Категория: 5.9. Philology

Verbal and non-verbal attractive elements of the web-sites of english luxury hotels (by the example of the Dorchester hotel website)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_78 

Larisa G. Vikulova

Evgeniya A. Elizarova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the attractive features of the websites of English luxury hotels. The website of The Dorchester Hotel in London is used as an example. This hotel is one of the most prestigious and premium priced hotels of the UK. The official web-site is the main way of communication between the potential guest and the hotel. That’s why the content of the hotel site is the necessary requirement to persuade a person to become a real guest. The article shows different verbal elements that can be attractive for potential guests such as emotional and expressive vocabulary (bespoke luxury, deluxe, executive, etc.), the superlative degree of adjectives (the most iconic, the best, etc.), lexical units referring to hotel business (the gold standard of care, the perfect room for your every need, etc.) A lot of ways of non-verbal communicative elements are used to attract the potential guests’ attention. However, different photos of the luxurious interiors of the hotel and the famous guests are the main semiotic sign for the discerning client. 

Key words: website, hotel, potential guest, addressee, addresser, lexical units, non-verbal units.

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Political news text with the structure «Kebab» aimed at mono and double addresses

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_63

Elizaveta A. Vdovichenko

Veronika A. Kameneva

Abstract. The research of text perception and comprehension does not lose its relevance among scholars. News texts addressed to children 8-12 years old (mono-addresser) and to adolescents 10-15 years old (dual addressee) are being published. Their research is of academic interest because political texts are not popular among these age groups. A total of 50 political articles from the French-language magazines 1jour1actu and GEO, targeting mono- and dual addressees, respectively, were each sampled for the period 2013-2022. The quantitative counting indicated that among the material there are articles with information presented according to the “Kebab” (Kebab) structure. More often this structure is inherent in the political news for the dual addressee. While researching the components of “Kebab” structure, it was revealed that the journalist for better perception and retention of the addressee’s attention resorts not only to the basic structural components (“Title”, “Lead”, “Subtitles”, “Anecdote”, “Background”), but also to the invariant ones. For a mono-address, “Nut graf” is used to emphasize the purpose of reading the article. At the end of the news text, another “Anecdote” is used to repeatedly recall the news event.

Keywords: political news text, influence on the reader, manipulation of attention, structure of the news text “Kebab”.

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Strategy of authorization in the english language interpretative discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_195

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Anastasia E. Bazarova

Abstract. The article explores some methods of actualizing one of the legitimation strategies, namely, authorization, in the English language interpretative discourse. As an example of such a discourse the interpretation of the ancient Indian text “Bhagavad-gita” suggested by the translator and commentator is studied. The article features a number of categories used for authorization in this discourse and outlines methods of actualizing the authorization strategy: using modal operators and precedent names, metaphorization, analogy.

Keywords: linguistic interpretation, axiological strategies, values legitimation, authorization, Bhagavad-gita.

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Digital reputation of the scientific community: website of the french academy

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_234

Larisa G. Vikulova

Olga I. Korolenko

Irina V. Makarova

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the digital reputation of the scientific community on the example of the website of the French Academy, through which the reputation of an authoritative institution is formed. It is noted that the trust and reputation of the Academy are created at the expense of scientific achievements, which since the XVII century, in particular, the French Academy has received the privilege and exclusive right to publish the works of its members on the basis of its own decisions, without censorship. It is proved that the consequence of such an innovation was intra-institutional censorship and the development of the concept of “scientific reputation”, when the main regulator are the concepts of self-censorship and the honor of a scientist. It is noted that the reputation of a member of the French Academy, represented on its website, is not only the fame, scientific recognition of the academician among colleagues, but also a guarantee of the reliability of his own statements or the statements of those who highly value him in society. It is emphasized that an important component of the identity of the scientific community, including in the diachronic projection, is its image portrait, formed on the website of the French Academy, which reflects the activities and value orientations of the status scientific institution.

Keywords: digital reputation, scientific community, French academy, website, identity, image.

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Metalanguage in modern german fairy tales for adults in dialect

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_251

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Abstract. The object of the article is mostly modern german humorous fairy tales for adults in dialect. Thoughts on the language, clarification of language points, comments on some lexemes, grammatical and stylistic phenomena are typical for all german-speaking writers working in different genres. A modern author’s fairy tale as a type of text also reflects the interest of its authors in certain linguistic points. The article analyzes examples of metalanguage, metacommunication in dialect about dialect, as well as in some cases about literary or foreign-language inclusions.  Various pragmatic effects created by metalanguage passages within the textotype of the fairy tale are studied.

Keywords: dialect, standard language, author’s fairy tale for adults, metalanguage, metacommunication, humor.

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Metadiscourse analysis of new year’s addresses of the Russian President

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_166

Olga A. Boginskaya

Abstract. Political discourse is not only an information environment, but also an interactive space which necessitates the study of metadiscourse as an effective rhetorical strategy. The purpose is to study metadiscourse categories in the genre of the President’s New Year’s address as one of the genres of political discourse. To achieve this goal, the metadiscourse categories used by the Russian president are identified and their communicative functions are determined; the frequency of markers within the metadiscourse categories is determined. New Year’s addresses posted on the official website of the President of Russia were used as research materials. The taxonomy of metadiscourse markers proposed by K. Hyland was adopted as the methodological basis. The study identified five types of metadiscourse markers (boosters, hedges, attitude markers, self-mentions and engagement markers) used by the President in order to construct an effective dialogue with an audience. In the discursive space of the New Year’s address, these metadiscourse markers serve the following communicative functions: showing confidence in the truth of a proposition, manifesting solidarity with an audience, mitigating categoricalness, showing emotions, engaging the addressee in a dialogue, accepting personal responsibility for the utterances produced. The predominance of boosters and attitude markers that increase the illocutionary force, demonstrating the addresser’s confidence in the truth of the propositions, and explicating the speaker’s affective stance, indicate Putin’s desire to construct an image of a self-confident leader and establish an emotional connection with the audience. The results obtained indicate the need to study metadiscourse categories as crucial elements of political communication. Intercultural, intracultural or diachronic studies of metadiscourse in the New Year’s addresses of the presidents seem promising.

Key words: President’s New Year’s address, political discourse, metadiscourse, hedging, boosting, self-reference, attitude marker.

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Precedence as a component of aggressive discourse in the chinese-language internet communication

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_221

Liu Qiqi

Abstract. Aggression as a linguocultural phenomenon that manifests itself at all levels of human activity, including the Internet environment, whose anonymity increases the aggression degree and stimulates network users’ creative abilities on the basis of precedent phenomena. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to identify the correlation between speech aggression and precedent phenomena in the Internet space on the material of the Chinese language. The ways of manifestation of precedence in this environment are insufficiently studied. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and describe aggressive communication in the Chinese-language Internet, with particular attention to precedence as a factor of aggression in the net community. This article examines the phenomenon of precedence over the aggressive Internet communication by the material of the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo. Research method of this article is discourse analysis. The author investigates 4 types of precedent phenomena and ways of manifestation of precedence in the mentioned discourse. The main conclusions of the article are that precedent phenomena are one of the most important components of the Chinese-language aggressive Internet communication, precedence as an important factor of aggressive discourse in the Chinese Internet environment is expressed in two ways: by full and transformed citations.

Keywords: precedence, precedent phenomena, aggressive discourse, Internet communication, citation, Chinese language.

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Linguistic creativity in discursive modeling of the future food vision in english media discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_181

Tatiana I. Semenova

Abstract. Linguistic creativity is viewed as a cognitive and discursive phenomenon. The paper discusses creative language use in discursive construal of future food vision in English media. Of central concern in the study is the issue of how the creative potential of the language system is realized in the process of alternative construal of the future food vision in the English media discourse. The study considers cognitive operations of conceptual integration, focus shift involved in alternative construal of fake meat products in English media discourse. The author highlights the issue that the concept FAKE MEAT is a way of conceptualizing food made from plants with the appearance of meat thus being like meat and being different from meat. The study brings into focus the violation of the language norm as potential resource for creativity. The paper reveals pragmatic potential of the conceptual blends like meatless meat and fake meat in shaping health and environmental benefits of a meat-free food style in media discourse. The results obtained may be helpful for further research into the linguistic realization of creativity in media discourse.

Kew words: alternative construal of the world, lingvocreativity, nomination, world-building model, conceptual integration, mental model, focus shift.

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Speech behaviour of a modern media-critic on the material of the german media discourse

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_206

Ludmila N. Seliverstova

Nikita A. Fedorov

Abstract. During the period of active globalization of human communication, its pragmalinguistic aspect, namely, the person speaking as the center of communicative activity and the speech act as the object of pragmalinguistic study is of particular interest to researchers. This article presents the results of a study of the speech behavior of individual German-speaking authors-mediacritics according to the speech strategy of «the author’s formation of the recipient’s attitude to the speech event» based on publications on the spread of a new coronavirus infection published in journals and on the Internet portals “DER SPIEGEL” and “Neue Züricher Zeitung” in the period 2020-2022. On the basis of the results obtained, it was possible to identify some personal qualities of authors-mediacritics, most of which are distinguished by objectivity, a critical attitude to reality, decisiveness, an independent opinion and impartiality.

Key words: pragmalinguistics, speech behavior, speech strategy of hidden influence, speech portrait, media discourse, media criticism, german language.

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Mass media text on healthy nutrition as a metaphorically marked sphere (based on the english language)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_99

Fairuz B. Akbaeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the metaphorically marked nature of the mass media text on healthy nutrition. The study is focused on the English-language texts published in British and American journals on healthy nutrition. Recognizing the relevance of the problem of healthy lifestyle in general, and healthy food, in particular, the author speaks of the existence within the mass media of certain language mechanisms that influence the worldview, ideals and values of the addressee, and, as a result, contribute to the popularization of the idea of healthy lifestyle. In this process, metaphor is given one of the key roles. The results of the analysis of actual material indicate the presence in the texts on healthy nutrition of anthropomorphic, nature-morphic, sociomorphic and artifact metaphorical models, characterized by its own set of metaphorical transformations and its own number of verbalizers. It is significant that in the case of nature-morphic, sociomorphic and artifact models of metaphor, the metaphorical meaning is actualized in the context with the help of nouns, while with anthropomorphic metaphor – by verbs. The paper presents quantitative data signifying the sample material and the frequency of the above-mentioned metaphor models.

Key words: mass media discourse, nutritional discourse, text on healthy nutrition, cognitive metaphor, metaphorical modeling, English.

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