Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Farm-oriented education as a condition of a country sustainable development

UDC 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52 

Nemirich T. N.

The article considers the experience of farm-oriented education at school № 16 located in the Kulish village, the Chuna district of the Irkutsk region. Such kind of education had a positive influence on the social characteristics of the country. Country school is considered to be an important element of the Russian educational system and has a considerable impact on the formation of the country society.

Key words: farm-oriented education, country social environment, country development, country school, labour education, farming

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The extract of the article has been published in the scientific journal “Magister Dixit” (See Немирич Т. Н. Система трудового воспитания в школе как условие оздоровления социальной среды села// MagisterDixit: электронный научно-педагогический журнал Восточной Сибири.  2011. №1. URL: http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/nemirich.pdf).

Methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school

UDC 371 BBK 74.261.8

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The article discusses methodological approaches to the understanding of essence of Buryat literary education in primary school on the basis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature analysis.

Key words: primary school pupil, development, literary development, abilities, skills, literary work, aesthetic sense, creative imagination, creative thinking

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To the problem of relations between parents and adolescents (from the experience of the Irkutsk regional technical school of food industry)

UDC 373.7 BBK 74.57

Maslova A. A.

The main factor of the human person development is family upbringing. Youth motivation effectiveness, its positive outlook or disbelief in other people depend on the relationship between adolescents and their parents. The author considers the family influence on the personal development of vocational school students and gives analyses their judges about relationship with parents. The results of research were carried out on ADOR methods «Parents’ behaviour and teenagers’ attitude to parents’behaviour» are described on the diagrams of the article.

Key words: family, personality, motivation, socialization, positive interest, directiveness, hostility, autonomy, inconsistence

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Effect of computer for life and health of pupils

UDC 74.200.555 BBK 681.322

Martynova S. E.

Prolonged work at the computer, currently, no area of human activity is complete without the application of computer technology. Computer helps a person in many applications, making the work easier, opens new horizons for thought and action, provides new opportunities. But do not forget that there is another side to the coin. Prolonged computer work negatively affects many functions in our body: vision, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and human posture and the electromagnetic radiation.

Key words: prolonged work at the computer, sitting position while working at the computer, eye, overload of muslin joints of hands and fingers, the impact on the nervous system, impact of electromagnetic radiation, dust and dirt.

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«Nonlinear knowledge» work activation as a motivation aspect of the modern lesson

UDC 371 BBK 74.268,3

Sosnovskaya I. V.Ostrovskaya V. V.

The necessity for searching of the new approaches to the educational process organization on the modern lesson is proved. The authors state, that a large amount of information in the modern environment can be introduced effectively and in an interesting form via the associative nonlinear knowledge presentation. One of the most interesting methods in this course is «crosssense».

Key words: nonlinear knowledge, system thinking, linearity principle, nonlinear perception, informational overload, metaknowledge, «crosssense», semantic connection, associations, motivation

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Verbal communication culture of the modern youth (based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units)

UDC 811.512.122’37 BBK 80

Smagulova G. N.

The article gives an overview of the modern youth verbal communication culture based on the study of Kazakh phraseological units. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are more than 130 nationalities. Russian language is a means of international and intercultural communication. The language of modern youth is developing in the bilingual conditions. There are problems of the Russian and Kazakh bilingualism, its studying and distribution of state language, particularly in the process of family education. The ethnic language is a basis of any culture.

Key words: verbal communication culture, phraseological units, bilingualism, ethnic language

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Educational conditions in the students’ professional competences formation at the vocational school

UDC 373.7 BBK 74.57

Kuznetsova E. N. 

The article touches upon the problem of the practical creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ professional competence. The author considers a pedagogical process as a complete phenomenon which all components are closely interconnected and their realization influences the result – training of highly professional specialists.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, professional competences, preparation of qualified staff, modeling of future students’ professional activity

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From the history of Irkutsk pre-revolutionary private education (in the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century)

UDC 9(571.53) BBK 74.03

Litvinova Zh. B.

The article considers formation and development of a private educational system in the pre-revolutionary period in Irkutsk. The author gives a historical review and analysis of private educational institutions in Irkutsk at the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century. They were reputed to be schools with a high level of teaching and provided all necessary conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities.

Key words: historical experience, charities, private school, school subjects

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Gaming technology in media education preschoolers

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

Article is devoted to the use of gaming technology in media education. The author presents game tasks and exercises for children of preschool age, which can be used in conditions of pre-school educational institutions.

Key words: media, media culture, media education preschoolers gaming technology

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* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager — I. V. Chelysheva.


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