Категория: First Steps in Science

The case name Pierre Larousse in French Publishing Literature

UDK 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

T. I. Filippova

The article is devoted to the history of encyclopedia as a scientific genre, as well as to one of the most famous encyclopaedists of France and of the whole world – Pierre Larousse. It highlights the principal moments of his biography and it describes some encyclopedias and dictionaries of his publishing house Librairie Larousse.

Key words: encyclopedia, Pierre Larousse, dictionary, logotype.

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The research of french website of greeting cards Dromadaire

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

A. E. Piatnitskaia

The article is devoted to the research of website greeting cards. All sections of the site Dromadaire are considered. The analysis of texts of greeting cards are carried out, and it is proved that postcard is the genre of phatic communication.

Keywords: Phatic communication, website Dromadaire, greeting card, Dromacarte, video-card.

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The usage of distance technologies in teaching English grammar on the base of the educational platform Sakai

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.48

Zasukhina A. S.

The article examines the advantages of using distant technologies in teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic fields of study. It describes the experience of using the e-learning platform Sakai as information and communication environment during the practice stage in the course of teaching English grammar.

Key words: distance learning; teaching grammar; e-learning platform.

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Characteristics of socially dangerous youth subcultures

UDC 373.24 BBK 74.03(0)

Kondranin Alexander, Sidenko Andrey

The article deals with the characteristics of the main socially dangerous youth subcultures, which are currently common: skinheads; punks; emo; goths. The skinhead movement is based on the feelings of aggression, cruelty and violence. Punks are related to a socially dangerous movement because of the provocative style of dress, musical tastes and shocking behavior. Scientists consider goths and emo to be the most dangerous. The negative impact of these subcultures on adolescents and young people is noted by modern Russian researchers, since their ideology is based on the cult of death.

Key words: socially dangerous subcultures, youth, teenagers, influence, punks, emo, goths, skinheads.

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Paradoxical nature of communicative failure as the key to communicative success (based on author’s TV programs)

UDC 81’42 BBK 81.055.1

Mochalova T. G.

The article puts an emphasis on the theoretical points of media discourse, communicative strategies and communicative tactics, deals with features of a communicative failure. The study provides examples of communicative strategies based on author’s TV programs and targeted at conflict as a paradoxical result of communicative success.

Key words: communicative strategies, communicative tactics, communicative success, communicative failure.

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The monuments of cultural heritage of France and their representation in the printed guide

UDC 811.13 BBK 81.471.1

Ablyazova A. R.

The article is devoted to the monuments of the cultural heritage of France and their representation in a printed guide. The establishment of the World Heritage List and the involvement of France in UNESCO are shown. An analysis of the presentation of monuments on the basis of the printed guide and the official site of UNESCO was made.

Key words: monuments of cultural heritage, UNESCO, guide, tourist discourse, French heritage, cultural object.

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Peculiarities of education of French women in the XVII century

UDC 37(09) BBK 74.03(4Фра)5

Tokareva N. V.

The article is devoted to the problem of female education in France of the XVII century. It shows the difficulties of access to education, in particular, it presents the way to educate women of the XVII century at home, in monasteries, in schools, boarding schools and salons.

Key words: women’s education, home education, monastery, boarding school, salon.

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English-russian translation of sсreenplays (based on the scripts to S. Daldry’s and T. Hooper’s films)

UDC 811.11 BBK 81.432.1

Gorshkova O. S.

The article represents a synopsis of the findings on the structural-grammatical transformations and the linguistic features of the scripts to S. Daldry’s and T. Hooper’s films. The paper also tackles the nature of such notions as discourse and film discourse, which proves relevant for determining the structural changes taking place within the process of scripts translation.

Keywords: film discourse; lexical and syntactic transformation; translation; script; screenplay.

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Social orphanhood in Russia. The necessity to organise mediative services in the centers structure of the public assistance to family and children

UDC 364 BBK 60.5

Ruzal Yu. V.

The article deals with the issues of social orphanhood in Russia. It gives the latest statistical data. It describes the specifics of the phenomenon for our country. It proves the necessity to organize mediative services in the centers structure of the public assistance to family and children.

Keywords: social orphan hood; scheduled maintenance; social work; street children; mediation.

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