Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Online learning communities — it is a reality

UDC 378.147.88 BBK 74.05

Evdokimova M. G.

The article deals with the issues of continuous life long education of each graduate by involving him in the online learning communities. One of the conditions for self-education of every student is the choice of appropriate and accessible information and communication technology in e-training.

Key words: life long education; online learning communities; information and communication technology; e-training.

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Psychological and andragogical peculiarities of improving professional skills

UDC 371 BBK 74.4+88.4

Valushina N. M. (Irkutsk, Russia)

In the article the author reviews the theories of the basic andragogical terms and psychological theories influenced andragogy. Some recommendations for organizing teaching adults, including teaching in distance, are given.

Key words: andragogy, adult learner, psychological and andragogical peculiarities of improving professional skills, self-actualization

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A moral example of a teacher as a bearer of peace and tolerance ideas

UDC 371.4 BBK 74

Beloborodova A. E.

The article considers the essence of a new principle of pupils’ moral development and upbringing – «a moral example of a teacher». The substantiation of a new axiological upbringing approach «pupils’ peacemaking upbringing» is given. Teacher’s preparedness for this approach realization is discussed.

Key words: tolerance, peaceableness, peacemaking, peace education, moral education, moral example of a teacher

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The Russian language study in a modern school in the historical aspect

UDC 808.2-02(075.8) BBK 8141.12-0-923

Aksenova S. S.

The main idea of the article is the modern Russian language study at school only in a synchronic aspect as a static system of elements is not sufficient. The current state of the Russian language system reflects its temporal variation (dyachrony). It is expressed in the clarity, asymmetry, graduality and variability of the modern Russian language system. That’s why teaching the modern Russian language at school should be carried out in both the synchronic and dyachronic aspects.

Key words: history of the Russian language, modern state of the Russian language system, clarity, asymmetry, system graduality, system elements variability

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Farm-oriented education as a sustainable country development in the Irkutsk region

Dear friends!

I’m happy to greet you on the pages of the international informational and analytical journal «Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language» devoted to the development of a system of the continuous farm-oriented education for the country sustainable development in our region. Читать далее

История перевода одного стихотворения

UDC 82:81 BBK 83.3 (2Рос=Рус)6+81.2Нем

Merkurieva V. B.

Мой педагогический стаж более 35 лет, работаю всё время на одном месте, сейчас – это ИГЛУ, раньше это был институт иностранных языков, кстати, скоро вуз вновь сменит своё название, станет филиалом МГЛУ и будет называться МГЛУ ЕАЛИ. Многие имена студентов со временем забываются. Но имя одного студента-заочника – Владимира Андреевича Малькова – осталось в моей памяти навсегда. Объясню, почему. Я часто читаю его перевод стихотворения Л. Фюрнберга «Эпилог» своим студентам, хотя и не каждый год (тексты для анализа меняю). В этом году созрела идея публиковать лучшие переводы студентов. Первым, конечно, должен стать перевод В. А. Малькова…

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Multimedia as a means of students’ cognitive activity improvement

UDC 372.8 BBK 24

Ruleva T. M.

Multimedia as a means of the learning efficiency is being discussed. The author shares the experience of the multimedia technologies using during the educational process, discusses their didactic possibilities and also the specific feautures while teaching Chemistry as one of the most difficult subjects at high school.

Key words: multimedia, learning efficiency, multimedia technologies and chemical experiment, cognitive activity

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Specific features of the lesson planning by means of the system-active approach and the process of students’ universal learning activities formation

UDC 371.321.1 BBK 74.26

Kuzminykh Yu. A.

This article discusses the methodological specific features of the lesson planning by means of the system-active approach, the formation of students’ universal learning activities, the role of teachers and students, the possibilities of the modern lesson in terms of federal state educational standards implementation.

Key words: lesson planning, system-active approach, universal learning activities, federal state educational standards, students’ activities, forms of students’ practice, stages of a lesson

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The problems of students’ moral education (from the experience of the Irkutsk regional technical school of food industry)

UDC 373.7 BBK 74.58 

Kornushkina E. N.

The article touches upon the problems of student’s personality moral education in terms of the implementation of federal standards of vocational education in the process of training service specialists. The author presents the results of the social survey, the purpose of which was to identify the first-year students’ basic moral values.

Key words: moral education, development of students’ personality, system of students’ basic values, values, professional competence

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The formation of the educational and informational base in Bratsk municipality

UDC 373.1 BBK 74.04

Krasnoperova T. V.

The successful introduction and implementation of the Federal State Education Standards (FSES) in the Russian educational system takes priority. This article describes the approaches to the formation and organisation of the educational and informational base in the city of Bratsk. There is a set of activities allowing the successful implementation of informatisation into education. The given complex includes the formation, implementation of informatisation and the training of specialists for work in these new conditions.

Key words: education informatisation, informational technologies, information-educational environment, digital content, E-Learning distance education, information and communication technologies (ICT), IT Experts, ICT competence, media learning, education quality, education management

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