Investigation of the influence of acting loads on microstructural changes in the alloy Inconel 738LC
DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_51
Abstract. In modern economic conditions, one of the important tasks is to transfer as many structural elements of aircraft engines as possible to condition-based operation while maintaining a balance between the economic effect and the flight safety level. Such measures will significantly allow aircraft operators to reduce operating costs. One of the candidates for the transition to condition-based operation are turbine blades of gas turbine engines, made from heat-resistant nickel alloys. The microstructure of the heat-resistant nickel alloys is a γ-matrix with dispersed particles of the γ’-phase included into it, which are the elements that provide the high strength properties of nickel alloys. The microstructural changes that occur during the operation of gas turbine engines in turbine blades associated with an increase in the size and shape of the γ’-phase particles, as well as their volume fraction, lead to degradation of the mechanical properties of products. Taking into account these changes can be a tool that will allow one to carry out calculations aimed at assessing the technical condition of the blades of gas turbine engines during their operation.
Key words: gas turbine engine, turbine blade, heat-resistant nickel alloy, γ’-phase, alloy microstructure.
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