Категория: 5.9. Philology

Language and speech redundancy in the conditions of intercultural communication

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_102

Andrey A. Gurenkov

Abstract. The article analyses different manifestations of linguistic redundancy in the context of intercultural communication, the participants of which are native speakers of English and non-native speakers of English. The views of Russian and foreign authors on the classification of language redundancy at the levels of language and speech, as well as analyzing examples of redundancy in spoken and written texts are presented. The result is a detailed classification of language redundancy in intercultural communication both at the level of language structure – grammatical and semantic – and in speech, where redundancy is manifested at the phonetic, orthographic, lexical and syntactic levels. In particular, it can be seen in changes in intonation in speech, pronunciation and spelling errors, lexical repetition and discourse words, the use of words from the native language or other languages, as well as in repetition of the whole sentences with a similar meaning when using similar vocabulary. Moreover, the appearance of redundancy in speech in the framework of intercultural communication is not only a natural process, but it can also serve as a tool to achieve communication goals, as it facilitates the process of speaking and listening.

Key words: language redundancy, intercultural communication, native speaker and non-native speaker, English, language and speech, repetition

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Entry of arabic lexical units into the french language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_135

Tamara V. Slastnikova

Abstract. The aim of the present article is to study the stages of occurrence of arabisms in the French language in order to identify the movement of the French vocabulary`s layer of Arabic origin. In this article the definition of a borrowing is given, taking into consideration the fact that in linguistic literature the question on what a loan word is is still debatable. In the article significant phases in the history of arabisms in the French language are given, the actual problem of adaptation of Arabic vocabulary in the French language environment is addressed. For the first time the vocabulary of Arabic origin in the French language is considered and analysed in the comparative study of dictionaries of the three centuries, namely: M. Devic, “Dictionnaire étymologique des mots d’origine orientale” (XIX), A. Dauzat, “Nouveau dictionnaire étymologique et historique” (XX) and Dictionnaire Larousse français monolingue et bilingues en ligne (XXI). It allows to designate the period most accurately in the history of the French language when Arabic lexical units were borrowed most intensively.

Keywords: borrowing, Arabic lexical units, diachrony, vocabulary of the French language, intermediary language, historicism.

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Axiological potential of advertising discourse (based on the english language)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_113 

Yulia P. Chalaya

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the value aspect of the English advertising discourse. Using the example of advertising texts on different subjects, the specifics of key axiologically significant concepts that determine the value system of modern society is shown. The research material is 520 advertising texts published in the magazines Delicious Magazine, Elle, Healthy Food Guide, Marie Claire and posted on the Internet. The paper emphasizes the value-oriented nature of advertising communication, according to which, the advertising text is one of the most significant factors in the formation and distribution of values. Taking into account the results of the analysis of the factual material, the author comes to the following conclusions: 1) the English advertising discourse, represented by advertisements of food, clothing and accessories, is characterized by an axiologically determined nature and the presence of a number of value markers; 2) a positive assessment of the advertised product plays an essential role in the process of formation the value orientations of society; 3) the main markers that embody the axiological potential in the sample are the following concepts: a) freshness, taste, naturalness, benefit, enjoyment (food advertising); b) beauty, comfort, individuality, accessibility, quality (clothing advertising); c) beauty, quality, luxury, creativity, status (advertising accessories – watches, jewelry).

Key words: axiology, axiological markers, concept, English advertising discourse, advertising text, mass media space, evaluation, speech impact, value system, advertising language. 

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Cognitive-discoursive patterns of interaction between children and parents in the context of financial education in China (on the example of new year’s receips)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_102

Victoria G. Morgun

Abstract. The New Year’s Receipt is one of the modern discursive practices in the Chinese linguoculture, through which parent forms a financially literate child’s personality. The article provides a comprehensive study of cognitive-discursive patterns «child – parent» interaction, the functioning of linguistic means in the process of text formation. The empirical material analysis has shown that the main lexical and grammatical features include legal terms, cultural names, localities, collateral service unions and bundles, digital registry, temporary constructions.

Keywords: cognition, discursive patterns, financial education, New Year’s receipt.

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Jacques Rivette’s out 1. Discourse analysis of a film

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_89

Evgeniya E. Smirnova

Abstract. The present case study offers a brief review of the history and methods in discourse analysis of films, makes an assumption about the film Out 1: Noli me tangere (1971) by the French director and critic Jacques Rivette being a unique example of a “linguistic” film; makes an attempt to analyze the film with the help of existing theoretical models.

Keywords: Cinematic discourse, discourse analysis, logomorphism, French cinema, semiotics.

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Verbal and non-verbal attractive elements of the web-sites of english luxury hotels (by the example of the Dorchester hotel website)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_78 

Larisa G. Vikulova

Evgeniya A. Elizarova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the attractive features of the websites of English luxury hotels. The website of The Dorchester Hotel in London is used as an example. This hotel is one of the most prestigious and premium priced hotels of the UK. The official web-site is the main way of communication between the potential guest and the hotel. That’s why the content of the hotel site is the necessary requirement to persuade a person to become a real guest. The article shows different verbal elements that can be attractive for potential guests such as emotional and expressive vocabulary (bespoke luxury, deluxe, executive, etc.), the superlative degree of adjectives (the most iconic, the best, etc.), lexical units referring to hotel business (the gold standard of care, the perfect room for your every need, etc.) A lot of ways of non-verbal communicative elements are used to attract the potential guests’ attention. However, different photos of the luxurious interiors of the hotel and the famous guests are the main semiotic sign for the discerning client. 

Key words: website, hotel, potential guest, addressee, addresser, lexical units, non-verbal units.

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Political news text with the structure «Kebab» aimed at mono and double addresses

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_63

Elizaveta A. Vdovichenko

Veronika A. Kameneva

Abstract. The research of text perception and comprehension does not lose its relevance among scholars. News texts addressed to children 8-12 years old (mono-addresser) and to adolescents 10-15 years old (dual addressee) are being published. Their research is of academic interest because political texts are not popular among these age groups. A total of 50 political articles from the French-language magazines 1jour1actu and GEO, targeting mono- and dual addressees, respectively, were each sampled for the period 2013-2022. The quantitative counting indicated that among the material there are articles with information presented according to the “Kebab” (Kebab) structure. More often this structure is inherent in the political news for the dual addressee. While researching the components of “Kebab” structure, it was revealed that the journalist for better perception and retention of the addressee’s attention resorts not only to the basic structural components (“Title”, “Lead”, “Subtitles”, “Anecdote”, “Background”), but also to the invariant ones. For a mono-address, “Nut graf” is used to emphasize the purpose of reading the article. At the end of the news text, another “Anecdote” is used to repeatedly recall the news event.

Keywords: political news text, influence on the reader, manipulation of attention, structure of the news text “Kebab”.

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Strategy of authorization in the english language interpretative discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_195

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Anastasia E. Bazarova

Abstract. The article explores some methods of actualizing one of the legitimation strategies, namely, authorization, in the English language interpretative discourse. As an example of such a discourse the interpretation of the ancient Indian text “Bhagavad-gita” suggested by the translator and commentator is studied. The article features a number of categories used for authorization in this discourse and outlines methods of actualizing the authorization strategy: using modal operators and precedent names, metaphorization, analogy.

Keywords: linguistic interpretation, axiological strategies, values legitimation, authorization, Bhagavad-gita.

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Digital reputation of the scientific community: website of the french academy

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_234

Larisa G. Vikulova

Olga I. Korolenko

Irina V. Makarova

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the digital reputation of the scientific community on the example of the website of the French Academy, through which the reputation of an authoritative institution is formed. It is noted that the trust and reputation of the Academy are created at the expense of scientific achievements, which since the XVII century, in particular, the French Academy has received the privilege and exclusive right to publish the works of its members on the basis of its own decisions, without censorship. It is proved that the consequence of such an innovation was intra-institutional censorship and the development of the concept of “scientific reputation”, when the main regulator are the concepts of self-censorship and the honor of a scientist. It is noted that the reputation of a member of the French Academy, represented on its website, is not only the fame, scientific recognition of the academician among colleagues, but also a guarantee of the reliability of his own statements or the statements of those who highly value him in society. It is emphasized that an important component of the identity of the scientific community, including in the diachronic projection, is its image portrait, formed on the website of the French Academy, which reflects the activities and value orientations of the status scientific institution.

Keywords: digital reputation, scientific community, French academy, website, identity, image.

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Metalanguage in modern german fairy tales for adults in dialect

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_251

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Abstract. The object of the article is mostly modern german humorous fairy tales for adults in dialect. Thoughts on the language, clarification of language points, comments on some lexemes, grammatical and stylistic phenomena are typical for all german-speaking writers working in different genres. A modern author’s fairy tale as a type of text also reflects the interest of its authors in certain linguistic points. The article analyzes examples of metalanguage, metacommunication in dialect about dialect, as well as in some cases about literary or foreign-language inclusions.  Various pragmatic effects created by metalanguage passages within the textotype of the fairy tale are studied.

Keywords: dialect, standard language, author’s fairy tale for adults, metalanguage, metacommunication, humor.

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