Категория: 5.9. Philology

Specific features and national identities of Russian civil building terminology

UDC 81-133 B81.41

Varnavskaia E. V., Varnavsky V. S.

The present article deals with the key attributes of terminology of civil building discourse. The article presents results of a descriptive analysis of Russian terminological lexicon, discusses national peculiarities and distinctive features of civil building terminology. It is also focused on the Russian specific features of terms, derived from the Slavic derivatives bases.

Keywords: terminology, civil building discourse, professional discourse, terminology of civil building discourse, term, terminology of constructions.

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Noutions and categories of functional grammar

UDC 811.512.122’36 BBK 81.63.24-2

Alkebaeva D. A.

At present the functionality of the modern Kazakh language requires considering from the viewpoint of the actual anthropological paradigm. The modern scientific research should focus on functionality. In the general theory of language the comprehensive research of functional grammar was conducted. For more thorough, deep exploration of the scientific concepts related to the notions and categories of functional grammar one must pay attention to their ontological foundation. Modern sciences are in the near-border area and have a lot of common points. Basic fundamental categories and concepts of functional grammar derive from philosophical concepts. The human factor in the language serves to apply the knowledge of reality through thinking and linguistic consciousness which are, in turn, necessary for the construction of speech by grammar laws. In the speech act the basis of a speaker’s informative representations of reality is generated. The article reviews the subject, concepts, categories and scientific concepts of functional grammar the basis of which is in the philosophical ontology.

Key words: the theory of speech acts, being, categories and notions of functional grammar, functional-semantic field, categorical situation.

* Статья публикуется в авторской редакции

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Genres of speech communication at mothers’ forums in the register “adult-adult”

UDC 81’272 BBK 81.0

Kolmogorova A. V., Andrianova O. V.

The article discusses the speech genres prevailing in the communication of mothers in the form of Internet communication. The article presents the results of the analysis of the forum posts where mothers talk on everyday topics. The author identifies the mostcommon speech genres in this kind of Internet communication.

Keywords: Internet forum, Internet communication, speech genre, mothers’ communication, genre variability.

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A. P. Chekov advises to A. M. Gorky

UDC 81.00 BBK

Danilenko V. P.

The correspondence between A. P. Chekov and A. M. Gorky took place in 1898’s autumn. In this correspondence the first play a role as an instructor to the second. Still later this correspondence became friendly and equivalent.

Key words: A.P. Chekov, A.M. Gorky, correspondence, teacher, pupil, literature, content, form.

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Paris metro as communicative space

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1-5

Vikulova L. G., Makarova I. V., Melekhina Y. A., Osipovich K. B.

The article is devoted to Paris metro and its communicative areas. The work presents the linguistic research, which reveals the role of the iconic metro stations names in the formation of the world national picture.

Key words: Paris metro, iconic name, axiological landmark, the cultural landscape of the capital.

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Cultural linguistics in the domain of plant names

UDC 81-114.2 BBK 81.2-2

Alica Hurtová

Banská Bystrica, Slowakei

The submitted paper highlights the link between language and culture and the role of cultural knowledge in the lexicon. It deals with plant names regarding their motivation, which is frequently connected with cultural traditions and the use of plants, and introduces the classification of culturally conditioned plant names as well as illustrative examples in Germanic, Slavic and other languages.

Key words: plant names, motivation, usage, cultural tradition, cultural linguistics


Der Beitrag betont die Verbindung zwischen Sprache und Kultur und die Rolle des kulturellen Wissens im Lexikon. Er beschäftigt sich mit Pflanzennamen in Bezug auf ihre Motivation, die vielfach mit kulturellen Traditionen und der konkreten Verwendung von Pflanzen zusammenhängt, und stellt die Klassifikation von kulturell bedingten Pflanzennamen sowie illustrative Beispiele in germanischen, slawischen und anderen Sprachen vor.

Schluesselwörter: Pflanzennamen, Motivation, Verwendung, kulturelle Tradition, Cultural Linguistics

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German chancellor’s Angela Merkel idiostyle (as seen in the example of New-Year messages)

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B.

The article discusses eleven Chancellor’s New-Year greetings from the linguistic perspective from 2006 to 2016. Special attention is paid to the orator’s idiostyle peculiarities: crosscutting themes, reiterations: Arbeitslosigkeit, Ausländer, Europa, etc.; repetition of words with prefixes mit-, zusammen-, etc. The grammatical peculiarities of the Chancellor’s speech include superlative adjectives, personal pronouns, etc. Euphemisms stand out from the stylistic peculiarities; tautology, metaphors, antithesis, allusion and etc are also used. The politician’s New-Year messages are of affirmative character, notable for pompous language and are politically correct.

Keywords: New-Year message, A. Merkel, crosscutting theme, repetition, euphemism, personal pronoun, superlative adjective, metaphor, pompous language, affirmation.

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Linguistic status of cohesion and its interaction with other text categories

UDC 81.00 BBK 81.432.1

Verbitskaya O. M.

In this article the author considers the category of cohesion in its conjunction and interaction with other textual categories. Also the category of cohesion on reasonable grounds is related to text’s general intentionality. In the function of initial postulate for practical analysis serves the statement about influence of interacting senses generated in text-forming process on their arrangement at the superficial level in the form of relevant text connections. On the other hand, the impact of specially chosen means of connection on the structure of expressed content is also taken into account. This piece of work possesses the practical value and topicality.

Keywords: cohesion; textual category, the author’s concept; text-forming potential; prospection; retrospection.

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Interview as a way to promote a product

UDC 811.161.1 BBK 81.006

Kozlova E. A., Soboleva O. A.

The article deals with the identification of types and means of speech influence in the genre of advertising interview. It gives the analysis of advertising interviews with the heads of agro-industrial complex enterprises, according to it there are mainly persuasive strategies, including pragmatic and esthetic ones.

The keywords: speech influence; persuasion; textual advertising in mass media; advertising interview; pragmatic and esthetic means; self-presentation.

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Text genres of advertising and criteria of success

UDC 811.161.1 BBK 81.006

Kozlova E. A., Malygina M. V.

The article deals with the criteria for the effectiveness of advertising by the examples of the texts in the newspaper «Презентация» in Kirov. It gives an experiment to interview opinions, the results of it show low efficiency of the genre “life story” and the necessity to follow logical order in advertising.

Keywords: speech influence; types and genres of advertising; criteria for the effectiveness of advertising

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