Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Media education in the context of cross-cultural communication (on the example of the US mass media)

UDC 37.013.74(045) BBK 74.480.26

Pechinkina O. V.

The necessary prerequisite of successful cooperation with representatives of other nationalities and cultures is not only foreign language acquisition but awareness of cultural diversity of the world, based on the analysis of particular products of human activity as well as the analysis of specific situations of cross-cultural communication. Media texts are the most available sources of such information, and their analysis allows integrating language teaching, cross-cultural communication and media education.

Keywords: cross-cultural communication; media education; media texts; students; media texts’ analysis.

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Pedagogical model of formation of significant professional communicative skills of future employees in catering in the system of secondary professional education

UDC 377 BBK 74.56

Borovikova Zh. N.

The author offers a model of formation of significant professional communicative skills of future employees in catering. The way how this model functions is described.

Keywords: model; formation; model approach; system; system approach; meaningful professional communicative skills; students; vocational education.

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Mediacompetence as a necessary condition of successful communication in virtual speech environment

UDC 378.225 BBK 74.5

Ivanova L. A., Verbitskaya O. M.

The article deals with one of the most burning issues of modern higher education – media competence’s forming and development in the sphere of foreign language teaching.

Key-words: media education, media literacy, mediatized socializing, foreign language communication, intercultural interaction.

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Types of work with the French language colouratives at different studying stages (from work experience)

UDC 378.016 BBK 74.5

Fofin A. I.

This article deals with the use of colouratives (words describing colour) in teaching French on different language levels (basic, intermediate, advanced). These exercises make vocabulary learning more effective and improve skills in a system of general education.

Key words: colouratives, types of work with colouratives, techniques of teaching French, using colouratives on different educational levels, practising colouratives

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Place of “media education” concept in categorical system of modern pedagogics

UDC 37.011 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Yu.

This article analyzes the concept of media education in Russian and foreign pedagogical researches. The author studies the period of this concept to appear in the science, formulates the concept and describes its nature based on the analyses of scientific studies of Russian and foreign media teachers.

Keywords: media, education, media education, mass media, movie education.

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The use of the proverbs in teaching French to the first-year students of linguistic university

UDC 811.133.1 BBK 81.2Фр

Fofin A. I.

This article offers a variety of methodological techniques for studying proverbs. These techniques are analogous to the game of playing cards. They are oriented for the first-year students of linguistic university. Proverbs can be used for morphological and semantic analysis. Their usage is aimed at motivating students to improve their speaking skills, to develop their imagination, to master language competence and expand their outlook.

Key words: language competence, methods, proverbs, teaching, the French language, morphological analysis, semantic analysis, motivation, development of imagination, developing a feeling for a foreign language, development of linguistic quick wit, lingua country studying knowledge

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Professional mobility of a future teacher as an actual problem

UDC 378.4 BBK 74.58

E. A. Nikitina

In the resent years in the Russian Pedagogics there has been growing interest in a problem of future teacher’s professional mobility. A number of conferences related to the problems of this phenomenon were held. However, the attitude to the concept «professional mobility» is ambiguous. Mobile teachers are in demand primarily due to social and economic reasons in our country as well as forming market policy in all spheres of life. State documents on modernization of the educational system, that includes a social order, also prove the need for preparing mobile teachers.

Key words: professional mobility, educational environment of high school, strategic quality, personality, future teacher

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Development of children’s self-actualization at pre- and primary school

UDC 373.2/3 BBK 74.100

Nakonechnykh V. N.

This article explains the terms «self-actualization», «mental fuctions», «the higher forms of behaviour» and their elements. The problems of children’s self-actualization development at pre-and primary school are determined. Thoughts of Russian educators and psychologists about the development of human higher mental functions are given. They are actual and have both theoretical and practical values.

Key words: problems, development, self-actualization, preschool children, primary school children

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Stages of development of law education in Russia

UDC 378.634(470+571)”17/20” BBK 74.03

Ostapovich I. Iu., Musinov P. A.

This article considers main stages of development of law education at high school in Russia starting from the 18th century to the present days. This period is characterized by the intensive intergration of Russian education into the global cultural and educational space.

Key words: law education, Academy of Sciences, law schools, the Bologna process, examples of law education at high school

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