Категория: 5.9. Philology

Peculiarities of translation of german eponymous geological terms

Ostrikova G. N.

Kravchenko N. V.

The article is devoted to peculiarities of translation of eponymous terms. The study aims at giving an overview of common translation techniques for German eponymous geological terms and the problems occurring during their translation. The authors also give recommendations for effective translation of eponyms.

Keywords: geological terminology, eponyms, translation of eponyms.

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Semantic neologisms in the english language

UDK 81’373.43 BBK 81.411.2-3

Nuzhnova E. E.

This article is devoted to the study of semantic innovations – new meanings of some words and word combinations existing in the Modern English language: the ways in which lexical units develop their new meanings, the sources where innovations draw their imagery from and the tendencies in enriching vocabulary are considered.

Key words: neologisms, semantic innovations, lexico-semantic variant, broadening of meaning, narrowing of meaning, metaphorization, terminologization, determinologization.

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Studying the buryat heroic epic “Geser” at school

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The paper discusses the features of the literary development of schoolchildren and the possibility of developing their verbal skills in the process of studying the Buryat heroic epic “Geser” in the Buryat school.

Keywords: literary development in the Buryat language, Buryat heroic epic, the development of verbal skills of schoolchildren, epithet, hyperbole, metaphor, alliterating words, comparison.

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Functional aspects of verbs of communication in the discourse of modern english drama

UDK 81.42 BBK 81.2

Savina I. V.

Krivchenko I. B.

The paper deals with the analysis of the verbs of communication within the discourse of modern English drama. Lingvosynergetic aspects of such verbs in the plays  of  modern authors of English-speaking countries can be seen both in the dialogue of the plays and in author’s remarks. Due to the synergetic potential of the above mentioned verbs the two constituents of the play begin to interact and influence each other.

Key words: discourse of modern English drama, lingvosynergetic approach, verbs of communication.

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Semantic-structural organization of paired designations (on material of the modern german language)

UDK 811.11-112 BBK 81.2

Portnova T.Yu.

The aim of the article is to analyze the interrelation of syntax and semantics of paired designations in the modern German language. The author describes the peculiarities and main principles of structural and semantic organization of paired designations using the semantic-syntactical law of ranking, which says that there is semantic hierarchy in the syntactical constructions and the word order reflects a particular hierarchy of parameters embodied in people’s consciousness. 

Key words: paired designations, ranking, word order, logic of the relationship between large and small quantities.

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The cognitive-matrix analysis of compounds (by the case of the words with BROT AS 2 IC)

UDK 81-139 BBK 81.2-3

V. A. Stepanenko

B. B. Timofeewa

The paper studies compound words with Brot as 2 IC using the cognitive-matrix analysis by N. N. Boldyrev. Our own cognitive matrix was developed based on the data we obtained using the main model.

Keywords: Brot, compound word, cognitive matrix analysis, cognitive matrix.

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Concept Hhaut» in the discourse of the Old and New Testaments

UDK 81-119 BBK 81.2-3

V. A. Stepanenko

A. J. Rjabzowskaja

The article represents an article review of a recent edition titled «Mit heiler Haut. Die Bedeutung der Haut in der Bibel» by Silvia Schroer published in Swiss feminist theological magazine «FAMA» and devoted to study of the concept «HAUT» in the the Old and New Testaments.

Key words: Haut, skin, cor, the Old Testament, the New Testament, ritual purity, ritual impurity. 

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Structural cohesionand linguo-stylistical peculiarities of its manifestation in the short story «The Gate of the Hudred Sorrows» by R. Kipling

UDK 81.00 BBK 81.432.1 B 31

O. M. Verbitskaya

The article contains the analysis of the short story «The Gate of  the Hundred Sorrows» by R. Kipling from the perspective of linguistic stylistics and decoding stylistics. A special attention was paid to the linguistic means of actualization of the textual category of cohesion and its suggestive potential. The purpose of the article consists in proving cohesion’s dominant role in subtextual information realization during the process of the author’s message reconstruction.

Key words: cohesion, the textual category, the author’s intention, principles of foregrounding.

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The image of Russia in novel of Henri Troyat «Alesha»

УДК 811.133.1’42 ББК 81.006

O. A. Dubnyakova

V. D. Tikhomirova

The article deals with the phenomenon of the dialogue of cultures in the works of Henri Troyat, as well as the role of the author as an intermediary between different cultures. In addition, the article is devoted to the thematic groups of russianisms as an interpretation of the image of Russia.The article is based on the work of Henri Troyat «Alesha», whose text represents the Russian mentality in the context of French culture.

Key words: Henri Troyat, the image of Russia, bilingual writers, russianisms, thematic groups, the dialogue of cultures.

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