Категория: General Linguistics

The problems of morality in the works of D. Sultimov (comment on the book “Sagay erkhe” ‘Dictates of time’)

UDC 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3(2Рос.Бур)

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the novelette by D. Sultimov “Sagai Erkhe” ‘Dictates of Time’, which raises one of the most important problems – the problem of morality. The author shows the intergenerational relationship on basis of deep knowledge of customs and traditions of the Buryats.

Keywords: contemporary literature, moral and philosophical problems, traditional culture.

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The problem of the relationship between the younger and older generations in the novel by D. Sultimov «Sagai erhe ‘The call of the time’»

UDC 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3(2Рос.Бур)

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the novel by D. Sultimov «Sagai Erche ‘The Call of The Time ‘», in which one of the most important problems is raised – the problem of the relationship between the younger and older generations. The relationship in the family between parents and children influences the way the person will treat other people in the future, the choice of moral principles and the decision what will be the most important and holiest for him. In the conditions of a multinational republic, the most important stabilizing factor is national culture. It is the basis of interethnic communication, a fount of wisdom, a store of pedagogical thought and moral health.

Key words: relationship between the younger and older generations, customs and traditions, respect, understanding, family, national culture.


Ниитэтэлэл соо Д. Сультимовай «Сагай эрхэ» гэһэн туужа дотор эсэгэ үринэрэй дундын харилсаанай асуудалнууд харуулагдаhаниие шүүмжэлэгдэнэ. Буряад арадай мүнөө үеын байдал, арадаймнай заншал, соёл, ёhо энэ туужа дотор харуулагдаһаниинь тэмдэглэгдэнэ.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: туужа, эсэгэ үринэрэй харилсаан, заншал, соёл, ёhо, мүнөө үеын байдал.

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Stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev

Дондог Улзытуевай шүлэгүүд соохи зэргэсүүлгэнүүдэй найруулга тухай

UDC 894.23(092) BBK 83.3Бу-8

Tagarova T. B.

The article describes the stylistic functions of comparative constructions in poetry of Dondok Ulzytuev enhancing artistic expressiveness of the poems. Comparisons help to build images, inspired by a picture of the world of the poet-singer of the steppe Motherland, love for mother, women, nature. Comparisons are formed by repetition, parallelism, etc., to create a particularly bright, convex pictures of nature, at the same time expressing philosophical views of the author, distinguished by a deep psychologism and lyricism.

Key words: stylistics; comparison; reference; trope; detailed; simple; repetition; parallelism; philosophy; psychology; love; nature; mother; sea; artistic; image; original; traditional.

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Linguo-personal hypothesis of the language

UDC 8142 BBK 81.63.24-72

Muhtarova Sh. M.

The article examines linguo-personal hypothesis in the modern linguistics. The special attention is paid to the basic sources of speech culture and simultaneously lingua-personal hypothesis of the terms formation. The analysis shows that anatomic terminology is characterized by use of the whole system of the lingua-personality hypothesis. The authors present the most typical models confirming the systemacity of the lingua-personality hypothesis in different social layers.

Keywords: lingua-personal hypothesis, culture of speech, different social layers, language personality, differential approach.

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Noutions and categories of functional grammar

UDC 811.512.122’36 BBK 81.63.24-2

Alkebaeva D. A.

At present the functionality of the modern Kazakh language requires considering from the viewpoint of the actual anthropological paradigm. The modern scientific research should focus on functionality. In the general theory of language the comprehensive research of functional grammar was conducted. For more thorough, deep exploration of the scientific concepts related to the notions and categories of functional grammar one must pay attention to their ontological foundation. Modern sciences are in the near-border area and have a lot of common points. Basic fundamental categories and concepts of functional grammar derive from philosophical concepts. The human factor in the language serves to apply the knowledge of reality through thinking and linguistic consciousness which are, in turn, necessary for the construction of speech by grammar laws. In the speech act the basis of a speaker’s informative representations of reality is generated. The article reviews the subject, concepts, categories and scientific concepts of functional grammar the basis of which is in the philosophical ontology.

Key words: the theory of speech acts, being, categories and notions of functional grammar, functional-semantic field, categorical situation.

* Статья публикуется в авторской редакции

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Two epochs in the language evolution

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

This article is dedicated to the analysis of language through the universal evolutionary point of view. It allows us to see in it, on the one side, the result of biological evolution, on the other side, it allows us to emphasize two epochs in the evolution of language – monoverbal and polyverbal.

Keywords:the universal evolution, the anthropogenesis, the cultural genesis, glottogenesis, the evolution of language, the monoverbal evolution, the polyverbal evolution.

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To the theory of glottogenesis: Johann Herder

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

J. Herder has based the evolutional approach to the problem of glottogenesis. According to this approach the language is regarded as the product of all the previous evolution – physic, biotic, psychological and cultural.

Keywords: Johann Herder, the origin of language, the universal evolution philosophy, religion, art, morals, policy, language.

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The problem of glottogenesis in the universal evolution philosophy

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of views of the universal evolutionists such as Democritus, Lucretius, J. de Lamettrie, J. Herder, W. Humboldt, H. Spencer and G. Vollmer on the problem of glottogenesis.

Keywords: universal evolution, evolutionary linguistics, glottogenesis, Democritus, Lucretius, J. de Lamettrie, J. Herder, W. Humboldt, H. Spencer, G. Vollmer.

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The most important hypotheses on the origin of language

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

In this article it is discussed the critical analysis of the hypotheses on the origin of language including the old ones (the onomatopoetic hypothesis, the hypothesis of sound symbolism, the interjectional hypothesis, the labour hypothesis) and the new ones (N. Chomsky, T. Givón, N. Masataka, T. Deacon, R. Dunbar).

Keywords: the origin of language, the hypothesis of sound symbolism, the interjectional hypothesis, the labour hypothesis.

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Ferdinand Wrede and Victor Maximovich Zhirmunsky: correspondence on the German dialectology and lingvoetnography

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.20

Puzeikina L. N.

This article is based on a paper, read at the 43rd International Philological Conference at the St. Petersburg State University, timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous German linguist, Ferdinand Wrede. The main area of Wrede’s interest was the German dialectology and dialectography. Being the successor of George Wenker, Wrede had a significant influence on the development of the German dialectological atlas. Wrede’s dialektographical studies had a significant impact on the well-known Russian philologist Viktor Zhirmunsky, who conducted collecting and research activities in German colonies in the USSR in 1920s. Presented in the paper, fragments of two scientists’correspondence refer to this period and reveal the origins of some V. M. Zhirmunsky’s ideas concerning research in the German settlements in the USSR.

Key words: V.M. Zhirmunski; epistolary heritage; correspondence; dialectology; German dialects; German colonies in Russia; Ferdinand Wrede; Der Deutsche Sprachatlas; DSA

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