Modern german literary fairy tale: theme dynamic and dominant linguistic features
UDK 821.112.2 BBK 83.3 M 523
The article deals with the themes of a modern German literary fairy tale which create color of a specific time, moreover there are revealed their pragmatic potential and language means of expression. The material for the study is the latest fairy tales from children’s collections in the German language. The dominant linguistic stylistic features of a modern literary fairy tale include the internationalization (anglification) of the vocabulary, the inclusion of spoken vocabulary in the literary context and emotional markers. Avoiding stereotypes and innovative trends in the 20th century led to a new trend – not to perceive the actions of the characters as an example to follow, since bringing the fairy tale closer to life practically canceled the opposition good-evil.
Key words: folk tale, author’s tale, modern German literary fairy tale, genre features, language means of expression, anglification.
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