Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Professional education: in search for new forms and methods in social work education

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Tselykh M. P.

The article deals with the issue of the search for new forms and methods of social work education. The author proves the need for the analysis and synthesis of modern and historical experience to update the ways and means of education. The author shows the use of case-study method in the training of American social workers at the stage of genesis of the profession. Special attention is paid to the use of innovative methods in the modern professional education.

Keywords: social pedagogy, social work; professional education; forms and methods of education.

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Organization of students’ social-cultural activity on media culture material

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the modern problems to form social and cultural environment of higher educational institution by media educational components. It presents an analysis of media education integration to the main areas of socio-cultural activity, the introduction of new sociocultural forms of interaction of the educational community with media culture products. It gives various forms and methods of socio-cultural activities on the material of media culture, integrated into the teaching and educational process of modern higher educational institutions.

Key words: media, media culture, media education, social and cultural environment, university, students.

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The usage of distance technologies in teaching English grammar on the base of the educational platform Sakai

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.48

Zasukhina A. S.

The article examines the advantages of using distant technologies in teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic fields of study. It describes the experience of using the e-learning platform Sakai as information and communication environment during the practice stage in the course of teaching English grammar.

Key words: distance learning; teaching grammar; e-learning platform.

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Strategic partnership between the university and aviation enterprises as a prerequisite of quality training of graduates

UDC 37 BBK 74.04(3)

Barbasheva L. Ju.Nurpiisova E. M.Sergeeva M. N.

The authors consider approved forms of the strategic partnership between MSTU CA, Irkutsk branch, and aviation enterprises.  The presented research of relevance and employment of graduates contribute to directing to integration with aviation enterprises.

Key words: strategic partnership of the university, relevance of graduates, a student, employment, employer.

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Methods and technologies to form social adaptation of adolescents based on screen media culture in the boarding institutions

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the issues of methodology and technology of organizing media education classes for teenagers – pupils of Childrens Aid Centers, orphanages, boarding homes, etc. It considers watching, analysis and creative tasks of screen products of media culture in order to form social adaptation of the teenage audience. In conclusion, it gives methodological recommendations for organizing media education classes for the teenage audience.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, adolescents, boarding schools.

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From the experience of organization of students’ independent work using internet services

УДК 378.147 ББК 74.48

Pulyaevskaya A. M., Shvetsova T. V.

The article discusses the possibility of using internet services in the organization of bachelors’ independent work within philological education. The article is devoted to the experience of developing a historical and literary course with the use of technologies to provide students’ independent work on the course “History of foreign literature” (of Realism).

Key words: Internet services; interactive tasks on literature; students’ independent work; philological education.

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The educational capacity of the mathematical olympiad in technical universities

UDC 378 BBK 22.1

Mindeeva S. V.Tolstyh O. D.

The article analyzes the educational capacity of the mathematical Olympiad at the Technical University. The authors consider a comprehensive approach to training students of technical universities to participate in the Mathematical competitions through the experience of the Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering. This article will help teachers to organize  mathematical Olympiad in high school, and students to prepare qualitatively for the Olympiad.

Keywords: technical University, mathematical Olympiad, non-standard problems, Olympiad collection, educational сараcity.

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Specialist on social programs: history and perspectives of training

UDC 378 BBK 74

Bolshedvorskaya M. V.

The article gives a general description of the “social partnership” phenomenon, the analysis of qualification requirements for specialists who solve the problems of social partnership in the field of labor relations and the possibility of training such specialists in higher education.

Keywords: social partnership; professional standard; educational standard; competence; specialist in social programs.

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