Категория: 5.8. Pedagogy

Mixing business with pleasure: how to learn foreign language and culture with movies

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_152

Еlena Е. Kalish

Yuliya B. Dyundik

Abstract. The command of a language is a practical skill that helps a human to adapt in society. Teaching a foreign language should also be done in compliance with the practical nature of linguistic knowledge. A language is to be studied in the context of its usage within the discourse that makes linguistic utterances truly meaningful. Watching movies for pedagogical purposes allows students to learn a foreign language in the media that matches natural cultural discourse as closely as possible. Thus, the movie demonstrates the context of the language usage and shows thе fragments of its native speakers’ life. The authors suggest their own discourse-oriented methods of work with the movie resources as an alternative to traditional educational materials, such as texts. These methods may be used by educators in preparation of their own film-related tasks, a very time-consuming process by itself.

Key words: movie, movie industry, movie resources, learning a foreign language, teaching a foreign language, discourse, context of situation, adaptive ability.

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The role of multilingual environment in second-language acquisition

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_167

Ekaterina Yu. Fatyushina

Abstract. The article deals with the speech activity of artificial bilingual individuals depending on the environment (monolingual or multilingual) in which a new language has been studied. According to the hypothesis, a person mastering a new language in a group, where some students have already been bilingual by the time of learning, demonstrates more readiness to switch the language code and a richer range of functions when using this language compared to those who have acquired it in a monolingual group. The results of the survey showed that the willingness to code switching didn’t correlate significantly with the environment of learning a foreign language. Another part of the hypothesis was confirmed – those who have studied a new language in a multilingual environment more often use it as an instrument of social interaction and a means of expressing attitudes. Bilingual individuals who have learned a new language in a monolingual environment are more likely to use it only for exchanging information and expressing thoughts.

Keywords: monolingual individual, bilingual individual, multilingual individual, monolingual environment (group), multilingual environment (group), code switching.

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Online reader marathon as technology of studying «arctic robinsonade»

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_197

Tatiana V. Shvetsova

Veronika E. Shakhova

Abstract. The article describes the concept of creating a reader-online marathon and the specificity of its implementation in the framework of the development of the «Arctic robinsonade» plot. The artistic text of the XX century – the novel by Constantin Badigin «The way to Grumant» is involved as material. The plot is based on a real historical event of the 18th century – the voyage of Pomors to the Arctic, where they were shipwrecked and forced to survive on an uninhabited island for six years, from 1743 to 1749. The study of «Arctic Robinsonade» contributes to the formation of aesthetics of reader perception of artistic texts that are part of the northern superscript; cultural self-identification, which is defined by the reader through an understanding of the literary text as a regional value; a respectful attitude to the cultural heritage of the Russian North, a sense of belonging to the historical past of a small homeland, to the heroes of a bygone era. The leading method of work in organizing an online marathon is a method of microlearning. The microlearning method as a phenomenon of the digital transformation of education is oriented to the modern person, allowing to solve important applied tasks in online learning. It illustrates the practical application of this method in an online marathon based on the didactic potential of the mobile application VKontakte. The article discusses the learning process, task formats and results of the experimental marathon.

Keywords: «Arctic Robinsonade», reader’s marathon, image of the Arctic, chronotope of the Arctic, Native literature.

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Enhancing speech skills while teaching foreign language for specific purposes (subject area: tourism)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_136

Larisa G. Vikulova

Elena I. Cherkashina

Abstract. The paper deals with the problem of forming communicative speech skills of BA students who study French for special purposes. The relevance of the problem addressed is determined by the current social demand for teaching foreign languages for special purposes at the university level. It is pointed out that the formation of foreign language professional competence of students is possible with the use of authentic materials in the subject area of tourism. It is emphasized that students can maintain their level of professionalism due to the skills of working with authentic sources of information and the ability to participate in international professionally relevant events. It is stated that students’ knowledge of strategies of mastering tourism discourse in a foreign language provides the creation of speech products that meet the requirements of lexical-grammatical cohesion, content logic, structure of an utterance with reliance on professionally relevant texts. It is specified that education programs for undergraduate students have aims directed at mastering all types of speech activity based on professional vocabulary and at skills of professional communication. The research methods are based on fundamental principles of teaching languages for special purposes: authenticity, scientific basis, language means, social demand, and teaching methodology. The research results in the suggested series of exercises that are essential for building speech skills in the process of teaching language for special purposes. These exercises can be used in teaching a foreign language to students of Russian universities within the subject area of «tourism».

Key words: French for professional purposes, student’s professional thesaurus, forming communicative speech skills, subject area “tourism”, texts of flyers.

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Current trends and development prospects of the olympiad movement in mathematics at a technical university

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_1_218

Olga D. Tolstyh

Svetlana V. Mindeeva

Abstract. The object of the authors’ research is the Olympiad movement at a technical university. This article is a continuation of several articles published by the authors on the Olympiad movement. The thirty-year experience of the assistant professor of the department and co-author of the article is the justification of interest in this area. The authors are interested in the issue prospects for developing of the student mathematical Olympiad. The Olympic movement is considered a unique environment with all participants in the process is immersed. The authors believe that the source of the Olympiad movement was the mathematical club, the result of which is the participation of students in numerous Olympiads, both university and all-Russian, victory in them. The article presents the experience gained by the Department of Mathematics in conducting the regional student Olympiad on the basis of the Irkutsk State University of Railways, on the basis of which conclusions drawn about the need to introduce additional measures, in particular: providing participating universities with a detailed list of program questions and tasks for preparing for the test; presentation of participating universities; The format of the round table related to the analysis of outstanding tasks or errors; excursion to the history of the regional Olympiad. The innovations we have identified and the analysis of existing measures indicate in which direction the further work of the Olympiad movement should be carried out, working on the prospects for its development.

Keywords: regional mathematical Olympiad, Olympiad movement, mathematics, non-standard problems, mathematical club, independent work, set of tasks, participating universities.

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Formation of goal-setting action in buryat lessons

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_196

Sonombal Th. Sodnomov

Annotation. The paper deals with the problems of forming goal-setting action in Buryat lessons. In the author’s opinion, the problem is especially acute in Buryat lessons as a lot of students consider this subject unnecessary and the knowledge of the Buryat language not prestigious. An analysis of the practical activities of teachers shows that the goals of educational activities are mostly set and formulated by the teacher himself. Ignorance of the lesson goals as well as the goals of studying the educational material make students weary, unwilling to learn the language, and also reduces their working capacity.

The author suggests specific techniques that can be used in Buryat lessons at the stage of goal setting. The proposed techniques increase motivation, help students accept the goals of the lesson.

Key words: Buryat language, modern lesson, goal-setting, educational process, formation, standard, universal learning activities, ability, lesson goal, lesson objectives.

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The influence of life values on the level of formation of orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work through benchmarking-technology

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_207

Liliya R. Ziyazieva

Abstract. The article considers the influence of life values on the formation of the orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work through benchmarking-technology by M. Rokich’s method. The terminal and instrumental concepts of learners are defined, and the influence of life values on the formation of the orientation-motivational component is proved. It is shown that the formation of the personality of students, their system of values, learning motivation are influenced not only by society, but also by the institute of family, community, and events happening in the world. The author considers the orientation-motivational component together with life priorities as one of the components of the pedagogical model of university student’s readiness for independent work using benchmarking-technology and finds their interrelation and influence on the formation of students’ preparedness for independent work. As well as the influence of life priorities and the influence of the mentality of nations on the motivational component.

The orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work is aimed at students’ awareness of a specific goal in their self-study activities, focused on performing individual work through benchmarking-technology, providing additional tasks and topics focused on future professional activities.

Key words: level of formation, orientation-motivational component, benchmarking-technology, independent work, life values, mentality of nations.

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Analysis of russian military patriotic feature films of the soviet and post-soviet periods*

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_194

Irina V. Chelysheva

Abstract. The article deals with the problems of using educational, developmental and educational tasks of media education in a university environment. The author presents a theoretical review of research on the topic, analyzes methodological approaches in working with students, contributing to the development of civic engagement, the formation of civic consciousness, a sense of patriotism based on Russian military patriotic feature films of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

Analysis of cinematic material includes the study of key media educational concepts: “media agencies”, “media categories”, “media language”, “media technologies”, “media representations”, “media audiences”. Also, the examples of creative assignments are presented, the use of which is possible in lectures and practical classes in a student audience.

The article also presents a short filmography of cinematographic works of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

Key words: media, media education, art cinematography, patriotism, civic engagement, media text analysis, students.

*The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project number21-011-31036 «Formation of university students’ civic engagement based on the material of national art cinema».

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Development of university students’ civic culture on the material of russian social drama films

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_180

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the technologies and methods of conducting university classes with the elements of film education that contribute to promoting students’ civic engagement based on Russian social drama films. The main research method is a critical analysis of audiovisual media texts about acute social problems of our time, including the analysis of the social stereotypes representations, character analysis, plot analysis and ethical analysis of media representations. Film education allows one to meet some specific educational objectives when viewing and analysing social drama films in the student audience, which are as follows: developing university students’ critical skills in analysing audiovisual media texts, including social stereotypes; teaching students to reasonably defend their life and civic positions, and attitudes to various social challenges of our time; cultivating spiritual and moral values, awareness of national and state identity among young people; fostering civic culture and responsibility; encouraging models of constructive behaviour in various difficult life situations, including problematic and conflict situations; inspiring a strong feeling of rejection of antisocial and disruptive behaviour among young people.

Keywords: civic engagement, civic culture, social drama, university students, film education, audiovisual media text, social stereotype, media representation, civic education, civic competence, critical analysis.

The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project number 21-011-31036.

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Development of interethnic tolerance of student youth on the material of the motion pictures

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_216

Irina V.Chelysheva

Abstract. The article discusses methodological and methodical approaches to the problem of the development of interethnic tolerance of the student audience based on the material of fiction movies. The author presents the implementing of a cycle of media education classes in the educational process of a university based on the identified main Russian and foreign theoretical and methodological concepts for the development of interethnic tolerance, which can be a promising basis for further successful development in Russian conditions in the context of using educational, educative tasks of media education; development of technologies and methods for conducting training sessions at the university with elements of media education, contributing to the development of interethnic tolerance.

The author presents an analysis of classes, the fundamental basis of which is modern domestic and foreign methods and technologies that are most widely used in modern media education practice. The work with feature films is based on the main types of analysis of works of media culture: autobiographical, structural, critical, semiotic, identification, analysis of cultural mythology, analysis of key characters, etc.

Keywords: media, media education, interethnic tolerance, students, motion pictures, creative activities, analysis of the media text.

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