Категория: 5.9. Philology

A new manual of English lexicology

UDC 811.111 BBK 81.002.1

Diensberg B.

The article represents a book review of a recent edition titled «Borrowed Words. A History of Loanwords in English» of Philip Durkin, Deputy Chief Editor with the ongoing revision of the Oxford English Dictionary. The structure and the content of Dr. Durkin‘s book are attentively analysed and localized in the context of the predominant trends in the field. It is argued that the publication under discussion provides a complete and a reliable information about borrowed words in English.

Key words:  English lexicology, borrowed words, history of English vocabulary, handbook, book review.

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Genesis of the language of medicine

UDC 61:93+001.4

Musokhranova M. B.

В работе делается акцент на архаический период становления медицины, в котором шло формирование её языка, репрезентирующего человека в отношениях с окружающим миром посредством терминов.

Ключевые слова: истоки медицины, язык медицины, термин.

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Linguistic peculiarities of macaronic songs of Germans from Russia

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurjewa V. B., Kaskevich N. L.

The given article defines the concept of «macaronic song» which is traditionally associated with the realm of the comical. The purpose of the article is to point out characteristic features of the mixed colonial songs of Germans from Russia illustrated by the analysis of the songs «Alle Jahr na kaschdyi God» and «Спи, младенец мой прекрасный».

Key words: maсaronic song, Germans from Russia, colonial songs, bilingualism, folklore, interference.

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Stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev

Дондог Улзытуевай шүлэгүүд соохи зэргэсүүлгэнүүдэй найруулга тухай

UDC 894.23(092) BBK 83.3Бу-8

Tagarova T. B.

The article describes the stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev enhancing artistic expressiveness of the poems. Comparisons help to build images, inspired by a picture of the world of the poet-singer of the steppe Motherland, love for mother, women, nature. Comparisons are formed by repetition, parallelism, etc., to create a particularly bright, convex pictures of nature, at the same time expressing philosophical views of the author, distinguished by a deep psychologism and lyricism.

Key words: stylistics; comparison; reference; trope; detailed; simple; repetition; parallelism; philosophy; psychology; love; nature; mother; sea; artistic; image; original; traditional.

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Bipolar mindset in Herman Hesse’s «Health-resort visitor»

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

This article is dedicated to the gnoseological analysis of the best H. Hesse’s autobiography. One of the central “protagonists” is a bipolar mindset. It was typical of the author.

Key words: H. Hesse, «Health-resort visitor», the fight between contradictions, thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

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Conflicts in the gift presentation in the Chinese linguoculture

UDC 395.83 BBK 26.890

Chibisova O. V., Vasilyeva A. A.

The ability to avoid or solve a conflict is highly essential in modern society. In a social way, a conflict is a type of a disharmonious communication which does not exist out of the communicative situation. A conflicting communicative situation can be classified according to its direction, intention, and result. A speech conflict has a highly complicated structure: ripening, maturing, peak, decline and resolution. The last phase can result into a solved conflict and unsolved one. The analysis of three conflicting situations in the Chinese linguoculture indicted the reasons of conflicts. Knowing these reasons may be useful in cross-cultural communication of representatives of other linguocultures with the Chinese.

Key words: aggressive speech, unsolved conflict, solved conflict, cooperation strategy, confrontation strategy.

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«The three dark kings» by Wolfgang Borchert: a Christmas story?

UDC 82 BBK 83.3(2Рос=Нем)

Kondratenko P. I.

The article carries out an analysis of the Wolfgang Borchert’s short story «The Three Dark Kings» which bears resemblance to the genre of Christmas story not only in its composition but also in motives and images used. However, the genre of Christmas story undergoes significant changes by Borchert.

The demand for defining characteristic features of the Christmas story precisely and unambiguously along with the requirement of tracing the genre history in Russia and in Europe gain an impetus for new comparative and any other literature studies.

Key words: Wolfgang Borchert; Trümmerliteratur; Christmas story; text analysis; motives.

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Translinguographic translation as a method of the expert translation (basing on the translations of “Shan Hai jing” and “Erya”)

UDC 81 BBK 81

Khamaeva E. A., Shishmareva T. E., Kremnyov E. V.

The article substantiates translinguographic translation as a method used in the expert translation of texts in the language written with ideographic writing system. The examples from the translations of the treatise “Shan Hai Jing” and the first ancient Chinese Dictionary “Erya” prove that translinguographic translation provides information content and authenticity of the original text in the translated text.

Keywords: translinguographic translation; treatise “Shan Hai Jing”; Dictionary “Erya”; ideographic writing.

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Remarks on the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language*

UDC 811.51 BBK 81.2-03

Novgorodov I. N., Tokmashev D. M., Gainutdinova A. F., Ishkildina L. K.

Abstract: Background. This article is about the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language. Authors come to a conclusion that the Teleut language is more similar to the Kipchak languages according to the Leipzig–Jakarta list.

Materials and Methods. Research materials are the most resistant words (the Leipzig–Jakarta list) of the Turkic languages. The most resistant words were written out of the dictionaries of the Turkic languages. In this study of Teleut, field materials of Denis Tokmashev are used. In this survey, the comparative method is used as the main method.

Results. Words of the Leipzig–Jakarta list of the Teleut language in comparison with the Oghuz and Kipchak languages are revealed.

Discussions. Teleut as the Altai language dialect was previously considered to belong to the Kipchak languages according to Baskakov’s conception and Siberian group of the Turkic languages that also included the Khakass, Shor, Saryg-Yughur, Yakut, Tuvinian, Altai and other languages according to Mudrak’s opinion. It should be noted that according to the Russian Federation Government Resolution the Teleut dialect was recognized as the separate Turkic language. Authors disagree with Mudrak’s statement and come to a conclusion that the Teleut language is more similar to the Kipchak languages according to the Leipzig–Jakarta list.

Keywords: language, the Leipzig-Jakarta list, Teleut, Oghuz, Kipchak.

*A research was prepared at North-Eastern Federal University within the framework of the project № 14-04-00346 on “The Leipzig-Jakarta list of the Turkic languages” theme supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.

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