Категория: 5.9. Philology

Small-sized public directive texts during covid pandemic in Germany

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_103

Maria N. Guz

Natalia V. Pigina

Tatiana V. Morozova

Abstract. The article brings into focus different approaches to studying small-sized public directive texts, which appeared in public areas in Germany to regulate people’s behavior during the 2020 COVID pandemic.

The article studies the major themes of these polycode texts, analyses the correlation between verbal and non-verbal components of the examined texts, describes peculiarities of the non-verbal component, such as color, font and picture image, defines the ways of foregrounding semantically determining elements of the texts.

Particular emphasis is made on characteristics of the addressee and the sender.

The authors point out the characteristic feature of these texts to “save face” on the part of the addressee when the sender of the message puts forward peremptory requirements in the situation of temporary limitation of civil rights and freedoms.

The article studies both direct and indirect strategies of inducement as well as methods tactics allowing these strategies to be most effective and contributing to diminishing the personality-restraining impact of the texts on the addressee.

Furthermore, the article analyzes various means of expressing inducement in the studied texts, such as the infinitive, imperative and infinitive sentence, and draws conclusions about the prevailing forms in the analyzed texts.

Key-words: small-sized public directive text, polycode text, non-verbal component, “face” of the addressee, prescriptive texts, strategies of direct and indirect inducement, ways of expressing inducement, the category of inducement, linguistic landscape, COVID pandemic.

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Modus of imagination in the categorial space of the english language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_72

Tatiana I. Semenova

Anna S. Ishenina

Abstract. The theoretical background of the research is a set of principles and assumptions of cognitive linguistics to the study of the interrelation of linguistic and cognitive structures. The goal of the paper is to consider linguistic conceptualization of mental imagery. Linguocognitive approach to mental verbs as mental representations enables to highlight the complexity of the semantic structure of imagination predicates. The paper brings into focus the issue of the categorical status of the linguistic phenomenon of imagination. It is argued that imagination is structured in the language as a modus category in which the role of the cognizing subject is fixed. The authors claim that modus of imagination represents a specific knowledge structure of the formation of mental images of objects, situations, and states of affairs in the mind of a cognizing subject. The findings obtained may be helpful for further study of the role of language in providing access to cognitive structures and to understanding how human mind works.

Key words: imagination, knowledge structure, mental representation, mental image, linguistic conceptualization, categorical status, modus.

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The image of the man in the mirror of binomial anthroponyms (lingua-philosophical aspect)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_138

Irina A. Nelaeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to linguophilosophical analysis of anthroponyms imitating binomial nomenclature and created according to Latin model “homo + adjective”. As our study has shown, in onomastics, Latin binomial anthroponyms are terra incognita, as they are not presented as a unified system. The reason lies in their dispersion in various fields of knowledge about man and their informative density. To solve this problem we have proposed a model based on three basic philosophical ideas about man (monism, dualism and trialism).

The analysis of the anthroponyms’ binominal names has shown, first, that each of them implicitly contains features of one of the three basic philosophical systems; second, their informative density has two levels – lexical, where their dictionary meaning is represented, and philosophical, where they are expressed as expressions of certain world-views about human essence; Thirdly, they have logical and methodological connection and continuity, forming a unified open system, which reflects traditional and innovative ideas about homo sapiens in all its diversity.

Keywords: binomial anthroponyms, binomial nomenclature, monism, dualism, trialism, unified open system of binomial anthroponyms.

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Mental meaning in the semantic paradigm of the verb find

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_51

Tatiana I. Semenova

Anna A. Chapaykina

Abstract. The theoretical background of the research is a set of principles and assumptions of cognitive linguistics to the study of the meaning of a linguistic form in the context of other cognitive structures. The objectives of the paper is to consider semantic shifts of the verb find and reveal cognitive strategies of verbal semantic derivation. The research is based on the empirical data from available sources and corpora data. The study is conducted within the framework of cognitive semantics where language meaning is viewed as knowledge structure.

The paper considers the phenomenon of lexical polysemy from a cognitive perspective. Of particular concern is the issue of semantic extension of the polysemous verb find. The study brings into focus such parameters of the verbal meaning as taxonomic category of the verb and semantic roles of the participants. It is argued that the change of any parameter causes semantic shifts of the lexical meaning of the verb find.

 The results obtained may be helpful for further study of productive semantic derivation processes in the framework of cognitive semantics.

Key words: conceptualization, language meaning, polysemy, semantic derivation, cognitive domain, mental state, evaluative statement.

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Functional criteria of the interdiscourse of information and psychological warfare

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_81

Artyom A. Khabarov

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic aspect of information and psychological warfare in the light of modern theories and concepts in the research of speech activity, discourse and the human cognitive system. The author’s concept focuses on the use of language as an instrument of ideological influence, mainly in the form of an interdiscourse, defined as a macro-level communicative structure that comprises polarized thematic discourses. Using semantic and structural analysis, conceptual and pragmatic analysis of speeches by US Government officials, the author establishes the typology of the interdiscourse of information and psychological warfare. The results of the linguistic analysis of the text fragments demonstrate the validity of the selected criteria and their epistemological value to study the paradigm of the systemic warfare of the collective West led by the USA with the aim of destroying the integral potential of adversaries by non-combat means.

Keywords: information and psychological warfare, ideology, interdiscourse, cognitive influence, manipulation of consciousness.

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Francien dialect and scripta: features of franciеn scripta

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_108

Lydia A. Stanovaïa

Abstract. The corpus of franciеn manuscripts is sufficient for an in-depth study of the francien scripta. The paradoxical opinion of certain researchers affirming the total absence of written attestations of Francien, is linked to the imperfect and often discutable localization of several French manuscripts, including franciens. The important features of franciеn scripta are the following: (1) coexistence of two scriptural norms (etymological and analogical) of the graphic representation of the nominal declension; (2) homogeneity of language usage, ensured by the majority use of franciеn Forms; (3) respect of protographs that franciеn copyists modified with moderation.

Keywords: history of the French language; historical dialectology; scriptology; dialect; scriptа.

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Automatization and visualization in the field of linguistic research and linguodidactics (based on the database “Slogan’s universum of the XX-XXI centuries”)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_97

Marina Borisovna Tashlykova

Yulia Rimovna Lemeshko

Larisa Yurievna Dmitrieva

Abstract. The article demonstrates the possibilities of using computer tools to model the functioning of a language in certain social situations. It is done for the purpose of automatic comparison of fragments of lexical and phraseological sections of the language system at different chronological sections of its development and for visualizing the results of this comparison. The subject of the analysis is a database that includes a representative sample of the use of slogans, systematized by chronological indicators. The authors propose a way to automate the calculation of the percentage of the use of various structural models of slogans from the total number of corpus material, and to visualize data to search for correlations between the types of slogans and the socio-historical background of the epoch. The aim of it is to identify the universal structural-semantic models and the models that vary under the influence of the time factor. The programming language Visual Basic for Applications for MS Excel is used as the development program. It allows to develop quickly and conveniently the effective applications using the MS Office package. It is important that the software product can be used in the future to obtain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of certain models of linguistic expressions and to identify the specifics of their functioning in synchronic and diachronic aspects using graphs, diagrams and 3D models.

Кeywords: slogan, slogan’s universum, slogan’s model, the programming language VBA, the software product, automation, visualization.

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Metaphorization process in english professional advertising discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_69

Seda Batyrovna Tsoloeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of the metaphorization process in the professional advertising discourse. The research material is modern English-language advertising texts thematically belonging to the field of design and architecture, published in the magazines The Art of Design, Interior Design Today and posted on the Internet. Sharing the position of representatives of cognitive linguistics on the nature of metaphor and the presence in its structure of the sphere of “source” and the sphere of “target”, the author emphasizes the importance and prospects of the method of metaphorical modeling in the study and comprehension of various types of discourse, including advertising discourse, which is the object of research in the present work. Based on the results of an empirical analysis of advertising texts from the English-language magazines The Art of Design and Interior Design Today, the author identifies artifact and anthropomorphic metaphorical models, which have their own language specifics, their own verbalizers of metaphorical transformations representing a certain part of speech, as well as pragmatic value. The paper presents statistical data demonstrating the frequency of the use of metaphorical models in English-language advertising texts and indicating the importance of the metaphorization process in the context of advertising communication.

Keywords: professional communication, artifact metaphor, anthropomorphic metaphor, metaphorical modeling, advertising discourse, advertising text, design and architecture, English.

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On phraseological representation of the concept ukhel ‘death’ in the buryat language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_132

Tatiana B. Tagarova

Abstract. The paper considers the concept ukhel ‘death’ verbalized by phraseological units of the Buryat language in the linguoculturological aspect. Differences in understanding of the concept ukhel ‘death’ in the Buryat naive view of the world and the scientific type of consciousness, namely, the belief in the existence of the soul after death in the linguistic view of the world and its denial in the scientific world-image are revealed. The existence of phraseological units with the meaning of death demonstrates the connection with the ancient ritual actions for the burial of the deceased, which is confirmed in the Mongolian literary work “The Secret History of the Mongols” in 1240. The naive view of the world of Buryat speakers-Buddhists through phraseological units reflects the understanding of death as a transition to another level of life, in a new physical body, but the subsequent life depends on the previous way of life. The worldview of shamanists is also reduced to the belief in an afterlife, but in the existence of a disembodied spirit. Phraseological meaning is developed by metonymization and metaphorization from the original free phrase. At the same time, a more significant role of the denotation is noted. A bright functional and stylistic differentiation of the phraseological unit about death is revealed. The semantic field ukhel ‘death’ demonstrates the breadth of the functions of this lexeme.

Keywords: Buryat language, the concept ‘death’, linguoculturology, phraseological unit, linguistic view of the world, scientific world-image, shamanistic, Buddhism.

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Affixation as a type of term formation based on components Dialekt/Mundart

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_118

Inna V. Senina

Svetlana Y. Pozdnyakova

Abstract. The article deals with the main types of affixation as one of the leading mechanisms of term formation based on the components Dialekt / Mundart, which are the basic concepts of German dialectology. The main attention is paid to the identification of productive affixes, on the basis of which terms are able to form new terminological nests. The predominant use of affixes of Greek-Latin origin, as well as affixes of borrowed nouns and adjectives, allows to indicate the tendency for the further consolidation of the borrowed term Dialekt as the most commonly used.

Keywords: affixation, derivation, term, term formation, terminological nest, dialect, dialectology.

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