Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The image of the White movement in the russian cinema of the 1940s-1950s

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Prof/Dr. Alexander Fedorov

Comparative analysis of plot schemes, characters, and ideology of the Soviet sound films of 1931-1939, in varying degrees, affect the subject of the White movement, leads to the conclusion that the essential similarity of their media stereotypes. A content analysis of media texts on a topic related to the White movement allows generally submit their basic narrative scheme as follows: cruel and treacherous, cowardly and cunning Whites and their allies are trying to overthrow the Bolshevik power by all means available to them (military and / or guerrilla activities, intervention, rebellion, terrorism, espionage, bribery, etc.), but suffer inevitable defeat … However, due to the ensuing “thaw”, the images Whites served in a more humanized way in a number of films of the 1950s.

Keywords: White movement, Whites, screen, film, film studies, media studies, USSR, cinema, media texts, media competence, media education.

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Interchangeable parts, components and mechanisms

UDC 004.738.5 BBK 32.973.202

Baranova V. I.

The article is devoted to the topic – interchangeability of parts, components and mechanisms in the vehicle. It provides information on interchangeable parts in tuning old cars, in cars, constructed on the same platform, information about original and non-original spare parts. The possibility of replacement parts from a domestic car is considered by the example of Ford Focus hatchback 2010.

Key words: interchangeable parts, tuning, platform, original spare parts, non-original spare parts

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Justification of the model of students’ civil activity formation in university education

UDC 37 BBK 74

Gribanova V. A.

The article deals with the justification of the model of students’ civil activity formation in university education. It gives goals, objectives, stages, levels, optimal tools, directions and forms of work that predict the most significant changes in student’s personality.

Keywords: civic activity; students; education; model.

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Student’s independent work in the educational process of the college of technical profile

UDC 377.8 BBK 22.1

Mindeeva S. V., Tolstyh O. D.

The article deals with student’s independent work as a way of active, purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills by students without a direct participation of teachers. It gives examples of classroom and extracurricular independent work: a method of incomplete synopsis and organizational active game in teaching mathematics at the College of technical profile.

Key words: independent work, college, incomplete synopsis, organizational-active game.

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Professionalization of social work in the United States

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Tselykh M. P.

The article describes the process of professionalization of social work in the United States in historical aspect. The subject of the analysis is the problem of the formation of the professional status and the definition of social work. Various criteria and features describing the level of development of social work as a profession are discussed. The author shows that the leading component of professionalization of social work is the system of knowledge, professional authority of the specialists; approval of the society; Code of ethics and professional culture. It is revealed that the leading factor of the professionalization of social work in the United States is the activity of professionals united in professional associations.

Keywords: social work, profession, professionalization.

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Synthesis of financial and non-financial motivation of the teaching staff at Osa secondary school №2

UDC 330.88 BBK 65

Halbaeva-Shironova A. V.

The management activity of the director of Osa secondary school № 2 is considered. The timeliness of the issue is explained by existence of contradictions between the lack of financial means under conditions of economic crisis and underdevelopment of efficient non-financial encouragement of the teaching staff in the modern Russian educational system. Non-financial motivation of the teaching staff is considered as one of the most important stimulating methods which enables the school to develop steadily and to be competitive on the educational service market.

Key words: motivation, non-financial incentives, staff’s motivation, the system of non-financial motivation, non-financial encouragement, non-financial recognition, efficiency.

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Socio-role and criminal law personality traits of the student, who committed a crime

UDC 343.918 BBK 67.518.0

Giniyatullina E. Z.

The article presents the author’s definition of the identity of the student, who committed a crime. It gives the social and role-playing signs of this identity, the characteristic of the social roles, that the student plays in the society, and discloses criminal law indicators, primarily in the form of guilt and the structure of student crimes.

Keywords: personality, education, students, crime, crime prevention.

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The students of the faculty of world economics are fascinated by masterpieces of poetry and classical music

UDC 378:78 BBK 85.31

Khamaganova L. D.

The article deals with purposeful musical education. It gives the main directions and forms of the work carried out at the faculty of world economics and public administration of the Baikal State University of Economics and Law in order to attract the students to the musical art.

Key words: art, music, music education, literature-musical composition, orchestra, classical music, philharmonic concerts, literary musicale, symphony.

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The study and interpretation of media texts in the practice of Russian and British media*

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

* Статья написана при финансовой поддержке гранта РГНФ «Стратегии современного британского медиаобразования и его влияние на российскую медиапедагогику», проект № 13-36-01001. Руководитель проекта – И. В. Челышева

This article analyzes the main trends and prospects of the analysis and interpretation of works of media culture. The author considers the main provisions of analyzing media texts that are typical of domestic and British media education.

Keywords: media and media culture, media education, the analysis of a media text, forms and methods of media education.

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