Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

The system of communication exercises for the development of verbal skills of primary schoolchildren on the basis of folk literature

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_230

Sonombal T. Sodnomov

Abstract. The paper discusses the system of communication exercises based on the materials of small genres of the Buryats folk literature. Buryat folklore consists of myths, legends, üligers, proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales, etc. In this paper proverbs, riddles and fairy tales served as materials for communication exercises. Communication exercises for the development of verbal skills of primary schoolchildren in the study of the epic “Geser” were presented in the paper “Studying the Buryat heroic epic “Geser” at school” in the International Information and Analytical Journal “Crede Experto: Transport, Society, Education, Language” No. 4, 2019.

In the process of acquaintance with small genres of Buryat folklore, primary schoolchildren learn about life, they develop the skills of artistic perception of the world around them.

This paper describes six groups of communication exercises that make up the system. This system of exercises can be used by a teacher of primary school at the lessons of literary reading in the Buryat language in order to enrich and develop the native Buryat speech of primary schoolchildren. The exercises are aimed at the formation of intonation skills, the ability to find and use the expressive means of the Buryat language in speech, at the formation of literary and creative skills, etc.

Key words: primary schoolchild, folk literature, native Buryat language, literary development in the Buryat language, development of verbal skills, system of exercises, communication exercises, expressive means of the native Buryat language.

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Development of interethnic tolerance among university students on the material of television media texts

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_202

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the methodological and methodical tools in the study of realizing educational objectives by means of media education based on the material of television media texts, including the technologies and methods of conducting university practical classes with elements of media education to foster students’ interethnic tolerance. Practical approaches are based on the methodology for performing literary-imitative, literary-analytical, theatrical role-playing activities on the material of media culture, based on the key concepts of media education: media agencies, media categories, media languages, media technologies, media representations, media audiences. Media education allows one to solve specific educational tasks in the discussion of television programs on the topic of interethnic tolerance in the student audience, which are as follows: forming a stable sense of rejecting the ideology of racial, national, interethnic, interfaith intolerance and extremism among university students; developing students’ critical skills for analysing media texts on the topic of interethnic tolerance; destroying social prejudices and stereotypes in the university environment; teaching young people to define methods of media manipulation and the propaganda of interethnic intolerance in the media based on a critical analysis of media texts; expanding and enriching the cultural, historical and social experience of the youth audience in the field of intercultural communication.

Keywords: interethnic tolerance, television media texts, students, dialogue of cultures, ethnic stereotypes, media education, media text, re-presentation, hate speech, national identity, ethnic culture, xenophobia.

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Business game as a tool of building professional competence of internal affairs officers

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_190

Larisa  Yu. Nezhkina

Natal’ya S.  Novolodskaya

Abstract. The need of the internal affairs bodies in highly qualified specialists is a strategic goal of the educational policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia insofar as the Russian Law on the Police Force defines the main tasks of a law enforcement officer, where he must show a high professional level and high personal maturity. Professional abilities and personal maturity constitute professional competence (knowledge, abilities, skills and talents), which must be formed during training in the educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In this regard, a business game “Kedrovaya Street” was developed and implemented for internal affairs officers as a means of building the professional competence of policemen. The business game was conducted as part of practical training in the learning process in the educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors present the content and the procedure for conducting a business game. They discuss the results obtained after its implementation in the training groups of policemen. At the conclusion of the article, the findings are presented. The findings in general, reflect the importance of developing and conducting such business games that contribute to a significant increase of the professional competence of internal affairs officers.

Keywords: professional competence, building, abilities, business game, methods, discussion, reflection, educational process, team, internal affairs officers.

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Reading literacy in Kazakhstan and lifelong learning from the perspectives of different ages

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_203

Gaysha E. Imambayeva

Aigul B. Akhmetova 

Abstract. The article considers the importance of reading literacy as a part of lifelong learning. The significance of reading process in lifelong learning is recognized as a necessary factor for further development of human beings, which should be practiced and experienced throughout life. Moreover, the statement of lifelong learning in Kazakhstan is represented as an example, where reading literacy level and the reviews of international survey assessment should be taken into account. The measurement of reading literacy among Kazakhstani young adolescents demonstrated poor results, which may be considered as worrisome for further literacy development. As literacy level is a pivotal and beneficial issue in lifelong learning, a brief review of various life-learning strategies in well-developed countries represents that people of different ages may start learning process voluntary at any age of their adulthood.  The learning process is considered to be of high quality, it is in high demand and may be far from traditional education.  The analysis  of specific features in educational experience of well-developed countries contributes to the widespread use and implementation of lifelong education in the structure of education in Kazakhstan, which is represented in the form of a “mind map” framework as  a  way of promoting reading literacy level throughout life.

Keywords: lifelong learning, perspectives, teachers, learners, adults, literacy, reading skills, abilities, comprehension, assessment.

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The evaluation items of a modern foreign language textbook from the point of view of the implementation of the personal-developing content of language education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_167

Elena M. Kazantseva

Abstract. The article describes the main items of the evaluation of a modern foreign language textbook from the point of view of the implementation of the personal-developing content of language education. Each item is represented through the prism of criterions.

The textbook is considered from the point of view of structure, organization of the personal-developing content of language education and the specificity of a taught subject “Foreign language”. The key items are: the purposefulness and the personal orientation of the textbook content, the possibility of an individual educational trajectory choosing, ensuring the textbook’s learning productivity, consistency and complexity, continuity of the personal-developing content of language education realized in a particular textbook, and the multicultural orientation of the content of personal-developing language education.

Keywords: foreign language textbook, personal-developing content of language education, content of education.

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Development of interethnic tolerance among university students on the material of documentary films

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_151

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the methodological and methodical tools in the study of implementing educational tasks by means of media education based on documentary films, including the development of technologies and methods of teaching university classes with elements of media education to foster students’ interethnic tolerance. Hands-on approaches are based on the methodology of performing literary-imitative, literary-analytical, theatrical role-playing tasks on the material of media culture using the key concepts of media education: media agencies, media categories, media languages, media technologies, media representations, media audiences. Media education allows to solve specific educational tasks during the discussion of documentaries with students on the topic of interethnic tolerance.  These tasks are to teach university students to reject the ideology of racial, national, interethnic, interfaith intolerance and extremism; improve interpersonal relations among students based on mutual understanding, patience and mutual assistance; develop students’ ability to listen and hear, to “put” themselves in the place of the interlocutor; develop students’ skills of critical analysis of media texts on the topic of interethnic tolerance.

Keywords: interethnic tolerance, documentary films, students, dialogue of cultures, ethnic stereotypes, media education, media text, representation, hate speech, national identity, multicultural state, ethnic culture, xenophobia.

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Development of the teacher’s subjective position in conditions of network educational event

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_179

Emiliya Choyzhalsanovna Zhambalova

Zhargal Urzhinsuren

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the development of subjective position of the personality in general and teachers in particular. In order to determine and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the development of the subjective position of the teachers, an analysis of the literature and a questionnaire were carried out, the results of which are presented in the article. It was revealed that one of the conditions for the development of subjective position of the personality, including students, is the implementation of the event approach through educational events. Educational events are considered as a situation of reflexive activity that contributes to the development of the subject of activity.

The paper describes approaches to the definition of the concepts of “educational events” and “network educational events”, defines the characteristics of educational events and necessary conditions for their organization in the network. The author presents and substantiates the possibility of using network educational events as a productive form for advanced training in general and for the mastering new roles in particular. The author gives the refined interpretation of the concept of “network educational event”, which was formulated based on the results of the research.   

Keywords: subjective position of the teachers, event approach, educational event, network educational event.

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The need of humanitarian knowledge for creative education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_188

Elena A. Kozlova

Abstract. The article examines the features of the modern higher education system in the aspect of the excessive focus of the curriculum on the formation of practical skills of students. Employers need a professional who can immediately take up their duties without long-term training. At the same time, employees with leadership qualities and creative thinking are more appreciated. These qualities are part of the humanitarian knowledge. Only with highly educated and creative specialists is it possible to successfully modernize production, increase the competitiveness and business image of companies. The creative abilities of a person depend on the characteristics of the work of the right and left hemispheres: figurative and logical components, harmoniously combined when analyzing problems. It is the ability of analysis and synthesis that higher education is called upon to develop, this is its mission. The gap between technical and humanitarian knowledge is the reason for the lack of initiative, creativity and ethical responsibility of university graduates. The global reorientation of society towards knowledge that is useful from a material point of view leads the heads of universities, applicants and their parents to an erroneous point of view about guarantees of professional efficiency. The work proves that humanitarian knowledge, more than any other, effectively influences the formation of high-quality logical thinking, creative consciousness, self-awareness, social and professional qualities. The concept of creativity and linguistic creativity is revealed in detail. Humanitarization is considered as a process of saturation of curricula with disciplines of the humanitarian cycle. And also as a system of thoughtful and balanced measures aimed at the priority development of general cultural competencies, presented in the goals and objectives, the content of academic disciplines, learning technologies focused on the comprehensive development and improvement of the human personality, which is central to the structure of social relations. The essence of the humanization of education is the recognition of the spiritual world of a person as the highest value, the raising of ethical questions at the center of educational activities.

Key words: mission of universities, leadership, humanitarization, creativity, social responsibility.

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English for medical students: current stage and development prospects

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_170

Tatiana B. Vepreva

Olga V. Pechinkina

Abstract. The modern world needs competent and mobile medical professionals who can work in a multicultural society in any country of the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the structure and content of the «Foreign language» discipline to contribute to more conscious, active and motivated learning of the subject. The methodology is based on Federal state educational standards, programmes of «Foreign language» discipline for higher educational institutions, and existing literature on the problem. To determine the specific situations of further use of a foreign (English) language, a focus group survey was conducted. The result of the research is the substantiation of the «Foreign language» course structure with the suggested topics and grammatical material distributed in modules. The authors of the study propose a course model consisting of three consecutive modules based on the content and the students’ needs. The proposed model will allow forming the universal competencies necessary for a future doctor and integrating into the professional community without any problems.

Key words: English, medicine, higher school, modular training system, professional development of medical students.

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Development of interethnic tolerance of american students in the process of media education

Mikhaleva G. V.

The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to developing interethnic tolerance of student youth in the US by means of media education at the present stage. The analysis shows that in the context of fostering interethnic tolerance in the contemporary American system of media education, the following methods of media and information literacy are used: issue-enquiry approach, problem-based learning, scientific enquiry, case study, cooperative learning, critical and semiotic analyses of media content, contextual analysis, “transformation” method of media content, role-plays and simulations, projects.

Key words: student youth, media education, interethnic tolerance, ethnic stereotype, discrimination, racism, USA, mass media, hate speech, media and information literacy.

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