Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Organization of work with young people: current trends in development, enriching and expanding educational content and strengthening image support (by means of the example of taganrog institute named after A.P. Chekhov, branch of the Rostov state university of economics, Russian federation)

UDK 316.77:001.8 BBK С55.325.1:С55.57с

A. Ju. Goloborodko

I. V. Chelysheva

Key vectors and prospective development paths of “Organization of work with young people” training program are discussed in the article. The uniqueness of the master program “Organization of Work with Young People in the Sphere of Culture and Mass Communication” consists in the active inclusion of the media educational component in the system of training future masters, providing theoretical and practical training of students for professional activities. The authors also presented the organizational components of high school graduates vocational guidance with the inclusion of the media education and media culture study.

Keywords: organization of work with young people, media education, master study, media schools.

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Teaching professional communication at the elementary level of Russian as a foreign language at medical university

UDK 372.881.161.1 BBK 74.268.1

L. V. Orlova

The article is devoted to some problems of forming communicative competence at the elementary level of Russian as a foreign language. The author presents the overview of the textbook «Basics of Medical Vocabulary» and analyzes assignments aimed at acquiring and improving professional communication skills offered in the abovementioned textbook.

Key words: teaching Russian as a foreign language, professional communication, educational and professional sphere.

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Technologies to develop critical thinking of pupils on advertising in the media educational process

UDK 316.77:001.8 BBK С55.325.1:С55.57с Ch-411

I. V. Chelysheva

The article deals with the problems to develop critical thinking of pupils using advertising media material. The author examines technology difficulties of media education classes on the material of advertising, provides examples of different type tasks to use in the conditions of educational institutions of different types.

Keywords: media, media education, development of critical thinking, pupils.

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The implementation of an innovative approach to education in the Kyrgyz republic

UDK 372.853. (575.2)(043.3)  BBK 74.202.5

Sh. J. Kurmankulov

V. K. Beshkempirova

In this article the authors considered the features of innovative learning organization in the Kyrgyz Republic on the example of General secondary education. The innovative approach of learning carries new ways of interaction “teacher-student” in the training process, aims to improve the efficiency of the education.

Keywords: didactics, innovation, innovative approach, new paradigm, educational standard, learning technology, traditional learning, innovative learning.

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Internet technology opportunities in the formation of media competence of the secondary language personality in the process of learning a foreign language at college

UDC 377 BBK 74.5

L. V. Ermakova

The problem of the quality of foreign language education in the conditions of exponential development of digital media has always been the focus of Russian linguodidactics, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages. The article is devoted to the problem of foreign language education in secondary vocational education in the era of globalization, global cooperation and competition, technologization, information society, intercultural communication, as well as economic reforms in Russia. The author agrees with the point of view that the language of media combines elements of communication and impact and is considered as one of the main modern means of formation of media competence of the secondary linguistic personality capable to function fully in the mediatized society.

Key words: media competence, mediatized communication, mediatized society, foreign language communication, foreign language education, intercultural communication, language personality, secondary language personality.

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Protective inhibition of intellectual potential of students when learning new educational materials

UDC 372.853. (575.2)(043.3)  BBK 74.202.4

Sh. J. Kurmankulov

Т. Т. Tashtanbekova

The article considers changes and development of students’ intellectual potentials caused by learning new materials or knowledge. The authors prove that not all students can always learn any educational material because of the impediments retarding intellectual functioning of students for objective and subjective reasons.

Keyword: innovation, new paradigm, teaching technology, intellect, intellectual potential, mental energy, permanent knowledge, educational background, protective inhibition, reflection.

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Explicated social and teaching practices in educational activity of a technical university

UDK 378 BBK 74.58

L. Yu. Barbasheva

The article deals with the practice of implementing the network interaction in higher education. The article presents summarizing the experience of a technical university in creating an educational cluster and a scientific educational cluster with international participation.  The author proves the expediency of creating a local educational aviation cluster with the purpose of activating the development of modern intellectual professional aviation environment in Irkutsk.  

Keywords: network cooperation, cluster approach, higher educational establishment, educational cluster, scientific educational cluster with international participation, local educational aviation cluster.

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«New» education methods at private schools of Irkutsk in the early 20th century

BBK 74.57 UDK 373 (571.53) G 20

L. V. Garashchenko

The article deals with the educational practice of private schools that successfully operated in Irkutsk in the early XX century analyzing unique historical and pedagogical sources. It presents the experience of using «new» methods in work with children and adults. These methods stimulated cognitive activity, developed independence and creativity. It characterizes the initial theoretical positions on which the pedagogical system of separate schools of «new type» was built.

Keywords: history of education, private education, private school, educational process, training methods, cognitive activity development, Irkutsk.

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The use of the student-centered approach in teaching of the six-string guitar playing

UDC 371.13:37.026 BBK 24.200.58

A. S. Nikitin

This article proves the use of the student-centered approach in teaching of the six-string guitar playing in conditions of supplementary education. The author presents the experience of his work with student groups of different ages, according to their abilities and informs about results when the student-centered approach have been used.

 Keywords: student-centered approach, teaching, supplementary education, accord technics, student, student group, abilities

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Pecularities of person-centered approach to students support at the stage of adaptation in new educational environment

УДК 378 ББК 74.48

O. A. Molokova

The article deals with the necessity to consider students support at the stage of adaptation in the conditions of humanization of education based on humanistic psychological approaches. The most consistent and developed of these approaches in pedagogical practice is the person-centered approach which is able to act as the theoretical and practical basis of this kind of support. The article discusses the peculiarities of supporting students in terms of the person-centered approach in comparison with the traditional (pragmatic) approach.

Keywords: adaptation of students, person-centered approach, students support.

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