Категория: Aviation radio communication, radiolocation, radio navigation and methods of their operation

The experience of using GNSS software-defined recievers

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_88

Roman O. Arefyev

Oleg N. Skrypnik

Natalya G. Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva)

Abstract. The paper describes the experience of using software-defined receivers for receiving signals from GPS and Beidou navigation satellites. The peculiarities of the GNSS SDR platform and implementation of the satellite navigation system receivers on its basis were considered. The structure of the GNSS SDR flow graph with description of the functional capacity of each block was shown. As an RF part of the receiver, a HackRF platform with an active antenna and Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator was used. The receiver was tested with help of the SN-3803M simulator radiating GPS signals. The dependences of the time required for position-fixing and the number of the navigational satellites which provide tracking on the given false alarm probability were obtained experimentally.

Through natural experiments the authors compared the performance (number of tracking satellites, positioning accuracy, dilution of precision) of the SDR-receiver and ATGM336H portable receiver applied to the GPS and Beidou systems. The main features of the receivers operation were identified and analyzed.

Keywords: GPS, SDR, Beidou, software-defined receiver, dilution of precision, positioning accuracy.

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Peculiarities of using a mobile pseudolite for increase of positioning accuracy on aircraft landing *

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_14

Oleg Nikolaevich Skrypnik

Roman Olegovich Arefyev

Natalya Gennadyvna Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva)

Tatyana Yuryevna Portnova

Abstract. The authors study accuracy characteristics (dilution of preсision) of an integrated navigation-and-time field in the terminal area created by GLONASS with its mobile pseudolite augmentation. A mobile pseudolite is placed onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The purpose of the article is optimization of UAV flight path which will provide the best aircraft positioning accuracy. The problem of finding an optimal track for the UAV was solved using Hooke-Jeeves method for an aircraft approaching along a flexible track. The article presents the results of the conducted experiments as the UAV optimal flight paths and their charts built according to DOP values for cases of using stationary and mobile pseudolites. Practical recommendations on the choice of optimization criteria are given, and the conditions for using a mobile pseudolite placed on board an unmanned aerial vehicle are determined.

Keywords: pseudolite, mobile pseudolite, unmanned aerial vehicle, Position Dilution of Precision, GLONASS, optimization of flight trajectory, integrated navigation and time field.

* This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 19-08- 00010 A).

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The automation systems of surveillance and control of aerodrome traffic and air traffic management based on ADS-B

UDK 351.814.33 BBK 39.57-5

Knyazhskiy A. Yu.

Plyasovskikh A. P.

Shcherbakov E. S.

An equipment of functional augmentation automatically dependent surveillance-broadcasting are encouraged to include in the automation systems of surveillance and control of aerodrome traffic and automation systems of air traffic control. This augmentation to the equipment complexes allows estimating the error of the coordinates issued automatically by dependent surveillance – broadcasting and to compensate in case of its slow changing. The information from the satellite radio navigation system is not taken into account in case of a rapid change in the error characteristics which are not allowing for sufficiently accurate compensation.

Keywords: SRNS, ADS-B, error, aircraft movement, air traffic control, automation.

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The influence of quasi-sinusoidal inhomogenuities on the characteristics of double- and three-hop ionospheric reflections

UDC: 621.371.33 BBK 39.57

A.I. Agaryshev

Nguyen Minh Giang

M.A. Portnov

The article presents the results of researching the influence of ionosperic inhomogenuities on the maximum observed frequency (MOF) and the angles of arriving the radiowaves reflected two and three times from the ionosphere (2F2 and 3F2 modes). The authors present the calculated МOF and angles of arrival of decameter radio waves using the method of equal MUF under conditions of quasi-sinusoidal inhomogenuities. The results of calculations are compared with the results of measurements.

Keywords: maximum usable frequency, maximum observed frequency, inhomogeneity of the electron concentration, characteristics of double- and three-hop ionospheric reflections,  the angles of arrival of 2F2, 3F2 modes.

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Signal demodulation for the secondary radar channel of ADS–B system

UDC 621.396.74 BBK 39.571.5

Lezhankin B. V., Mezhetov M. A., Turincev S. V.

Aircraft flight safety is largely dependent on the performance of systems having various purposes. One of the systems is ADS-B intended for air traffic management by constructing trajectories of aircraft motion with efficient use of airspace. The analysis of main methods of designing the equipment, demodulating and decoding the signals in data links is therefore a relevant objective which can increase the efficiency of air transportation at the required level of flight safety.   

Key words: ADS-B, systems of symbol synchronization, quadrature demodulator, quadrature signal, hardware-software receiver, preamble detector.

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Hardware-software simulator for primary radar signals of the control radar

UDC 621.396.96 BBK 32.842

Hmarskij P. A.Rodriguez D.Solovov A. I.

The article focuses on the principles of construction of the developed hardware-software simulator for primary radar signals of the control radar. The use of the proposed hardware simulator within a dispatching radar will significantly improve its competitiveness due to the possibility of realization of the modes of research and implementation of existing and future algorithms for radar information processing.

Keywords: control radar, hardware and software system, the generator of trajectories, noise shaper, designer of radar objects.

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Filtering of optical signals based on multi-layered structures

UDC 621.372 BBK 39.56

Polyakov D. O.

The article discusses synthesis of optimal filters for random spatial signals based on multi-layer optical structures running in the corner filtering mode.

Key words: corner filtering; synthesis; optical structure.

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Development of mathematical model of input action for the device support of the radiation source according to the movable radio finder

UDC 621.396.96 BBK 32.842

Hmarskij P. A.Sushhinskij A. A.

The authors present the methodology of development of input action mathematical model  for the device support of the radiation source according to the movable radio finder.

Key words:  movable radio finder; accompanied only by angular coordinates; model of input action; model of specifying impact; random discrete maneuver; the Kalman filter.

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Extraction of run-up signals in systems of information communication in VDL-2 mode

UDC 621.396.74 BBK 39.571.5

Mezhetov M. A., Turincev S. V.

Air-to-air and air-to-ground automated data exchange systems are increasingly common. Automated data exchange (ADE) in such systems is conducted in VHF band with the use of VDL-2 или VDL-4 modes. The design of ADE receivers implies a clock sync (CS) circuit in their composition which can be constructed differently. A run-up signal in such systems is extracted digitally.  One of the factors influencing the quality if received information in VDL-2 systems is selection of a technique of run-up signal regeneration.  

The article considers a technique of run-up signal regeneration with use of front reconstruction which is implemented in a hardware-software receiver developed by the authors. Research of CS regeneration principles will enable to conduct a comparative analysis of different techniques of extracting and forming a run-up signal and to apply the hardware-software receiver for further research.

Key words: VDL-2, clock sync systems, Gardner detector, scrambler, quadrature components, hardware-software receiver.

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Stages of formation and development of aeronautical radionavigation scientific school of MSTU CA, Irkutsk branch

UDC 621.391:621.396 BBK 39.57-5

Lezhankin B. V.

The article analyzes the stages of formation and development of aeronautical radio-navigation scientific school of MSTU CA, Irkutsk Branch. The main scientific approaches are described. The article reviews the main scientific staff publications.  It demonstrates the research intergenerational continuity, development of the methodology and scientific and experimental facilities.

Keywords: scientific school, radionavigation, interaircraft navigation, satellite navigation.

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