Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The theory of moral education of schoolchildren

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Muryukina E. V., Bubnova Yu. A.

The article describes the basic theory of moral education presented in Russian and Western science; levels and components of moral development; factors influencing the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s moral education. We have studied the well-known theory of moral development offered by L. Kohlberg. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the main purpose of the pedagogical process is the comprehensive development of schoolchildren’s personality, where the development of moral sphere is the primary and essential factor. Moral education, according to I. F. Kharlamov, is effective when you include schoolchildren in a variety of activities.

Key words: moral development; theories; L. Kohlberg; I. F. Kharlamov, V. A. Sukhomlinsky; levels; schoolchildren; moral qualities.

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The main theories of media education

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Bubnova Ju. A.

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of media education. Today, there are at least eleven concepts of media education in our country and abroad. It gives a short characterization of the main media education theories, such as: injection» (protective), practical, ideological, semiotic, cultural, aesthetic (art), theological, environmental, ethical, and theories of development critical thinking and the source of «satisfaction of needs».

Key words: theories of media education; goals; strategy; audience; media competence.

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Stages of Mary Richmond’s professional life in the context of socio-historical dynamics

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Julia A. Paschenko, Marina P. Tselykh

The article is devoted to the periodization of Mary Richmond’s professional life. It gives three stages of her professional formation: Baltimore period (1888-1900), Philadelphia period (1900-1909) and New York period (1909-1928). It shows the features and characteristics of each of the selected periods.

Keywords: social work, social welfare, vocational training, periodization, case method.

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The results of media education experiment with students of Taganrog institutes

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Dr. Elena Muryukina

In the article we presented the results of the indicators of media competence of students of Taganrog State Institute of Management and Economics and A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute where we held the formative experiment, based on the synthesis of media criticism and media education in the future teachers’ training. Summarizing the results, we relied on re-testing, interviews, written and creative works, the results of practice-oriented tasks. This study revealed a positive trend in the experimental group of students of A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute and stagnation phenomena among the students in the control group of Taganrog State Institute of Management and Economics.

Key words: university students; media criticism; testing; comparative analysis; media education; media competence.

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The development of an integrated approach to media education system of aesthetic education and upbringing in the second half of the twentieth century

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 60.55.325.1:60.55.57

Chelysheva I. V.

The article deals with the problem of the genesis of the national aesthetically oriented media education in the second half of the twentieth century. The author presents the main approaches to the integration of media education components in the system of aesthetic upbringing and education.

Keywords: media, media culture, media education, aesthetic education, integrated approach.

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An additional general enrichment sport-oriented program «A way to perfection»

UDC 37.037 BBK 74.200.55

Dudka N. N.

The author presents an additional general enrichment sport-oriented program «A way to perfection», which has been realized for many years in Municipal Educational Institution of Supplementary Education «Dvorets tvorchestva» in Irkutsk. The program is of great interest not only from the point of view of its being a document served to theoretically justify and practically organize the work with children and adults willing to do karate but also as a complex and original research in the area of Sport Pedagogy. The program focuses not only on physical but also on spiritual perfection in children.

Key words: supplementary education, educational program, additional general enrichment program, sport-oriented, karate-do, Shotokan karate-do.

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The application of the contrastive analysis in teaching Russian-English translation to the students of the Asian-Pacific region

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58

Antonova A. B.

Contrastive analysis has a great educational potential. However it is quite difficult to use it in teaching Russian-English translation to the students of the Asian-Pacific region due to the problem of three contacting languages’ interaction (two foreign languages: Russian and English and the learners’ native languages); it’s quite problematic and painstaking to reveal all the similarities and the difficulties of the elements of these non-related languages’ systems.

Key words: contrastive analysis, students of the Asian-Pacific region, Russian-English translation, contacting languages

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Practice of using communicative approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language

UDC 372.881.1 BBK 74.268.1

Zankova A. A.

This article is dedicated to the usage of communicative approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It describes concept “communicative competence” and one of the lesson structures which satisfies the basic principles of communicative approach in teaching foreign languages.

Key words: communicative approach and method, communicative competence, PPP lesson framework.

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Training of motor mechanics in the context of the SVE third-generation FSES

UDC 377.131.14:629.083 (094) BBK 033-08я723-1

Nikitina E. A.., Nadtochij S. B.

The article is devoted to the issues of students’ training in specialty 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of automobile transport within the secondary vocational education. Training of motor mechanics in the context of the SVE FSES with the use of context and dual educating technologies contributes to deep possessing professional competences, searching the ways of solving different professional problems in challenging manufacturing situations and, which is the most important, stirs interest in future occupation.

Key words: motor mechanic, secondary vocational education, SVE FSES, context and dual educating technologies, possessing professional competences, professional problems, students, industrial training.

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Records of the results of pedagogical monitoring in organization of educational activities in the modern college

UDC 377.5 BBK 74.214.22

Nikitina E. A., Korobtsov A. Y., Vereshсhakov I. E.

An important part of practical training within the professional module PM.03 «Methodological support of the training process and pedagogical guidance of a group of students in professions of workers (employees)» is organization and carrying out pedagogical monitoring. This allows to create the competencies needed in the future professional activity of training officers.

In the course of many years’ training officers’ work, teachers of the Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction to organize teaching practice of students (specialty 44.02.06 Professional Education) ‒ a huge experience of carrying out pedagogical monitoring with the participation of trainees has been gained. In the process of implementation of the tasks of the pedagogical monitoring, they do not only provide diagnosis, evaluation and forecasting of the pedagogical process, but also they take into account the results of the organization of educational activities in the College. Presentation of the experience of the joint activities through the eyes of students will contribute to the further improvement of the pedagogical process in the field of teaching training officers.

Key words: pedagogical monitoring, training officer, education, teaching, pedagogical culture, vocational training, diagnosis, assessment, forecasting, pedagogical process.

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