Категория: 5.9. Philology

Listener’s discourse in music reviews

УДК 811.112.2 ББК 81.432.4

V. A. Erman

A. V. Ermakova

The article explores the interdiscursive nature of music reviews which is manifested in interdiscursive relations between reviewer’ s discourse and discourse of music composition/ music event and can also include listener’s discourse. The article investigates peculiarities of listener’s discourse in music reviews by example of German texts and is devoted to the linguistic analysis of various types of discourse markers and functions in music reviews.

Keywords: discourse, music review, reviewer’s discourse, listener’s discourse, discourse marker

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New trends in the vocabulary of administrative and political discourse

UDC 81.23 BBK 81.2 Рус-5

Kotlyarova O. V.

In the present article the author makes the assumption that there are active changes in the lexical composition of the modern Russian language, in particular, in the administrative and political discourse. The changes that are taking place can be called democratization and modernization of the administrative sociolect, which consist in the expansion of the active vocabulary of the authorities, its qualitative change, the emergence of new combinable possibilities of words. The relevance of the work is confirmed by the fact that the speech of government officials, politicians, political leaders, representatives of state and municipal administration reflects the current state of cultural development of society.

Key words: administrative and political discourse; new trends in vocabulary; vocabulary of civil servants, speech culture.

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On the issue of phraseological etymology (on the example of the phraseological unit «die Flötentöne beibringen»)

UDC 81-139 BBK 81.1

Stepanenko V. A.Dribon D. O.

The article is devoted to the etymological study of the phraseological unit jmdm die Flötentöne beibringen. Being collected by the continuous sampling method and analysed, the empiric material enabled to find out phraseological etymology sources, in addition to those, which had been registered in different German etymological dictionaries.

Key words:  etymology of a phraseological unit, Aesop’s fable «The Fisherman and his Flute», pan flute, flute allemande.

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Features of language of comments on performances of German satirists

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B.Chashchin A. A.

The article analyzes the characteristic features inherent in the comments of the entertaining Internet media discourse, and highlights their language features.

Key words: Internet media discourse, entertaining discourse, comments, German satirists, evaluation, Anglicism, dialectism, graphic means, emotionality, expressiveness.

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Modeling method in word formation (on the base of compound words with a component Familie)

UDC 81-139 BBK 81.2

Stepanenko V. A., Chalaeva Ju. A.

The article is devoted to the study of compound words with a component Familie as 2 IC. Being collected by the continuous sampling method and analysed, the empiric material has been presented in three models. The formal description of compound words is a base stage for their content analysis.

Key words:  compound noun, IC analysis, modeling method, non-lexicalized compound.

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M. E. Saltykov-Shсhedrin on the enlightenment function of literature

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

Followers of the theory of art for art emphasize the esthetical function of art. Not denying the importance of this function, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin paid much more attention to its enlightenment function. That is why he ranked literature together with science.

Keywords: M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, the theory of art for art, science, art, literature, spiritual ideals.

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Music review as interdiscursive text

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Erman V. A., Ermakova A. V.

The article investigates the problem of discourse structure of music reviews by example of German reviews. The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of various types of interdiscursive relations between reviewer’s discourse and discourse of music composition / music event in music reviews.

Key words: discourse; interdiscursivity; music review; reviewer’s discourse; discourse of music composition / music event.

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Educational quest as a form of a student contest

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with the educational quest. It analyzes its definition and nature, practical experience to use in the educational process of foreign and Russian researchers. It describes the way to hold the contest of regional studies for pupils in the form of an educational quest. It gives the structure and content.

Key words: educational quest; contest; region studies; the USA; pupil.

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Cognitive aspect of word order

UDC 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The aim of the paper is an attempt to sum up linguists’ experience on the problem of word order analysis from the cognitive perspective. The article provides a review of special literature to a varying degree related to the issue. Special attention is paid to the sources analyzing the role of cognitive processes, in particular, perception in the syntactical formation of a sentence. The author shows that the word order as a linguistic category has along with the syntactical and semantic aspects a cognitive element as well.   

Key words: word order, deep structure, selectivity of perception.

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Oral story as the source of the historical memory (case study: northern extinct village)

UDC 398 BBK 82.3(2=411.2)

Pechinkina O. V.

The article aims to create the image of the native village, its perception and memoirs about the traditional lifestyle pattern of the village Turovskaya in the Arkhangelsk Region with the help of oral stories of a person who was born and grew up there. The article studies legends of the village naming, oral narratives about daily routine in 30-50s of the XXth century as well as about extinction of the village.

Key words: oral story; narrative; historical memory; village; collectivization;  postwar period; Arkhangelsk region.

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