Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The role of ecology of sound in musical education

UDC 372.878 BBK 28.081

Trubina Z. I.

The article tries to reveal the relationship between psycho-emotional state of people and the environment, as the condition of the human inner world is one of the reasons for the ecological changes in the environment.

The environment is not only the preservation of nature. The environment created by the culture of our ancestors and ourselves is not less important. Under the influence of sounds people can educate and adjust themselves to the environmentally friendly behaviour.

The American scientist J. T. Titon and the Russian researcher Eugene Nazaikinskii wrote about musical culture as an ecological system and the relationships of man as the subject of nature with it.

In many Russian cities there is a number of ways to join musical culture, to participate in solving common problems with the help of music ecology. These are children’s musical schools, art colleges, ensembles at the Philharmonic palaces that foster environmental consciousness of townspeople and improve their psycho-emotional and physical health through classical music.

Keywords: ecology of sound, environmental awareness, classical music.

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Professional competence of the teacher in interacting with children

UDC 373.24(571.54) BBK 74.1 (2 Рос=Бур)

Malakhova G. I.

The article considers the problems of perfection of professional competences of teachers as the necessary condition of forming students’ personality and realizing the requirements of the professional standard «Teacher» of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Education.

Keywords: modernization of education, professional competence, quality of education, interaction.

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The content and forms of education of moral culture in the work of the school museum

UDC 37.018.1 BBK 74.902

Visingiriev A. A.

The article reveals the contents and forms of educational work of the school museum, promoting moral education of students. It also highlights the stages of forming moral culture of students and examines the effectiveness of these activities.

Key words: museum; school; moral education; stages of identity formation.

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Automated information systems in the innovation activities of the university

UDC 378.1+004 BBK 74.04

Shusharin V. A., Skorobogatova M. V.

The article provides the solution for innovative development of the university on the basis of design and implementation of automated information systems.

Key words: information technology, automated information systems, informational support, educational processes, systems of decision support; automatic control system.

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Formation of the pedagogical position of the foreman of vocational training by means of literature

UDC 371.321 BBK 74.00

Savel’eva D. V.

Today a broader vision of the pedagogical activity of the foremen of vocational training (FVT) is forming. They are regarded as professionals who can change the world around for the better. In this article, the author focuses on the training in the system of secondary vocational education as a process of formation of subject experience of future professional activity.

Key words: foreman of vocational training, pedagogical position, professional activity, analysis of fiction, self-development.

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The potential of the Russian media texts in the development of sports culture among young people

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Alexander Knyazev, Dr. Elena Muryukina

The article describes the main forms of personal sports culture, use of mass media in motivation of students to do sports. Sports culture of a person reveals itself in the following forms: sports-pragmatic culture (pragmatic purposes); inhumane sports culture (inhumane values; the acceptability of any means to achieve victory); the sports and humanistic culture (positive value attitude of the individual to the sport from the perspective of the ideals and values of humanism). Today a big potential for the development of sports culture is in Russian media texts (film, television, press, Internet resources).

Key words: sports culture, forms, types, students, media texts, potential.

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The development of super-professional competencies as a condition of competitiveness of the future aviation professionals

UDC 378.147 BBK 74.58

Shutova T. A.

The article considers super-professional competencies which are in demand in modern labour market and in the aviation jobs of the future. The author defines the most demanded competences and proves the role of economic and managerial training in their formation. The article also shows that the importance of additional professional education lies in strengthening economic and managerial skills and competitiveness of engineering staff of aviation.

Key words: super-professional competences; competitiveness of a specialist; additional professional education; economic and managerial training.

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The study of television media texts in the writings of O. F. Nechay

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Sosnovskaya Zinaida

This article analyzes the works of famous Belarusian media educator O. F. Nechay about television media texts, their types and functions. According to the represented object, media texts are divided into the game message, documentaries and animated films. O. F. Nechay gives a systematic classification of types and genres of television arts according to the purposes of the Communicator; topic of television messages; target audience; principles of imaginative solutions, used artistic conventions.

Key words: Belarus, O.F. Nechay, television, classification, types, genres, functions, goals, audience.

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Developing of media education in the USA

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with the media education in the American society. It summarizes its history, highlighting three significant shifts. It analyzes the conditions demanding to form media literacy of Americans, some researchers’ works to develop media educationаl movement as a whole.

Key words: media education; media literacy; USA; mass media.

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Comparative analysis of information literacy and media competence in Georgia and Moldova: main trends

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Chelysheva I. V.

The article presents a comparative analysis of the theoretical and practical components of the development of information literacy and media competence in Georgia and Moldova. It gives the problems of the introduction of media education in the educational process of schools and universities. The author explores the possibilities and prospects of building a media center in the upbringing, education and development of the younger generation in the education.

Keywords: media education, media literacy, distance learning, media centers, media competence.

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