Mixing business with pleasure: how to learn foreign language and culture with movies
DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_152
Abstract. The command of a language is a practical skill that helps a human to adapt in society. Teaching a foreign language should also be done in compliance with the practical nature of linguistic knowledge. A language is to be studied in the context of its usage within the discourse that makes linguistic utterances truly meaningful. Watching movies for pedagogical purposes allows students to learn a foreign language in the media that matches natural cultural discourse as closely as possible. Thus, the movie demonstrates the context of the language usage and shows thе fragments of its native speakers’ life. The authors suggest their own discourse-oriented methods of work with the movie resources as an alternative to traditional educational materials, such as texts. These methods may be used by educators in preparation of their own film-related tasks, a very time-consuming process by itself.
Key words: movie, movie industry, movie resources, learning a foreign language, teaching a foreign language, discourse, context of situation, adaptive ability.
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