Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Ecological education of youth using media: theoretical aspects of the problem

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.Yunovidov G. Yu.

The article deals with theoretical problems of ecological education of modern youth with the use of media education components. The authors present the analysis of integration media education the main directions of environmental education. upbringing and development of the ecological culture of the individual on the basis of the works of media culture. The integration of environmental education on the material of media culture into the teaching and educational process is presented.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, ecological education, youth.

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Actualization of the issues of formation of information competence of students of 10-11 grades in the process of their digital socialization

UDC 373.2 BBK 74.100

Tretyakov A. L.

The article makes an attempt to actualize the issues of formation of information competence of students of the 10th-11th grades of general education organizations in the process of digitalization of society and including them. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of informational competence of students of 10-11 classes are noted. Reflected specificity of information competence as a socio-cultural and educational phenomenon. Particular attention is paid to the role of the program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» in the formation of the information competence of modern high school students.

Keywords: information competence, students 10-11 grades, digitalization of society, features, formation, potential.

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Using brititshcouncil materials for teaching college students reading in English: work experience

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.47

Kornilova S. A.

The article describes the experience of using the resources of brititshcouncil website for training college students reading skills. Various tasks are presented for more objective control of the reading skills in addition to the proposed tasks on the site. The tasks are accompanied by the developed criteria for their evaluation.

Кeywords: types of reading, forms of control, assignments for the development of reading skills, criteria for assessing the completed tasks.

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Using method of correlation pleiades for improving learning efficiency

УДК 378 ББК 221

Mindeyeva S. V.Berdnik L. O.

The article describes an example of improving the educational process in a technical university by the example of the discipline «Econometrics». The authors present a method of correlation pleiades which is not widely used in this discipline. An example of using the method of correlation pleiades to identify the relationship between eight parameters is considered. The threshold limitation was introduced to study the relationship between the parameters which makes it possible to divide the pleiad into more trivial ones.

Key words: educational process, econometrics, correlation pleiad, correlation coefficient, chain, star, network.

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Interaction between a foreign and native languages in the process of teaching English grammar

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.1Англ

Popova E. I.Murzin A. A.

The phenomenon of a «socialization of a language» is described on the basis on the phylogenesis [phylon + genetikos. Greek]. The authors of this article regard the category of a language in the connection of the following notions: a social phenomenon, an individual personal co-knowledge, foreign culture, basic language functions.

The peculiarity of marking the fragmented reality using verbal and nonverbal means is defined by cultural / social / political differences between nations, population, communities and so on. It is a cluster of a universal and individual experience.

The typology of interaction between a native and foreign languages in the process of communication is presented in the article. This typology can be used to create technologies to teach students using different English Grammar phenomena.

The practical part is based on some psychological traits, defining the mental peculiarity of contemporary teens. Their perception of the environment and the ability to analyse the information is marked by a special term «a clip thinking».

The theoretical aspect of the article is the basis to teach students to understand the peculiarity of marking fragmented reality using the following Grammar Tenses: Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous and further using these Grammar means in foreign communication.

Keywords: «socialization of a language», «basic language functions», «foreign culture», «second / once again cognition of a reality», «typology of interaction between languages», «clip thinking», «fragmentation».

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Time for change in foreign language education: problems and solutions

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.268.1

Bogdanova O. S.

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The article is devoted to the study of the urgent problem concerning foreign language education in the conditions of development of intercultural relations, intercultural communication, cooperation. It shows the vital need for new approaches to the training of future foreign language teachers in connection with the rapid processes of globalization, informational support, technologization, intercultural communication. Long-term theoretical and empirical research of the author, confirmed by the figures and data of surveys and professional observations allowed to conclude that there is a need to change the system of training of foreign language teachers to meet the new challenges of education, to make this system not subject-oriented, but professional as well as cultural-oriented.

Keywords: foreign language education, language, intercultural communication, foreign language teacher, linguodidactic discourse, metasubject results, subject results.

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Horizons and borders of contemporary education

UDC 378.14.015.62 BBK 74.58

Adolf V. A.Adolf K. V.

The article suggests a variant of constructing the horizons and boundaries of modern education by means of the identification of social and pedagogical problems associated with the implementation of the competence approach. It defines the role of education in the professional socialization of young people. It is proposed to accept interdisciplinary – convergent learning based on the implementation of a subject-oriented approach. It is based on the idea of clarifying the professional tasks arising from the characteristics of the graduates’ professional activities in accordance with Higher Education Federal State Educational Standards through the content of labor activities and functions. The authors suggest the presented option makes it possible to carry out a substantive concretization of the theoretical-methodological, psychological-pedagogical, practical, socio-cultural training of students during learning the appropriate programs.

Key words: education, training, competence, readiness for professional activity, professional socialization of the youth.

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The meetings which were lessons and fortune (in Krasnoyarsk)

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Furjaeva T. V.

The article-memoirs concerns the biographical data, content and cooperative pedagogical activity of the author and the famous scientist, the head of the Siberian pedagogical school from 1974 to 1977 A.I. Dulov.

Кeywords: meeting, cooperation, Krasnoyarsk State University, the interconnection of science and practice, networking, moral education, ideas and experience of the past.

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Going through Alexander Dulov’s books. To the centenary of birth

УДК 37.022 ББК 74.03(2)

Stefanovskaya T. A.

The basic scientific researches and scientific-pedagogical activity of a well-known scientist and talented educator form Irkutsk professor A. I. Dulov are analyzed in this article. Alexander Ivanovich’s wide ranged activity is focused on by the author.

Keywords: Dulov Aleksander Ivanovich, books, pedagogics, series of lectures, logic-structural course, school supervision, scientific-pedagogical school.

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A. I. Dulov’s pedagogics in the light of our time realities. Philosophical reportage (2001)

UDC 371.485 BBK 74.03(2)

Konoplev N. S.

This text, created during the life of the outstanding Soviet pedagogue A. I. Dulov, concerns the innovations, which the hard-working educator of the younger generation developed in his broad and vivid scientific and practical activities. Over the years it has become obvious that the scientific component of the large-scale phenomenon of A.I. Dulov was aimed at determining the milestones of the transition from a brining-up- educational, i. e, actually pedagogical process to an educational one as the most important condition of a personal, i.e., creatively oriented , self-realization of a modern young man. The spiritual heritage of the veteran of the national science about the emerging new man is waiting for its further development.

Keywords: A.I. Dulov, Soviet pedagogy, a new man, A.I. Dulov’s scientific school, youth culture, engineer of children’s souls, fundamental research program, innovator, education, scientific philosophy, patriotism.

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