Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Environmental responsibility formation in studying primary general education (from experience)

UDC 373.3 BBK 74.262.01

Nikitina E. A.

The article considers the problem of ecological responsibility formation among the pupils at primary school in the practice of general education organizations in the Shelekhovsky municipal district. The technique of ecological responsibility formation among pupils at primary general education is presented.

Keywords: responsibility, environmental responsibility, pupils, general education organizations, environmental responsibility, environmental responsibility formation.

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Selfie — dependency or new art?

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the main historical aspects of the development of photographic art, trends and prospects of the study of the phenomenon of self in the context of media education. The author examines the role of the self in the modern younger generation and the potential of the research of this phenomenon.

Keywords: media, media culture, photography, self-media education.

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The experiences of holding of the qualifying World Skills championship on the basis of NTSSPI (branch) RSVPU on the competence of secondary and high school teacher

UDC 377.3 BBK 74.5

Trubina Z. I.

The article focuses on the experience of holding of the qualifying World Skills championship on the basis of Nizhniy Tagil State Social Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University on the competence of secondary and high school teacher in November 9-11, 2017. Today this competition is known throughout the world and it was attended by University students as participants, professionals, teachers, tutors as compatriots who assessed the tasks.

Keywords: WorldSkills, championship, secondary school teacher, high school teacher, competences, toolbox.

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Analysing of the effects of experimental work on the theme «Developing students’ life-purpose orientations in a technical college»

UDC 371.321 BBK 74.00

Savel’eva D. V.

The organizations of vocational secondary education are an environment where the students receive not only special knowledge and skills, but also a certain worldview, life attitudes, related with their future professional activity. The problem of life-purpose orientations is the reason of experimental work. This issue is caused by the reform of educational system, where the vocational organizations play an important role. At present their main purpose is to develop the future specialist both a subject of his own education and a subject of his own life strategy.

Key words: experiment, life-purpose orientations, college students, fiction.

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Changing the content of professional education as the factor to improving the quality of specialists training (from the experience of “ICAT and RC”)

UDC 377.35 BBK 74.56

Kryzhanovskaya E. S., Rusanov A. A.

The article is devoted to the experience of changing the content of vocational education in training specialists for the transport industry in the context of introducing the content of professional standards and the competency component of WorldSkills Russia. He ascertains the elements of the effectiveness of such implementation in the aspect of improving the quality of the formation of the professional competencies of college graduates.

Key words: Worldskills, professional standards, labor functions, labor actions, demonstration exam.

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Assessment tools for the discipline “therapeutic physical education and massage” for students

UDC 37.037.1 BBK 75.0

Dr. Odintsova Valentina

The article presents the main forms of evaluation tools for the discipline “Therapeutic physical culture and massage” for University students in the direction 49.03.01 “Physical culture”. We rely on the following forms of practical training (which also include the acquisition of practical skills foundations of medical physical culture and massage): colloquium; report; examination; interview; abstract; essay. We have proposed questions for the exam, developed criteria for obtaining an examination assessment on the results of the study of the discipline “Therapeutic physical culture and massage”.

Key words: students, medical physical culture, sports massage, assessment tools, evaluation criteria.

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Program of media club for the elderly in cultural center

UDC 373.24 BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Murykina Elena

The article deals with the organization of the media club as a means of rehabilitation of the elderly people in the cultural center. Media club is one of the forms of social and cultural activity. The author develops a program of the media club for the elderly, and believes that it will allow forming the social status of the elderly, as well as to restore their lost social ties at the macro or micro levels.

Key words: media club, rehabilitation, cultural center, program, methods.

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Folk art as a means of development and conservation of native (Buryat) language on the territory of Ust-Ordinskiy Buryat district in Irkutsk region

UDC 811.512.31 BBK 74.26.153Бурят.1(2)-211,0

Kulehova A. M.

The article deals with the issues of preservation and development of the language through introduction to ethnic and cultural traditions, folk art on the territory of Ust-Ordinskiy Buryat district in Irkutsk region and using a fundamentally new model of language and culture learning.

Keywords: Buryat language, culture, bilingualism, subordination.

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Scientific-educational center as innovative technological platform for development of media cotent of modern higher education

UDC 378.147 BBK 74.48

Goloborodko A.Chelysheva I.

The article deals with the problems of organization and functioning of the activities of scientific and educational centers. The authors present the innovative processes, perspective directions and tasks for the scientific and educational centers activities based on the technological algorithm to develop media content of the modern university.

Keywords: high school, scientific and educational center, innovation, media content.

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Principal categories of children with disabilities and pecularities of their psycho-pedagogical support

UDC 316.3 BBK 74.5

Wynarka Julia

The article describes the main categories of children with disabilities and the peculiarities of their psycho-pedagogical support. Such students have difficulties in organizing their own behavior, learning, communicating, associated with the peculiarities of their development and somatic diseases. The author describes the characteristics of children with impaired hearing, vision,  musculoskeletal system and intellectual disabilities. These children can and should learn in accordance with specially designed programs with trained teachers. It is necessary to organize educational space and provide pedagogical support for them considering their health peculiarities.

Keywords: children with impaired hearing, vision, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, psycho-pedagogical support.

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