Категория: Theoretical and practical issues of foreign languages teaching

English for medical students: current stage and development prospects

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_170

Tatiana B. Vepreva

Olga V. Pechinkina

Abstract. The modern world needs competent and mobile medical professionals who can work in a multicultural society in any country of the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the structure and content of the «Foreign language» discipline to contribute to more conscious, active and motivated learning of the subject. The methodology is based on Federal state educational standards, programmes of «Foreign language» discipline for higher educational institutions, and existing literature on the problem. To determine the specific situations of further use of a foreign (English) language, a focus group survey was conducted. The result of the research is the substantiation of the «Foreign language» course structure with the suggested topics and grammatical material distributed in modules. The authors of the study propose a course model consisting of three consecutive modules based on the content and the students’ needs. The proposed model will allow forming the universal competencies necessary for a future doctor and integrating into the professional community without any problems.

Key words: English, medicine, higher school, modular training system, professional development of medical students.

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About some specifics of teaching russian as a foreign language to adults in non-formal education

Zankova A. A.

The article views some peculiarities of teaching foreign languages to adults in non-formal education, as well as the difficulties that language instructors encounter teaching Russian as a foreign language. The author distinguishes the significant aspects that should be taken into consideration in order to teach adult learners effectively in non-formal education.

Keywords: non-formal education, andragogy, adult learners, Russian as a foreign language (RFL).

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Linguistic and cultural knowledge of the educational organizations of the Russian ministry of internal affairs cadets

UDK 811(075.8) BBK 81.2 V 31

Veretennikova A. Ye.

The article covers the formation of general cultural competence in English classes. The data of a survey of both freshmen and senior cadets of the MVD higher education institutions participating in law enforcement during international sporting events are presented. The necessity of balancing linguistic and regional studies and professionally oriented content of educational materials is emphasized.

Keywords: the English language, general cultural competence, linguistic and cultural knowledge, social communication, cadets of the MVD higher education institutions.

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Reading and writing for critical thinking at the english lessons at a technical higher education establishment

UDK 81 BBK 81.1

Portnova T. Yu.

The aim of the paper is an attempt to demonstrate on a fragment of an English lesson with MSTU CA students how the “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology works.  The author justifies a need for critical thinking at the modern level of development of the IT environment. The article contains description of a three-step learning model presenting the technology base and predefining its realization. The advantages of cluster presentation of material are noted.

Key words: “Reading and writing for critical thinking” technology, learning model, mind map.

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Internet technology opportunities in the formation of media competence of the secondary language personality in the process of learning a foreign language at college

UDC 377 BBK 74.5

L. V. Ermakova

The problem of the quality of foreign language education in the conditions of exponential development of digital media has always been the focus of Russian linguodidactics, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages. The article is devoted to the problem of foreign language education in secondary vocational education in the era of globalization, global cooperation and competition, technologization, information society, intercultural communication, as well as economic reforms in Russia. The author agrees with the point of view that the language of media combines elements of communication and impact and is considered as one of the main modern means of formation of media competence of the secondary linguistic personality capable to function fully in the mediatized society.

Key words: media competence, mediatized communication, mediatized society, foreign language communication, foreign language education, intercultural communication, language personality, secondary language personality.

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Innovative approach in the system of foreign language education

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.19

Z. I. Trubina

Scientific and technological progress creates a new social order for educational institutions. The society needs the professionals who are constantly evolving in their professional field and are able to transform the received knowledge and find creative solutions to problems. The originality of the thinking processes is an essential characteristic of a modern specialist. Therefore the problem of creative thinking development is determined by the particularities of the innovative approach in the educational system. Foreign languages have the potential for the use of innovative teaching methods and contribute to the process of formation of students’ creative thinking.

Keywords: creative thinking, foreign languages, innovative methods

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The application of the contrastive analysis in teaching Russian-English translation to the students of the Asian-Pacific region

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58

Antonova A. B.

Contrastive analysis has a great educational potential. However it is quite difficult to use it in teaching Russian-English translation to the students of the Asian-Pacific region due to the problem of three contacting languages’ interaction (two foreign languages: Russian and English and the learners’ native languages); it’s quite problematic and painstaking to reveal all the similarities and the difficulties of the elements of these non-related languages’ systems.

Key words: contrastive analysis, students of the Asian-Pacific region, Russian-English translation, contacting languages

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Practice of using communicative approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.268.1

Zankova A. A.

This article is dedicated to the usage of communicative approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It describes concept “communicative competence” and one of the lesson structures which satisfies the basic principles of communicative approach in teaching foreign languages.

Key words: communicative approach and method, communicative competence, PPP lesson framework.

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An ecological approach in linguodidactics of professional education

UDC 378.147:811.11/.13:61 BBK 74.484.72

Musokhranova M. B.

An ecological approach actualizing the relationship between the appropriate culture and the idea of professional know ledge continuity the content of which is predominantly expressed by Greco-Latin terms has been presented in this article.

Keywords: term, terminogenesis of medicine, terminological literacy, ecological approach.

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Some aspects of creative thinking development in the process of foreign language teaching

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.268.19

Trubina Z. I.

Today, intellectually and creatively developed professionals who are ready to work in a constantly changing society are highly demanded.

Foreign language lessons provide a great opportunity for the education of creative students, due to the fact that they have a communicative and research focus, that provide students with the ability of self-searching and application of new knowledge, and also shape the experience of creative activity.

Choosing new methods of teaching a foreign language and introducing them in their practical work, teachers should take into account their features to achieve better results. Literature analysis revealed the following conditions: individual approach to students; favorable climate in the classroom, without criticism that will be the basis for independence of students’ judgment; careful selection of educational material (especially texts) that meets students’ interests; systematic use of active methods of teaching foreign languages.

Such teaching methods like creative exercises and laboratories, projects and gaming techniques, and also the use of modern information technologies can be considered as a priority in teaching foreign languages. These methods are aimed at active intellectual and creative activity, formation of skills of self-organization, as they are based on the problematic situations that students may encounter in their daily lives.

Positive emotions caused by such methods of study contribute to students’ cognitive, communicative and creative activity, which in turn effectively influence the process of learning foreign languages.

Keywords: foreign language; creative thinking; methods of teaching.

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