Категория: 5.9. Philology

English-russian translation of sсreenplays (based on the scripts to S. Daldry’s and T. Hooper’s films)

UDC 811.11 BBK 81.432.1

Gorshkova O. S.

The article represents a synopsis of the findings on the structural-grammatical transformations and the linguistic features of the scripts to S. Daldry’s and T. Hooper’s films. The paper also tackles the nature of such notions as discourse and film discourse, which proves relevant for determining the structural changes taking place within the process of scripts translation.

Keywords: film discourse; lexical and syntactic transformation; translation; script; screenplay.

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The history of greeting cards

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

Vikulova L. G.Pyatnitskaya A. E.

The article is devoted to the history of postcards as a phatic communication. The formation of the genre of greeting cards is shown. It is proved that postcard as a phenomenon of social and cultural area allows a person to enter the process of identification within a special sociocultural space.

Keywords: mediated phatic communication, post card, greeting card, post crossing.

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Jesus [Christ] as the main representative of the religious concept «Weihnachten»

UDC 81-119 BBK 81.2-3

Stepanenko V. A., Kuznetsova E. V.

The article is devoted to the study of the semantic field «Weihnachten» and the description of the main representative of the religious concept «Weihnachten», in whose name the confrontation between Catholicism and Protestantism has been reflected for centuries.

Key words: Jesus [Christus], Weihnachten, Jesuskind, Christuskind, Christkind. 

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The Leipzig-Jakarta list of the Turkic languages as a source of the interdisciplinary comprehensive studies

UDC 811.51 BBК 81.2-03

Novgorodov I. N.

The article gives an information about an international symposium. Its subject is an interdisciplinary comprehensive discussion of the convergence Altay unity, the Leipzig-Jakarta list of relationship of the ancient and modern Turkic languages which was discussed by genetics, historians and linguists from China, Russia and Western Europe.

Key words: international, symposium, genetics, history, linguistics, the Leipzig-Jakarta list, Altaic, Turkic, language, interdisciplinary, comprehensive, research, NEFU.

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Implicit meanings in a communicative triade: epistemic aspect

UDC 81’1 BBK  81.2-5

Sludneva L. V.

The article deals with some mechanisms of verbal and non-verbal behavior of a speaker aimed at excluding from communication its side participants. The focus is made on epistemic aspect of interpreting and understanding implicit meanings.

Keywords: implicit meanings; communicative triade; proper addressee; side participant of communication.

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The linguistic peculiarities of German Grimm’s fairy tales film adaptations

UDC 821.112.2 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Нем.)

Merkurjewa V. B., Shadrina A. L.

The article studies the linguistic peculiarities of a film adaptation as a film text and as a secondary text. On the basis of the analysis of German Grimm’s fairy tales film adaptations the lexical means that change the genre and the style of a fairy tale in the adaptation and correctly convert the original text of the story into a film text are defined. The linguistic features of the source text preserved in the secondary text are also specified.

Key words: creolized text, film text, secondary text, film adaptation, fairytale film, Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

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Thesis, antithesis and synthesis in Alexander Blok’s poetry

UDC 81.00 BK

Danilenko V. P.

This article is dedicated to the analysis of A. A. Blok’s poetry from the viewpoint of how the thesis («mad love»), the antithesis («disgust’s relation with life») and the synthesis of his poetry are represented there. The latter concept was universal in pre-revolutionary Block’s poetry and was considered to be revolutionary, Christian and Eurasian one in his post-revolutionary poetry.

Key words: Alexander Blok, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, love, disgust, poetry, «Twelve», «Scythians».

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The structural-semantic peculiarities of animalistic phraseologisms describing a human’s appearance and character in Russian and Korean

UDC 81.2 BBK 81.2(Кор.)

Antonova A. B., Kim Jiyeon

The Russian and Korean animalistic phraseologisms indicate national peculiarities. Most phraseologisms describing a human’s appearance and character in Russian and Korean linguocultures are comparative units which structurally consist of an adjective, conjunction as and a noun – zoonym. Russian and Korean comparative phraseological units can have both equivalent and nonequivalent zoonymic components.

Key words: phraseological unit, linguoculture, zoonym, comparative unit, to symbolize, the Russian language, the Korean language

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Gradation as a semantic-syntactical means of sentence organization

UDC 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The author proposes that the syntactical level (as well as other levels of a language system) has some linguistic means fixing logic links between outward things. The article deals with the gradation, a semantic-syntactical figure, which causes syntactically equivalent elements to be placed by increase or decrease their semantic magnitude. The analysis of factual material taken from literary works of German-speaking authors proves that the word order has a logic-semantic aspect. 

Key words: gradation, ranking, word order, anthropological linguistics, logic of syntax

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