Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Farm-oriented school as a condition for the individual efficiency formation

UDC 373.1.013 BBK 74.200.52

Nemirich T. N.

The article considers the perspectives of the country school development and discusses the importance of the labour education. The author explains the specific life of the country people which value is agriculture labour. The Kulish school developed a system of labour education according to A. S. Makarenko’s traditions. Such a system made it possible to involve all pupils into a process of the co-operative activity, particularly, into farming.

Key words: labour education, social competence, country school, teenager, industrial activity, the Makarenko’s heritage, farm, employment assistance, ecology, moral culture.

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Law education as a source of democratization in society

UDC 37.06 BBK 74.4

Malykh T. A.

This article is devoted to the actual problem of law education at school. The author focuses on the institution of the Children’s Rights in educational organizations. The author also proves the idea that the formation of citizen’s legal qualities starts in educational settings. The need for legal training for all educators and pupils is clarified.

Key words: legal training; education; Children’s Rights Commissioner; formation of civil society; humanistic education

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Analysis of the scientific and publication activities of Eastern Siberia educators in the field of media education (the beginning of the XXI century)

UDC 37.075.8 BBK 74

Murashkina N. A., Grigoreva I. V.

The article presents the results of the analysis of educators’ scientific and publication activities in Eastern Siberia in the field of media education (at the beginning of the XXI century). The educator’s and researcher’s media education experience is described.

Key words: media education; media teacher; media education – the regional aspect; teaching experience of media education

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Scientific competence as the main condition of professional growth of a teacher

UDC 001 BBK 74.00

Nabieva E. V.

This article is devoted to a consideration of scientific activity of a teacher as a basis of organization of pedagogical activity to basing of scientific competence as a condition, realization of which lets a teacher rich a high professional level.

Key words: professional competence, investigative competence, purview, professional development, scientific activity

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Media education practice: forms, methods and approaches of teaching at school and university

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article describes the methodology of media education lessons at school and university. This methodology is based on using a literary analysis, literary imitation, theatrical and in-role performances as well as artistic and imitative creative exercises. The author of the article considers the complex of playing and creative exercises, which structure includes elements both of the media education theory and the media works analysis.

Key words: media education lessons, media education, critical way of thinking, media text, audiovisual media culture, media creativity

* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager — I. V. Chelysheva.

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The main trends in the development of Russian media considering the use of the experience of the British media education: historical and methodological aspects

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57с

Chelysheva I. V.

This article analyzes the historical and methodological aspects of the Russian and British media education development. The author discusses the main goals and objectives of media education at different stages of development, presents a comparative analysis of the theoretical concepts of media education in Russia and the UK.

Key words: Media education, stages of media education development, the theoretical concepts of media education in Russia and the UK.

* The article was written with the financial support of the grant RHF “Strategy contemporary British media education and its impact on the Russian media education” project № 13-36-01001. Project Manager ­ I.V.Chelysheva.

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Baikal Peredelkino

UDC 004:[316:008] BBK 74.58:73

Prischepova I. A.

The article presents the experience of civic education and patriotism formation. The ungraded school students studied the history of their village. The village of Baikal can be called a «creative harbor». First writers and artists settled there more than 40 years ago. Both artists and their works made on Lake Baikal are discussed here.

Key words: civic education; moral values; creativity and culture; project activity; Baikal; artists; writers; village; nature; paintings; works.

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The techniques of the epic literature analysis while preparation senior school students for a literature contest (based on the I. Shmelev’s story «Russkaya pesnya»)

UDC 372.882 BBK 74.26

Nikulina I. G.

This article is devoted to the actual problem of teaching the literary analysis at senior school. The author of the article tells not only about specific features of a literary text, but also gives the practical advice on its analysis on the example of the I. Shmelev’s story «Russkaya pesnya».

Key words: analysis, epic work, Literature contest, literary text, external conflict, internal conflict, senior school pupils

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