Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Interaction between person-centered educational process participants

UDC 370.153 BBK 74.10.241

Fedotova M. V.

In this article, the author focuses on the phenomenon of the pedagogical interaction of participants of educational processes and answers the question of whether the relationships “teacher – trainee” and “professor – student” are really equal partnerships and “subject-subject” ones. He proves conclusively that at the current stage of educational development, there is much tension around the issue of person-centered interaction between a teacher and students; the major characteristics of the relationship are now interactive learning, mutual understanding, two-way influence and compatibility.

Key words: interaction, communication, educational processes, trainee, the “subject-subject” relationships, participants of educational processes

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Education quality control within secondary vocational education: from theory to practice (by work experience of GBPOU IO IKATIDS)

UDC 37:21 BBK 74.81,6(2)2,0

Kryzhanovskaya E. S.

The article looks at quality control within secondary vocational education (SVE). It considers the system of total quality control with the example of a modern college of the Irkutsk Region. The article elaborates the final quality characteristics, conceptual basis, principles, and so on of quality management in education. The author describes the different levels of quality control: Management by targets, process, and final result.

Key words: secondary vocational education; SVE; management; education quality; theory; quality assessment; principles; management by targets; management by process; management by results.

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Professional behavior of teachers – value-normative aspect

UDC 371.132 BBK 74.5

Trubina Z. I.

Professional behaviour of teachers reflects a practical, effective nature of the value relation, the future teachers’ choice of the most appropriate forms of expression of their position in professional activities, representation of normative models of behaviour and ways of solving professional problems. Teachers’ regulation organizes their activities, defines the boundaries and extent of professional freedom. It is also a moral regulator of professional behaviour and relationships.

Key words: pedagogical values and norms; professional behavior of teachers; personal professional axiosphere; value orientations.

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Model of Russian media education paradigm in the context of the policies of the British media education

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

The article examines the main components of the model of the Russian media education paradigm in the context of the policies of the British media education. The author analyzes the main theoretical approaches and practical aspects of the British experience of media education in the modern Russian media.

Key words: media education, model, media competence, the British media education, Russian models mediaeducation.

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Cultural values and personality formation

UDC 37.012.8 BBK 74.00

Belykh T. V.

The ideas about values are directly related to education because the content of education is based on realization of social programs that function in the system of values. Cultural values are the factor which determines the regulation of a person’s behavior. The article is devoted to the study of formative mechanisms of senior student’s valuable orientations.

Key words: valuable orientations, cultural values, value system, formation of personality

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The contribution by Emir Kusturica in the Serbian media criticism

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina

The article considers some issues of the development of media criticism in Serbia. It is closely connected with the activities of famous Yugoslav and Serbian film director Emir Kusturica, who is using the art of time in his films expresses own opinion about events in their country. Him media critic activity is reflected in cinema, music, television and printed texts. These materials are used in Serbian media education of pupils and students.

Keywords: media criticism; media education; Serbia; functions; Emir Kusturica; pupils; students.

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The information war on the pages of Russian and Ukrainian press: a comparative analysis

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V.

In this article it is considered a comparative analysis of the information war in the pages of the Russian and Ukrainian press. Information war in the press affects virtually all areas of human life, its interests and needs, from the standpoint of information war are often interpreted and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The task of media criticism here – creating a balanced, confirmation of the information field, devoid of political bias.

Keywords: media critiсism, information, synthesis, information technology, press, TV, Internet.

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Tendencies and prospects of development of Russian media education: the use of the best traditions of British media

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V., Mihaleva G. V.

The article is devoted to the main trends of modern development and further prospects of Russian media with the use of the experience of the British media education. The authors consider the most productive approaches of British media educators, directions, conditions and objectives relevant to national media education.

Keywords: media, media education, media competence, the Russian media education, comparative analysis, media education in the UK.

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Pedagogical communication in the higher school peculiarities

UDC 378 BBK 74.5

Kochergina O. A.

The article is devoted to one of the most important problems of modern higher education. Specific character of pedagogical communication and its communicative part as a necessary condition of successful professional work of a high school pedagogue is based. The article is aimed to the university lecturers.

Key words: communication, pedagogical communication, communicative competence, communicative technologies.

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