Категория: # 4, 2015

Secondary author-focused text as a primary source-text projection

UDC 81 BBK 80

Ukanakova N. V.

The aim of the paper is to suggest analyzing secondary author-focused texts for the purposes of text perception and production research. The main results of the research concern the cognitive model of the text projection forming process which is applied to the production of secondary author-focused texts. The latter ones are looked upon as material realizations of reader’s (or viewer’s) text projections. Correlations between strategies, tactics of text projection forming process and cognitive operation type for interpreting information acquired by the reader are described. Suggested practical implications of the research include developing general cognitive model of text perception and text production. Secondary author-focused texts and their peculiarities aimed at preserving the author’s image in the procreated text require further exploration.

Keywords: text perception and production strategies; cognitive model, hypermediality; secondary (product) author-focused text.

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Regional language unions associations in german-speaking areal as a result of the discursive interaction of national varieties

UDC 81-23 BBK 81.432.4

Kopchuk Lj. B.

The article studies the specifics of the language situations in the countries of German speech in connection with the intensification of the process of regionalization, and the impact of this process on the discursive interaction of national variants of German, resulting in a qualitative and quantitative completion of the vocabulary with interethnic regionalisms.

Key words: linguistic variety; regionalization; Language Union; discursive practices; regional standards; substandard; regionalism

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The concept “happiness” in the formation of media environment of towns in Russia

UDC 371.69:004.3 BBK 74.48

Zhilavskaya I. V.

The article first deals with such a complicated and polysemantic concept as “happiness” in the context of the Russian media space. It gives the answers to some problematic issues in the course of sociological research of a media environment made in town Ozyora of Moscow region. It gives the conclusions which are very important to understand deep transformations in consciousness of citizens of the local settlement, and Russia in general.

Key words: Media environment, “the third Russia”, happiness, media education, media activity of local community, cluster master’s thesis.

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Diagnostic techniques to monitor media competence of the secondary language personality

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with diagnostic techniques and their efficiency, that are used to monitor media competence of the secondary language personality – priority purpose of media education. It touches a topic of media educational purpose.

Key words: media education, media competence of the secondary language personality, diagnostics, foreign language.

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Ethnographical dolls of the second half of XX century: acquisition, restoration, attribution

UDC 688.721 BBK 85.126.7

Zhabreva A. E.

The article concerns the European souvenir dolls of the second half of XX century as the object of collecting. The author speaks about some doll producers and methods of manufacturing of doll’s bodies and costumes. The researcher also reports about restoration and attribution methods on the basis of her own personal experience. The article raises the issue of the role of souvenir dolls as a medium of information on traditional costume.

Keywords: souvenir dolls, ethnographic dolls, doll production.

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Development of IT-technologies in the banking sector in Russia under sanctions

UDC 004:[316.3:008] BBK 74.58:73

Gorbunova O. N., Shestakova Y. V.

The article deals with the main advantages of banks by using information technology. It analyzes some statistical aspects of information technology to develop banks, the main problems of banks in the field of IT-technologies, caused by the EU and US sanctions against Russia. It provides the solutions to the identified problems based on the expert opinion.

Keywords: information technology, banking, sanctions, the information society, “Internet banking” crisis.

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Interaction between person-centered educational process participants

UDC 370.153 BBK 74.10.241

Fedotova M. V.

In this article, the author focuses on the phenomenon of the pedagogical interaction of participants of educational processes and answers the question of whether the relationships “teacher – trainee” and “professor – student” are really equal partnerships and “subject-subject” ones. He proves conclusively that at the current stage of educational development, there is much tension around the issue of person-centered interaction between a teacher and students; the major characteristics of the relationship are now interactive learning, mutual understanding, two-way influence and compatibility.

Key words: interaction, communication, educational processes, trainee, the “subject-subject” relationships, participants of educational processes

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The new concept of the public policy to support families with preschool children

UDC 37.01-053.4 BBK 74.100

Polichka N. P.

Under existing conditions of another coming “demographic pit” the author suggests identifying new priorities for the public policy to support families with preschool children, which will be based on care and supervision services, rather than preschool education service.

Keywords: public policy to support families with preschool children, care and supervision service, preschool education service, day care, societal market, the market for pre-school education services.

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Education quality control within secondary vocational education: from theory to practice (by work experience of GBPOU IO IKATIDS)

UDC 37:21 BBK 74.81,6(2)2,0

Kryzhanovskaya E. S.

The article looks at quality control within secondary vocational education (SVE). It considers the system of total quality control with the example of a modern college of the Irkutsk Region. The article elaborates the final quality characteristics, conceptual basis, principles, and so on of quality management in education. The author describes the different levels of quality control: Management by targets, process, and final result.

Key words: secondary vocational education; SVE; management; education quality; theory; quality assessment; principles; management by targets; management by process; management by results.

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