Категория: 5.9. Philology

Intercategorial interaction in researches of verbal communication

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_55

Olga A. Kostrova

Abstract. Interdisciplinary approach is a basic research method of contemporary human sciences. Abroad, they reveal intralingual categorial interaction as well as interlingual interference and personal identification. In the last studies of Russian linguists, there are methods, principles and technologies of categorial transfer revealed. In cognitive linguistics, the problem of new definition of language and their functions is discussed. In this paper, the author continues the study of categorial interaction that was started in her previous work. Now, the study is devoted to analysis of verbal communication in monographs by domestic and foreign linguists. The author proceeds from the methodological principle of system holism that defines language type and cultural system based on context relation. In her analyses, the author uses the method of interpretation to explain the terminology and language units. She has revealed some specific features of categorial interaction in everyday, political and textual communication. Also, she has confirmed the thesis by Edward Hall about the fundamental meaning of the cultural context that defines language functioning. She precises the value of language system in verbal communication.

The research opens the perspectives for further studies which can generalize the interdisciplinary methods of linguistic analyses. These methods are high demand in a lot of spheres: by supervision of research, by expert supervision of theses and scientific papers as well as by participating on scientific symposiums and preparing the papers for publication.

Key words: categorial interaction, language system, cultural concepts, verbal communication, everyday communication, political speech, text

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Linguistic means of expressing indirect evaluation in modern english political discourse

Krivchenko I.B.

Mustafaeva L.P.

The paper focuses on the analysis of indirect evaluation and its linguistic means in the modern English political discourse. Emotionally coloured words, which are frequent in the political speeches of the English and American politicians, stylistic devices they employ and communicative strategies and tactics which lie in the basis of any political speech may be used to express evaluation indirectly. The authors claim that it is indirect evaluation which prevails nowadays in the political communication held in the English language.

Key words: political discourse, political speech, evaluation, indirect evaluation, linguistic means of evaluation.

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The role of grammatical means in the creation of the image of Joan of Arc by Charles Péguy

Dubnyakova O. A.

Ivanova A. G.

The article presents a study of the image of Joan of Arc in the work “Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc” by a French writer Charles Péguy (1873-1914), poet, playwright and journalist; as well as the important role of the grammatical means used by the writer to create the image of the Maid of Orléans.

Keywords: anticlericalism, Joan of Arc, French grammar, Christian literature, Charles Péguy, socialism.

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Hypnotic metaphor as an effective lexical tool in professional business discourse

Racheev N. O.

Kozlova E. A.

The article is devoted to the issues of speech influence and interaction, namely the metaphorical conceptualization of reality and the hypnotic potential of а metaphor in professional business discourse. The review of the literature is devoted to metaphors in psychology and linguistics. The experiment of metaphor application in the sphere of small business management is described. The authors come to the conclusion about the effectiveness of hypnotic metaphor usage in management.

Keywords: linguistic manipulation, hypnotic metaphor, human resources management, communication efficiency, persuasive discourse, hypnosis, trance.

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Peculiarities of translation of german eponymous geological terms

Ostrikova G. N.

Kravchenko N. V.

The article is devoted to peculiarities of translation of eponymous terms. The study aims at giving an overview of common translation techniques for German eponymous geological terms and the problems occurring during their translation. The authors also give recommendations for effective translation of eponyms.

Keywords: geological terminology, eponyms, translation of eponyms.

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Semantic neologisms in the english language

UDK 81’373.43 BBK 81.411.2-3

Nuzhnova E. E.

This article is devoted to the study of semantic innovations – new meanings of some words and word combinations existing in the Modern English language: the ways in which lexical units develop their new meanings, the sources where innovations draw their imagery from and the tendencies in enriching vocabulary are considered.

Key words: neologisms, semantic innovations, lexico-semantic variant, broadening of meaning, narrowing of meaning, metaphorization, terminologization, determinologization.

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Studying the buryat heroic epic “Geser” at school

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The paper discusses the features of the literary development of schoolchildren and the possibility of developing their verbal skills in the process of studying the Buryat heroic epic “Geser” in the Buryat school.

Keywords: literary development in the Buryat language, Buryat heroic epic, the development of verbal skills of schoolchildren, epithet, hyperbole, metaphor, alliterating words, comparison.

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Functional aspects of verbs of communication in the discourse of modern english drama

UDK 81.42 BBK 81.2

Savina I. V.

Krivchenko I. B.

The paper deals with the analysis of the verbs of communication within the discourse of modern English drama. Lingvosynergetic aspects of such verbs in the plays  of  modern authors of English-speaking countries can be seen both in the dialogue of the plays and in author’s remarks. Due to the synergetic potential of the above mentioned verbs the two constituents of the play begin to interact and influence each other.

Key words: discourse of modern English drama, lingvosynergetic approach, verbs of communication.

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Semantic-structural organization of paired designations (on material of the modern german language)

UDK 811.11-112 BBK 81.2

Portnova T.Yu.

The aim of the article is to analyze the interrelation of syntax and semantics of paired designations in the modern German language. The author describes the peculiarities and main principles of structural and semantic organization of paired designations using the semantic-syntactical law of ranking, which says that there is semantic hierarchy in the syntactical constructions and the word order reflects a particular hierarchy of parameters embodied in people’s consciousness. 

Key words: paired designations, ranking, word order, logic of the relationship between large and small quantities.

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The cognitive-matrix analysis of compounds (by the case of the words with BROT AS 2 IC)

UDK 81-139 BBK 81.2-3

V. A. Stepanenko

B. B. Timofeewa

The paper studies compound words with Brot as 2 IC using the cognitive-matrix analysis by N. N. Boldyrev. Our own cognitive matrix was developed based on the data we obtained using the main model.

Keywords: Brot, compound word, cognitive matrix analysis, cognitive matrix.

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