Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Experience of vocational guidance work in the People’s Republic of China: teachers only open doors, further you go

UDC 37 BBK 74.04(3)

Barbasheva L. Yu.

The article summarizes the experience of vocational guidance work, which is periodically carried out by higher educational institutions of Irkutsk in the system of school education of the People’s Republic of China. Methods of organizing high school acquaintances with the offered spectrum of educational services by Irkutsk universities are considered.

Keywords: China, school education, student, vocational guidance work.

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Teacher’s soul. In memory of ISLU professor Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina

UDC 929 BBK 74.03

Sharunov A. I.

The article gives the memories about a French teacher, scientist, colleague, and the brightest person of our time Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina. It reflects some episodes of her private life, a scientific way and heritage.

Valentina Aleksandrovna Sherstenikina is an author of numerous scientific articles and books of the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages, an active propagandist of the French language, a skillful organizer and a research supervisor; she rallied around herself creative, purposeful adherents and promoted the development of the Russian science of teaching foreign languages.

Keywords: teacher, scientist, educator, mentor.


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Nerve-psychological development of deprived young children with central nerve system damage and correction of retardation

UDC 159.95+372.3/4 BBK 74.3я73+88.я73

Murashova I. J., Murashova A. A.

The article analyzes the research results of nerve-psychological development of the third –year-old test children with central nervous system damage who are raised in the child’s home. The author gives the directions of psychological and educational work, contributing to the correction of retardation in nerve-psychiatric development of these children. The data will be useful for psychologists, defectologists, educators and other professionals working with this age cohort.

Key words: early childhood; nerve-psychiatric development; deprivation; sensor development; mental processes development; motility development; speech development; development of subject-game actions.

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Research of media preferences of adolescents

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina, Dr. Irina Chelysheva

The article presents the results of determining of teenagers’ media preference. It gives the most popular in the teenage environment of mass media: Internet, television, mobile phone, cinema, press, photo/video and the priority themes: youth, love and historical, the main motives of contact with media: the desire to get new information, listening to your favorite music and searching information and materials for study.

Key words: adolescents, media preferences, survey, compositions, analysis, mass media.

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The formation of media competence of students through modern musical-aesthetic development

UDC 37 BBK 74.200.544.3

Vorobieva I. E.

Modern pupils from early childhood are in close interaction with video, cellphones, video players; new caregivers of the modern generation are so-called «parallel school», virtual communication environment through media. The Internet for the most young users are the main source of information not only in the preparation of different tasks, but also for their free time. For this reason, figurative and virtual views of pupils about contemporary reality prevail over the intellectual. This article describes a focus group – pupils of the musical aesthetic studio and allows understanding more precisely pupils’ media competence, their tastes, hobbies, main reasons and frequency of using media, musical competence, through monitoring, oral conversations, debates, creative tasks.

Key words: pupils; media competence; focus group; media culture.

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Is patriotic education by words, actions and examples?

UDC 37.017.4 BBK 74.58

Barbasheva L. Yu.

The semantic transformation of the concept of Motherland is discussed in the article. The conditions of moral values formation are analyzed. The author appeals to the experience of the patriotic education organization in Irkutsk branch of Moscow state technical University of civil aviation. The author considers educational activities varied in form and content on which patriotic feelings of the students are built and developed.

Keywords: Motherland, patriotic education, patriotism, moral values, a student, citizenship, methods of education, forms of education.

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Military aviation personnel training: historiographic review of literature on the topic published in the period from 1910 to 1991

UDC 94(470) BBK 63.3

Astrakhantsev O. N.

The article provides a historiographical review of literature on the topic «Military aviation personnel training” published in the period from 1910 to 1991. The author gives a brief analysis of the published in this period works, examines how the process of studying this topic was going on, and how it changed in connection with the events taking place in the country and the development of aviation.

Keywords: Air force, aviation, aeronautics, aviation personnel, air fleet, aviation equipment, army, history.

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Transmission of information and communication as a human factor crucial in aircraft maintenance

UDC 656.09 BBK 81.1

Kuznetsova N. B.

In this article is noted that one of the important problem in aviation is language. There is a set of instructions and documentation for the maintenance of aircraft of foreign manufacture which requires specialist with confident language proficiency in aviation English. It’s no secret that aviation and technical English language differs from standard English used for everyday communication. The author considers how to create the conditions and what the procedure need to be to meet all requirements and make a harmonious course of aviation technical English to ensure the proper level of language competence of the personnel involved in the maintenance of aircraft of foreign manufacture.

Key words: aviation technical English, human factor, communication, aircraft maintenance, ICAO scale, proper level of language competence, aircraft of foreign manufacture.

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Gradation as a semantic-syntactical means of sentence organization

UDC 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The author proposes that the syntactical level (as well as other levels of a language system) has some linguistic means fixing logic links between outward things. The article deals with the gradation, a semantic-syntactical figure, which causes syntactically equivalent elements to be placed by increase or decrease their semantic magnitude. The analysis of factual material taken from literary works of German-speaking authors proves that the word order has a logic-semantic aspect. 

Key words: gradation, ranking, word order, anthropological linguistics, logic of syntax

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Career orientation work as a science of searching for a vocation (an attempt of organizing career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation)

UDC 377.6 BBK 74.81,6(2) 202.5,0

Barbasheva L. Yu

Career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is regarded in the article as a part of students’ continuous professional training. Career orientation work in the higher education institution is analyzed through the following elements’ functioning: pre-university training, professional higher education, postgraduate education. Forms and methods of career orientation work aimed at engaging the ablest applicants, establishing conditions for high-quality pre-entry training, rendering assistance to the students (trainees) in their professional identity are represented in the article.

Key words: career orientation work, engineering art, special purpose classes, a student, upbringing methods, forms of upbringing.

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