Категория: 5.9. Philology

Functions of quotations in english advertising texts

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_3_98

Svetlana S. Rogovtsova

Elena A. Pavlenko

Abstract. The article considers the functions of quotations in English printed advertising texts. It provides a summary of Russian and foreign scientists’ works on intertextuality, precedence and precedent phenomena, quotation and its functions, and the features of advertising texts. Advertisement is characterized by brevity, and advertisers resort to various linguistic means, in particular, to quotations, which, due to their complexity, make it possible to express more in fewer words. A new structural type of quotations, fake quotations, is observed; such quotations belong to fictional authors. The study reveals the frequency, sources, and structural characteristics of quotations in advertising texts through intertextual and contextual analysis. In total, six functions of quotations are identified: persuasive, ludic, image-forming, attractive, informative, and delimitative. Persuasive, ludic, and attractive functions occur in advertising text more frequently. The results of the study prove the importance of quotations in order to make advertising texts more impressive and increase the potential marketability of the product.

Keywords: quotation, advertisement, intertextuality, precedence, types of quotation.

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Graphic marking of art discourse: pragmatic features (on the material of the english language)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_87

Ekaterina V. Miletova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the actualization of graphic means in the art discourse; the author focuses on the recurrent use of italics in thematic texts on art. The research material is English-language texts published in The Artist magazine, aimed at professional artists. The author emphasizes the pragmatic potential of graphic means in art discourse; it is aimed at drawing the addressee’s attention to significant pieces of information in the sphere of professional interaction between artists. The results of the research indicate the most common cases of italics’ usage in the communication of artists. Taking into account the semantic and pragmatic features of this corpus of linguistic units, we have identified the following lexical groups: 1) proper names (the name of the artist, the title of the work, the name of the museum, the title of the exhibition, etc.); 2) professional vocabulary (techniques and methods of painting, terms and their definitions, foreign words). Each presented group has its own frequency indicator within the analyzed sample.

Key words: art discourse, discursive markers, sign system, professional communication of artists, graphic means, italics, text, English.

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Author’s fairy tale for adults in hessian dialect

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_74

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Anna L. Shadrina

Abstract. The article is devoted to the author’s fairy tale for adults in dialect. The authors of the article aim to present and study in this fairy tale discourse the coexistence, mutual influence and joint functioning of the Hessian dialect and the literary German language.  The research material is a fairy tale for adults by Frank Fodderwestje “Dornrösjche un de böse Froschkönisch…”, written by him in the Hessian dialect. The Hessian dialect dominates the fairy tale, and the German literary language clarifies the meaning of dialect words.  The author of the fairy tale includes literary German in the narrative only in cases that are particularly difficult to understand.  The local connectedness of the fairy-tale discourse with the Hessian territory is overcome thanks to literary words, and the fairy tale becomes accessible to all German-speaking readers. Thus, the author of the fairy tale seeks to attract as many readers as possible, including those who do not speak the Hessian dialect.

Keywords: dialect, literary language, fairy-tale discourse, author’s fairy tale, humorous effect.

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Argumentative space of the pedagogical normative discourse (based on german)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_91

Tatyana M. Bolshakova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the argumentative space of the pedagogical normative discourse, represented by various types of texts that contain rules of conduct intended for students of German primary schools. The paper considers the structure of the argumentative space, identifies the types of contextual arguments and carries out their classification. Based on the study of the composition of argumentative constructions, the types of logical relations between theses and arguments are determined, the role of argumentative constructions in the structure of the text at the macro and micro levels is described. Based on the analysis of empirical material, it is concluded that the normative text has an argumentative potential, but the argumentative and normative spaces of texts reveal a certain autonomy and coexist in parallel. The pragmatic structure of the argumentative space is actualized and superimposed on the pragmatic structure of the normative space in the case of the argumentation procedure. The analysis of the text array also showed that the widespread use of various types of contextual arguments and ways of their verbal embodiment of argumentation in most selected text units indicates the systematic nature of argumentation as a means of convincing influence on schoolchildren, who must decode and assimilate normative statements. The novelty of the study lies in the involvement of normative texts as an object of study of argumentation and the definition of patterns that determine the features of the construction of an argumentative space in pedagogical discourse.

Key words: argumentation, argumentative space, contextual argument, arguer, recipient, pedagogical discourse, normative discourse.

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The functioning of anthroponyms in the linguo-cognitive internet space based on the forum role-play game “legends of Empya”

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_109

Andrey G. Fomin

Vladislav. I. Chobotar

Abstract. The cognitive foundations of proper names contain features that allow identifying algorithms and mechanisms for naming and creating a nickname both in real life and in virtual space. This article presents the analysis of characters’ names in the forum role-play fantasy game “Legends of Empya”, reveals the players’ motives while naming characters and describes mechanisms for creating a in-game nickname. The functioning of anthroponyms in the forum role-play game in various communicative situations confirms the importance of correct perception and understanding of names by other players for successful internal communication. The combination of semantic and cognitive aspects of the linguistic picture of the forum role-play game for understanding the functioning of in-game nicknames is a new and promising direction of modern linguistics, and the results of the study complement the existing onomastic theories.

Key words: in-game nickname, name choice motive, name semantics, linguistic picture of forum role-play game, cognitive aspect of communication

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Evaluative words in the discription of military-political conflicts in chinese media

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_77

Andrey G. Fomin

Elizaveta S. Trofimova

Abstract. The article reveals the analysis of lexical means containing evaluation of military-political conflicts in Chinese mass media. As a result of continuous sampling, the authors picked out 250 texts devoted to military-political conflicts and pinpointed 248 thematically relevant words and word combinations, having connotation in their semantic structure. If during the first period (1990-2013) Chinese mass media used mainly modal verbs to express advice and parentheses to refer to the source of information in relation to military-political discourse, during the second period (2014-2022) the choice of words which are used to inform people about the conflict has changed considerably. Evaluative semes were identified after the definition analysis of the obtained lexical units. The lexical units used by Chinese mass media have explicit negative connotation. Often they are used as conflictogenes as applying them China explicitly condemns the parties to a conflict and / or the superpowers standing behind the conflict. The texts are abundant in evaluative words, which helps to produce strong pragmatic influence on the addressee of the message. As for the parts of speech these words belong to, the most frequent ones are the verbs and nouns derived from them. Such a tendency helps to show the dynamic nature of the conflict. The second most frequent group is descriptive adjectives used in comparative and superlative constructions. This lexical units allow the media to reflect the tension of the conflict and create a bright image. Besides, to enhance their influence on the target audience, the media utilize multiple metaphors, which, again, contain evaluative words. 

Key words: evaluativity category, military-political discourse, conflictogene, connotation, mass media discourse, military-political conflict, Chinese media, conflict, evaluative vocabulary, evaluative component.

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Axiological potential of english gastronym neologisms

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_2_123

Veronika V. Katermina

Natalia S. Solovyeva

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of studying axiological aspects of gastronomic discourse based on the analysis of English neologisms-gastronyms. Gastronomic discourse is one of the forms of communication representing a system of dominants. The material for the study was English neological gastronymic units taken from the electronic dictionaries Wordspy, Macmillan Dictionary, Urban Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionaries Online Blog and analyzed as indicators of changes taking place in society. The article also notes that the evaluative possibilities of neologisms-gastronyms, their axiological resources are revealed in a certain discursive environment as well as the emergence and consolidation in use of the new lexical units themselves. Evaluation in gastronomic discourse is given on a variety of grounds depending on axiological orientations of the speakers, but, as a rule, it is located on the “good / bad” scale which has a pronounced subjective character and is determined by axiological orientations of native speakers. When analyzing the evaluative component of gastronome neologisms, new approaches to food products are found that were not previously characteristic of the English-speaking society. It is noted that food is no longer considered solely as a source of nutrition.

Key words: axiology, value, gastronomic discourse, gastronom, culture, food culture, neologism, evaluation, language, discursive practices.

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Linguistic modeling of the image of the future in political discourse

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_64

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Daria A. Sergeeva

Abstract. The paper focuses on the image of the future modeling as a potent tool for creating the illocutionary force of political discourse.  The study is based on the linguistic analysis of Tony Blair’s public speeches. It has been stated, that the image of the future possesses a great potential in terms of impact on the target audience in political discourse. The content specifics and language representation of the future are motivated by three factors:  the speaker’s intentionality, properties of the pragmatic context and the characteristics of the target audience. The complex nature of the pragmatic effect construal has been substantiated and made explicit. It consists in activating the language units that transfer positive evaluation of the future in terms of  attractiveness, innovation and solidarity. The construal of the future in political communication  is modeled as a discourse operation involving several levels of achieving the destination (pragmatic effect): contact-making, conceptual, affective, voluntary and evaluative.

Key words: image, future, modeling, model, political discourse, levels of linguistic impact, linguistic function, orientation function.

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Strategies of newspaper tolerance discourse in Belarus, UK and USA

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_50

Anna A. Biyumena

Abstract. The paper focuses on the objects, topics and strategies of newspaper tolerance discourse in the English-language press in the United Kingdom and the USA and the Russian and Belarusian-language press in the Republic of Belarus. The key research method is discourse analysis that reveals relations between the media text and social context. The results of the research show that the objects of the English-language tolerance discourse base on gender, racial and sexual identity, while in the Belarusian media discourse, tolerance envelops ethnicity, age and psychophysical characteristics. The study exposes discursive strategies of the newspaper tolerance discourse – strategies of compassion, positive positioning, solidarity and information. It was revealed that these strategies are used in the English-language and Belarusian press in relation to different social groups. The results provide an opportunity for further studies into the tolerance discourse in various cultures and languages.

Key words: media discourse, press, tolerance, solidarity, discrimination, identity

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Publisher’s abstract on the back cover of the book as a promotional text

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_181

Kristina A. Kuznetsova

Abstract. This article is devoted to publishing abstracts to works of art. The abstract can be considered a promotional text that helps the reader to choose and familiarize himself with the composition. The article discusses the communicative strategies that publishers use to provide a deeper understanding the text of the annotation on the back cover of the book. The self-presentation of the author and the attractiveness of the abstract are the most frequently used methods of attracting the reader in the texts of annotations on the back cover of works of art.

Keywords: author, publisher’s abstract, linguistics, Italian, fiction, publisher, publishing discourse, promotional text, communicative strategies.

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