DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_116
Elizaveta C. Dakhalaeva
Alexandra A. Serebryakova
Abstract. The study purpose is to identify the self-referential and ino-referential components interaction of the French social advertising.
The use of the «self-reference» and «ino-reference» concepts developed by N. Luhmann helps to identify self-referential and ino-referential elements in social advertising.
- Kozhemyakin and T. Krasikova applied these concepts to the media reality in the TV shop. Their scheme has been modified. The social advertising components have been identified:
- self-referential (the addressee’s emotions, the addressee’s social values, the problem statement in everyday situations);
- non-referential (advertising initiator, call to action, functional / design characteristics of advertising).
Design characteristics are obligatory for all social advertisements. This is the most difficult component: according to the canons of creating this type of advertising, the social problem should not be demonstrated directly, but through hints, metaphors, comparisons, and playing around the situation. Thus, visual material in social advertising is presented in an unusual way, and the verbal component is conveyed by various stylistic means of expression.
In the practical part, visual schemes of the interaction of internal and external referents with a different number of active, explicitly presented elements (from 2 to 4) have been built, which contribute to the decoding of implicit components and the correct decoding of the main message of social advertising by the addressee.
Key words: self-reference, ino-reference, internal referent, external referent, advertising, verbal, non-verbal components.
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