Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Additional education of children: legal problems and ways of their solution

UDK 374 BBK 74.200:587

Polichka N. P.

Two aspects of legal regulation of additional education of children in Russia are considered: state obligations and additional children education programs directivity.

The law enforcement practice of subordinate entities of the Federation activity and local governments on the organization of additional education of children is analyzed. The existing problems are formulated and the ways of their solution are offered.

Key words: additional education of children, state guarantees, additional children education programs directivity.

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The national media education methodology of the «perestroyka» period

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina  E.V.

The main changes with their significant impact on modern media education in Russia occurred during the years of “perestroika” are examined in the article. They allowed expanding the methodological foundations of media pedagogy. Such a methodological basis transformation was based on the existing objective prerequisites: practical results were often ahead of the theoretical foundations; the USSR’s withdrawal from isolation in relation to Western studies. The changes laid down in the period of “perestroika” became the basis for modern media education in our country.

Key words: reforms, history, theoretical foundations, methodologic, USSR, media education, «perestroika».

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Technology of using audiovisual media texts about school and university in media education: internet studies

UDK 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Mikhaleva G.V.

The article deals with the problem of using audiovisual media texts about schools and universities in internet studies.  Analysis of Russian and foreign practical experience in implementing audiovisual media texts shows that media education ought to develop students’ habits of skepticism towards online content based on critical analysis of audiovisual texts.

Keywords: media education, media text, university, school, internet, audiovisual text, website, online content, “viral” video, media project.

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The problem of formation of students’ inter-ethnic tolerance and the risks of modern media space

UDK 378.184 BBK 74.4

Chelysheva I.V.

The article discusses the risks of modern media space in the context of formation of inter-ethnic tolerance of modern youth. The author presents an analysis of the current socio-cultural situation in terms of using the possibilities of media education for the development of students’ inter-ethnic culture.

Keywords: inter-ethnic tolerance, students, media culture, media education, media text.

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Media educational possibilities of audiovisual mediatexts on school and student topics

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73 Ch 411

Chelysheva I.V.

The article discusses the media educational opportunities of audiovisual media texts on school and student topics. To this end, the article presents a review of scientific publications on the problem under study, the results of scientific papers on the methods and technology of media education. The analysis was based on the scientific works of Bazalgette, A. Silverblatt, U. Eco backed by the key concepts of media education: media agencies, media / mediatext categories, media technologies, media languages, media representations, media audiences.

The study presents practical aspects of organization of media education classes including literary-analytical, imitation-creative, theatrical-role-playing creative tasks on the material of audiovisual media texts on subjects of school and university.

Keywords: hermeneutic analysis, audiovisual media text, methods and technology of media education, students, schoolchildren.

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The hermeneutical analysis of specific soviet audiovisual media texts about a school and a higher education institution at media educational Classes

UDK 791.43 BBK 85.373(2)

Katrich (Shahanskaya) A.J.

In this article using a comedy TV series “Fizruk” (“Рhysical education teacher”) (2014-2016) as an example is made the hermeneutical analysis of the specific Soviet audiovisual media text about a school and a higher education institution at media educational classes. TV series on the theme of school and higher education institution designed mainly for the youth audience have an entertaining character and low artistic value. Nevertheless,   they can be interesting for hermeneutic analysis in the student audience in historical, ideological, socio-cultural and other contexts.

Keywords: hermeneutical analysis, media education, student, school student, school, higher education institution, teacher, media text, TV series.

* This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project 17-18-01001 «School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts», performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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The hermeneutical analysis of specific soviet audiovisual media texts about a school and a higher education institution at media educational Classes

UDK 791.43 BBK 85.373(2)

Katrich  (Shahanskaya) A.J.

In this article using the cinema “Balamut” (“Troublemaker”) (1978) as an example is made the hermeneutical analysis of the specific Soviet audiovisual media text about a school and a higher education institution at media educational classes. The author adhered to the hermeneutical analysis methodology of the media texts developed by A. Silverblet [Silverblatt, 2001] and U. Eko [Eko, 2005], with the support of media education key concepts. Examples of creative tasks for realization in student’s audience are also given.

Keywords: media education, hermeneutical analysis, cinema, USSR, feature film, school, higher education institution, students.

* This article is written within the framework of a study financially supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Project № 17-18-01001 «School and university in the mirror of the Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts», performed at Rostov State University of Economics.

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School social partnership and board of guardians as a means of pre-professional students education for entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of agribusiness

UDK 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52 N 503

T. N. Nemirich

The article deals with the problem of  polytechnic content of education, contributing to professional identity of rural students  and involving them in active educational and production processes, obtaining practical experience in the field of agribusiness according to the Concept of development of a continuous agribusiness education in rural territories of the Irkutsk region for the period up to 2020 approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk region and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region of July 18, 2014 No. №85.

Key words: agribusiness education, agribusiness competence, continuous education, rural development, education, training, educational standards, personal results, metasubject results, subject results.

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The acquisition of subject-verb agreement by english language learners: the case of third-person singular –s

UDK 372.881.111.1  BBK 74.268.1

A. E. Saraeva

The article provides a potential explanation for the difficulties that English language learners encounter regarding subject-verb agreement from the perspective of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). The attention is drawn to the issue of how research findings can be used to develop some implications for foreign language teaching.

Keywords: Second language acquisition (SLA), second language (L2), morphology, subject-verb agreement, morpheme order studies, English as a foreign language (EFL).

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On the literary development of young school-age children at literary reading lessons in the buryat language

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

S. TS. Sodnomov

The features of the literary development of young school-age children of the Buryat primary school are discussed in the paper. The goals and objectives of the literary development of young school-age children at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language are also highlighted.

Key words: primary school, junior school-age child, literary development in the Buryat language.

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