, the relevance of the conducted research is caused by the search of models for assessing their state at a given moment of time. The complexity of developing such models is due to the fact that the characteristics of equipment performance are random values and random functions. When planning the work of the enterprise it is necessary to take into account the statistical characteristics of the survivability of the equipment. Only in this way it is possible to foresee in advance the amount of renewable equipment, the order of preventive maintenance and the terms in which equipment should be replaced to ensure uninterrupted implementation of the production program without excessive investment expenditures of the enterprise.

Key words:  mathematical models, wear and replacement of equipment, optimization.

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Implementation of multiple-level education in the professional training of specialists for airport emergency services

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_17

Natalia N. Ivanskaia

Valerii A. Kuklev

Andrey V. Seleznev

Nikolay I. Nikolaykin

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to harmonize the professional training of bachelors and masters in the field of firefighting and rescue support for flights with the current regulatory frame-work governing the activities of rescuers in aviation. As a result, positions with the qualifications of “bachelor” and “master” were allocated in the organizational structure of the airport RFFS. The labor functions corresponding to them are determined; professional competencies and indicators of their achievement are formulated; the courses of the professional block of the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors and masters are proposed.

Keywords: rescue and firefighting, civil aviation, Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) 3++.

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Algorithm of applicability of statistical methods for control, regulation and prediction of output parameters of products

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_6

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. Logically, the article is a continuation of an earlier study devoted to determining the practical applicability of statistical methods for assessing the compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of regulatory documentation and reflects their application depending on the stages of the product life cycle. The results obtained suggest that the application of this method in various industries (aviation, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, defense, etc.) will significantly improve the quality of finished products, as well as guarantee the operational performance of components manufactured by domestic manufacturers in the format of solving the problem of import substitution.

Key words: flight safety, import substitution, products, quality of finished products and components, non-conforming products.

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Control of evaluating non-conforming products based on statistical methods

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_3_33

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Ludmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The purpose of this work is to determine the practical applicability of statistical methods for assessing the compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of regulatory documentation and substantiating the feasibility of strategic planning of their production range. The advantage of this study is the development of a universal algorithm for the system of applying statistical methods to control nonconforming products and reduce the number of defects caused by known and little-known causes. The reliability of the conclusions obtained is due to the results of experiments carried out as part of the technological process, the objects of which were cylindrical parts made by pressing from materials of various physical and chemical composition used in various industries: aviation, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, defense, etc. 

Key words: statistical methods, quality of components, nonconforming products, requirements of regulatory documentation, flight safety.

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Logic-probabilistic modeling of hazardous situations in the investigation of aviation events

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_3_6

Anatoly G. Guziy

Dmitry A. Shiryaev

Abstract. The article presents an original formalizable logical-probabilistic model for the development of hazardous situations in flight, the use of which contributes to the deepening of the analysis of flight safety as a state of the air transport system, covering all its components and interfaces directly or indirectly involved, the current state of which determines the risk of an accident in each specific flight.

It is shown that the effectiveness of measures to reduce the risk of aviation accidents (prevention of aviation events) within the framework of the civil aircraft flight safety management system is largely determined by the level of organization, depth and quality of the investigation of aviation events.

The developed model is essential for organizing the collection of data and recording the results of aviation events investigation, as well as hazard and risk factors that pose a threat to the safety of civil aircraft flights. It allows you to implement a systematic approach to the investigation of aviation accidents, aviation incidents and their prerequisites, providing coverage of all directly or indirectly involved components of the air transport system and interfaces, the current state of which determines the risk of an accident in each particular flight.

The collection and registration of the results of the investigation of aviation events, data on hazard and risk factors for flight safety within the framework of the state system for managing the safety of civil aircraft flights on the basis of the developed model contributes to the fulfillment of the requirements of international and national legislation by all participants in the flight safety management process.

Key words: flight safety, dangerous situations, hazard factors, accident prevention factors, probability of development of a dangerous flight situation, investigation of aviation events.

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Experimental test of the method for evaluating the functioning of automated systems on latest-generation aircraft

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_20

Ivan Stanislavovich Murav’ev

Abstract. Modern automated aircraft is a system with high information value of its operation parameters. The motor skill of the pilot in the flight control modes using autopilot and auto-throttle remains untapped on such types of aircraft. This leads to a lack of information about the aircraft state in flight and increases the risk of an emergency. To solve this problem, the authors developed a new method that allows pilots to evaluate the functioning of complex control systems, based on the formation of an integrated skill in combining static and dynamic parameters from various sources of information located in the cockpit. This method is based on a mathematical model for assessing the effectiveness of the operator’s activities and allows developing a methodology for training pilots to assess the functioning of automated aircraft systems and the state of the aircraft itself in flight.

The method consists in the fact that when performing a flight in the semi-automatic control mode, the pilot must partially replace the autopilot with manual piloting. By executing the commands set on the flight mode control panel, the pilot is partially dependent on the operating conditions of the automatics involved in operation. The theoretical calculation shows that the flight should be divided into specific stages, and the parameters of the information sources presented to the pilot in flight should be divided into static and dynamic ones. When training, it is necessary to stepwise increase the information load on the pilot through the static parameters of the information sources, requiring the student to withstand them by influencing the dynamic parameters. It is also necessary to gradually change the level of automation of the piloting mode.

The results of the experiment made it possible to determine that the participants of the experimental group were 24% more effective in performing the flight when moving from a flight with a high degree of automation to a flight with a minimum degree of automation. The processing of the experiment results showed that using the proposed preparation method when evaluating the functioning of automated aircraft systems provided the statistically significant efficiency.

Keywords: information, efficiency, evaluation of functioning, piloting, method, experiment.

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Principles of integration of management systems and safety management systems

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_6

Nikolai S. Khersonsky

Lyudmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Abstract. The complication of aircraft maintenance processes in the aerodrome area under the influence of extreme, and often uncontrolled use of unmanned aerial vehicles, jeopardizes aircraft (AC) flight safety, entailing consequences from acts of unlawful interference and terrorist threats, danger to life and public health, environmental changes. This is the purpose of the study, which resulted in a new mechanism for ensuring safety through the development of a management systems integration model (IMS) and a flight safety management system (SMS). Particular attention is paid to the issue of introducing electronic IMS models in combination with SMS, the development of which is built taking into account the requirements of the management system and modern IT technologies that ensure the interconnection of the main, supporting processes and management processes, indicators of management processes, flight safety and parameters of the main business processes with the business characteristics of the aerodrome.

Keywords: Risks, quality, flight safety, integration, integrated management system, Bayesian trust networks, Petri nets.

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Role and place of cognitive information converters of pilot activity algorithms in the process of control of highly automated aircraft

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_18

Ivan S. Muravyev

Abstract. When flying in automatic mode, the pilot is outside the manual control loop and functions as an operator in the system. Congestion of the visual channel of perception of information coming to the pilot, the need to intervene in control through the influence of the pilot on the program of operation of the aircraft, and not through controls, leads to a change in the operational field of activity of pilots. To develop new piloting skills as part of the operator’s duties as a pilot, a different critical view of research in this area is needed.

Keywords: activity algorithm, information, analysis, consistency, manageability, transformation.

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Problems of learning the flight operation manual while developing knowledge and skills of fighter aviation cadets concerning the actions in emergencies during the flight

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_37

Nikolay A. Kupriyanov

Sergey A. Proshkin

Sergey V. Stadnik

Pavel D. Solodovnik

Abstract. The article deals with the results of the study of mastering quality and accuracy of actions in emergencies during the flight by the fighter aviation cadets while flying the YAK-130. The examples demonstrating visually the impact of registration and interpretation of some material relating to “The flight operation manual” on the process of knowledge and skills formation have been examined. “A tree of problems” giving an opportunity to join the interpretation of emergencies during the flight to safety of flights consequently on an example of “The flight operation manual” learning has been synthesized. The obtained results of the research allowed us to formulate the recommendations on improving “The flight operation manual”. The statistical estimates of applying the described recommendations while developing knowledge and skills of fighter aviation cadets concerning the actions in emergencies during the flight are presented.

Key words: human factor, flight crew, flight, failure, emergency, mental stability.

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Analysis of methods for evaluation of the irregularities changing of the aerodrome pavement in the Far North and the Arctic

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_6

Viktor M. Rukhlinsky

Lyudmila G. Bolshedvorskaya

Shamil F. Ganiev

Abstract. The present article emphasizes that when managing risks to ensure the safety of the operator’s flights, hazard factors due to the occurrence of uneven runways of aerodromes located in conditions with extreme climatic conditions are of great importance. In this regard, the relevance of the research topic is due to the lack of research on existing methods and algorithms for assessing the roughness of airfield pavements in order to reduce their negative impact on aircraft operating in the Far North and the Arctic.

Key words: risk management, runway, airfield roughness.

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